New Chapter for Bridge of Sighs
Bridge of Sighs
Melenka3 Reviews | 3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Harry and Luna meet in Venice to discuss death, abandonment and things best left alone.
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About Melenka
Member Since 2008 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 82 | 104 Reviews Written | 967 Review Responses
Writer of various fiction, prone to putter in the garden, recovering costumer, dedicated wonk.
Reviews for Bridge of Sighs
The relationship between Harry and Luna is practically and open question. If JKR did a bad job developing that between Harry and Ginny, she almost left us in the blank about why she introduced Luna at all. One thing she left clear at the end of OotP, though; Harry could find in Luna comfort she couldn't find with anyone else, and your story beautifully makes use of this. Setting it in Venice adds a nice pinch of salt. I loved the last sentence. It makes an excellent coda.
Response from Melenka (Author of Bridge of Sighs)
Thank you for your lovely review. I agree that there is some connection between Harry and Luna, even in the books. It strikes me that they have the ability to speak freely in ways they can't with other people, which I think is a solid basis for a good relationship. I am glad you enjoyed my imagining of it. :)
How sad that they are so well matched, but nothing can come of it. You've really done justice to the pormpts. Well done!Beth
Response from Melenka (Author of Bridge of Sighs)
Thank you. I think this sort of thing could happen to anyone - finding out years later that you were better matched than you'd thought and perhaps ought to have made a go at it. The hardest part would be maintaining a friendship when you know it might have been more.
This to me is more tragic, because I think they would be a better match.
Response from Melenka (Author of Bridge of Sighs)
I do think they could be very well suited. Hence, the air of melancholy. They still find ways to show their love, but they both realize they missed an opportunity for great happiness.Thank you so much for your review. :)