New Chapter for Gingerly
ApollinaV20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
The newest addition to the Malfoy family has a surprise.
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About ApollinaV
Member Since 2008 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 97 | 169 Reviews Written | 627 Review Responses
Like many proud alumni of the honorable Hufflepuff House, ApollinaV is a rabbid Huffle-hugger, champion pear-tickler, and founding member of Cleansweep-Streakers Guild (the AV-Eyeful is so named in her honor). Since graduating Hogwarts, she done 'responsible' and 'professional' things - and resolves not to do that anymore. Dreadful amounts of paperwork.
Reviews for Gingerly
Great Twist! I loved the ending! Teach Narcissa a lesson!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. AV
Cute little story...with a very clever plot twist at the end! Guess Narcissa can't possibly blame ickle Scorpius's hair on Astoria's family now, since the Malfoy family isn't the only one to have both a connection with the Noble And Most Illustrious House Of Black and a metamorphmagus in their midst. It's a pity that Scorpius will never meet his auntie Tonks, though...and while we're on the subject, why isn't there a Tonks smiley????? Its hair could change color, and it could have a word balloon saying "Wotcher!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
LOL! If Baby Scorpius' first word was "Wotcher!" I think she might stroke out. Thanks for the review, I got such a chuckle out of it. AV
Oh, she's a cow in this! Too bad Draco didn't say something nasty. He evidently has more tact than his mother.The end was lovely, especially the blue hair. I can just see Draco's face!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Oh she is a perfect cow! But I think Draco's character would make an excellent father. And blue hair ftw! Thanks sweetie! AV
hahahahaha very amusing. well,they know that methamorphing is much closer on the family tree. and im sure once they let him out narcissa could force him tokeep to blond.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
I suppose Narcissa could try, but somehow I doubt Draco would stand for that. I think he'll make a lovely father. Thanks! AV
Surely this will sooth Cissy's mind. After all being a Metamorphmagus is a rare gift. And the genes run in the family so...
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Why yes, that would be the Black family genes. Actually, I wonder if anyone has ever postulated about other Black family members as Metamorphamaguses. RAB? That would have made the books considerably more interesting. AV
Ah, yes!! The metamorphmagus gene rears its head. No question the Black DNA is there. FABULOUS! I love Draco as the doting husband andfather, and Narcissa!!! Not a word from Lucius!! Great!In class I often refer to Patrician Roman family trees as more nests or web or brambles than trees, but circle works too!!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Circles indeed! But I think baby Scorpius is going to have the last word here. Thank you, sweetie. AV
Perfect! So it was Narcissa's side of the family that was to blame the entire time!! *grins*
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
~orders a dish of cold crow~ Oh yes, Scorpius will have the last word on this one. Thank you! AV
As the sole blue-eyed offspring in a family of brown-eyed girls, I'd just like to say: THANKS!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
You are absolutely welcome, m'dear. <3 AV
absofrickenlutely adorable! thanks so much
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
<3 Thanks kimjo! AV
I do enjoy a vulgar swearing Narcissa. Wouldnt it be a hoot none of her grandchildren were blond? More please
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
If none of her grandchildren were blond? That would just be the icing on the cake. I adore you MS, thanks for reviewing. <3 AV
I think it's ironic how she blame's astoria's side of the family when it was her side of the family all along.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
I believe it's called, 'Poetic Justice.' Scorpius will have the last laugh here. Thanks sweetie! AV
What a great fic! I loved the tie in to Narcissa's side of the family, since her sister had a metamorhpagus too. Ha. So basically its all her fault! Great ending. The whole thing is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing such awesome talents with us.Hugs, Muggle Mom
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Yep, all her fault. I do believe that Narcissa owes a few people an apology... Thanks, sweetie! AV
Well, that clears things up! He'll be ice-blonde in public, and around family, but have the coolness of being able to spite his grandmother by going red. Imagine if he married a Weasley and raised a ton of metamorphagus babies! Buahaha! I can just hear the screech of outrage from Narcissa : "My little Scorp is marrying a WEASLEY? Astoria, he gets it from your vile relatives. How DARE he!" It'd be even better if the Weasley in question was either Molly or Lucy, one of Percy's girls. Heehee! Or, of course, Rose Weasley, the offspring of *gasp* a MUDBLOOD! Oh, please, please do a follow up to this :)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
He certainly would be justified in spiting Narcissa. I do believe she owes some people apologies. And a Malfoy/Weasley marriage - adorable. Thanks! AV
Narcissa swearing like a guttersnipe was priceless! thank you for the laugh and the sweet ending!!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
<3 Thank you! Poor Narcissa, I have a feeling she will soon be thoroughly chastened. AV
ROFL. Poetic justice really! :)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Isn't it though? Thanks Sunny! AV
Wonderful ending there! what an amusing tale. I can somehow easily imagine Narcissa, who thinks herself above everyone else, talking like that.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
*grins Yes, well I think she'd better learn to start apologizing soon though. Thanks! AV
Great twist at the end!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Thank you sweetie, I'm glad you liked it! AV
Oh squee! A baby metamorphmagus! Lovely!!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Why thank you! ~adores you~ AV
ROFL!! that ending is PERFECT!!! and it makes complete sense, since Draco's first cousin Tonks (on Cissa's side of the family) was a Metamorphmagus. well, if Cissa ever talks to her sister Andromeda again, they will learn all about how to raise a blue-haired baby. thank you for sharing this!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Indeed. I do believe that's Narcissa's genes we're seeing... oops! Thanks! AV
Metamorphmagus...*giggle* Awesome. Make Madame Malfoy eat her hat! It's from the Black line. Bwahaha!Thank you for the chuckle~
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Gingerly)
You're absolutely right - it is from the Black line! I imagine she won't enjoy the taste of crow much, but an extra big helping is deserved. Thanks! AV