New Chapter for Enter, Peacetime
Enter, Peacetime
MMADfan6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
The final battle ends, and Alastor Moody helps to usher another wizard into peacetime. Not DH-compliant. One-shot. Snape-centric.
Takes place during and immediately after the final battle.
Contains spoilers for the fic Death’s Dominion.
Secondary category of “Potions Under Duress” for implied SSHG friendship.
Chapters (1)
About MMADfan
41 Stories | Favorited by 312 | 127 Reviews Written | 4,741 Review Responses
Note 10 December 2015: I've been unable to write fanfic the last couple years, but I haven't abandoned my works-in-progress!
Many of my completed fics are available for download in ebook format through my blog and LJ.
Perfect Imagination accredited beta. PI:7311261659.
More about me here.
Reviews for Enter, Peacetime
I loved this:) Now I have to go read "Death;s Dominion" again. But this was masterfully told:)Brava!Fizzabella
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
Thanks, Fizzabella! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!I hope you enjoy your reread!TTFN!-MMADfan ;-)
Excellent fic, MMADfan! I really enjoyed the insight into Moody's thoughts.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
This is a wonderful little side story to the RaM-DD universe. I'm glad you decided to write it and then to share it with us.Albus broke my heart. The way you wrote his dialogue and delivery, the way he stayed with Minerva and held her hand, even the way he spoke of Snape nearly brought tears to my eyes. He was so emotional and yet still remained composed, for the most part. Now, all you need to do is write the extra "between the lines" bits of when Albus and Minerva are alone and he's quietly talking to her and reassuring her. tee hee. And, of course, you know she'll wake up and he'll be overjoyed!I hadn't given it much thought but there are some similarities between Snape and Moody. I'm glad that on some level, Alastor can appreciate what Snape has done for the Order and for the side of light. I loved the little elf Albus sent to fetch Alastor. What a persistent and efficient little elf!Thanks for taking time to write this story. Now, I hope another plot bunny attacks you so we'll have something else grand to read. TTFN,GLM
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
I'm glad you liked it! This little fic has been waiting to be written since I wrote the original scene in DD, even before, that, actually, since it was the conception of this story that led to the few lines in DD referring to Moody leaving and returning with Severus.Yes, there are similarities between Severus and Moody -- remember that Moody was the one whom Albus had picked to impersonate Severus in AAoL when Severus had to be seen "going to Mongolia." Glad you enjoyed seeing Albus and a bit of his concern for Minerva. It would certainly be hard for Albus -- and for Severus -- if Minerva died and yet they survived, thanks to her and her plans. I suppose that would have made a good story, but I decided to go with happiness and hope rather than irony.Thanks, as always, for reviewing!
Alistor really did mean that apology. Maybe some day Severus will invite him to sit down and share that bottle of firewhisky.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
Yep, he did really mean it. He has his problems, but he's not a bad person, and given the opportunity to examine his behavior, he can feel remorse and be courageous enough to actually apologize. Maybe someday Severus will be able to do as you suggest. :-)Thanks for the review!
that was a phenominal outtake. thanks muchly
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
You're muchly welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks!
*snip*They would come first. He cast a quick spell to numb his arm, and then carried on with his duty.That's my Alastor.... *nods*
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*Dumbledore’s deceits . . . in some ways, Alastor found them worse—worse personally, not objectively. He remembered the first time he had encountered one of Dumbledore’s grand deceits, when he was scarcely older than young Potter was now. It had been a relief, a great relief, to learn that Dumbledore had been dissembling, but . . . in an odd way, learning of the deceit seemed to double the pain Alastor had felt when he had believed it to be truth. He didn’t know why it should be so, but it was. Scrimgeour had shrugged it off, that deceit which had enabled them to defeat Grindelwald, but then, Rufus had known of it from the start, and he didn’t even hold the Crucio he had received from Dumbledore against the older wizard. When Alastor had questioned the other Auror about it, Scrimgeour had said that if he’d ever had any doubt that Dumbledore was acting in order to fool Grindelwald, it was the Cruciatus that had dispelled the doubt. At Moody’s incredulous stare, Scrimgeour had explained that he hadn’t thought it possible to cast a Crucio that hurt as little as that one had. Rufus had obstinately refused to speak of the events again, citing the secrecy orders from the Ministry, and Alastor had learned to live with the puzzle of Dumbledore’s deception, focussing his memory instead on the sacrifice that his former teacher had made months before that, saving his life.I'm really glad you explained that to us and glad that Alastor could overcome his pain and betrayal and look at the big picture, still trusting his mentor and still loving him.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*He climbed the stairs, becoming aware of an ache in his stump, and he wondered why Dumbledore wanted to see him—him, in particular. Since the first surprise of seeing Albus appear in the midst of the battle, Alastor had worked out that Albus must have been somewhere over the past year, and somewhere close. This, combined with the disappearance of Robbie Crouch, led him to the inevitable conclusion that Dumbledore had been masquerading as Crouch the entire time. He had certainly given Dumbledore no reason for increased affection for him; he had treated Crouch with suspicion and open dislike. Not only that, but he had shown clear interest in supplanting Crouch in Minerva’s affections. At least he hadn’t pressed his attentions upon her.Oh ho! Moody has pings for Minerva as well... she is quite the adored witch! *grins* As I'd expect.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Finished it and I appreciate you giving Moody the chance to repent and apologize... thank you. Aberforth was brilliantly written!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Enter, Peacetime)
Oh, yeah, Alastor is very fond of Minerva and thinks she's quite a witch! (With good reason!)I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It seemed an opportunity to show another side to part of DD, and to show another side of Moody, as well.I enjoyed writing Aberforth. I rarely do write him, but I like him quite a bit. Thanks very much!