New Chapter for My Heart and Yours Forever
My Heart and Yours Forever
debjunk19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Hermione gets a symbolic gift from a mystery person.
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for My Heart and Yours Forever
Excellent story! Very cute. I absolutely LOVED it! Great job!~Jen
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Wow, A Dramione. Very different. And very well executed. Great Job. That AV, she really comes up with some awesome prompts...and you bang out awesome responses. Much Love ~ Karen
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thanks, hon. Yes, AV strikes again, stupendously. What can I say, when the muse bites, it bites hard!
delightful, my deb! if it can't be severus i can settle for draco. thanks so much (me blowing kisses)
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
I feel the same way. I do enjoy a good DM/HG now and then!
Oh, so cute. Draco can really be charming when he wants to be, and I like him as DADA professor.
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thanks, Merrin!
I have to be honest and say that I never normally read fics with Draco featured in them, much less in a romantic setting. So it's quite an achievement for you I guess in making me not only read but love this!I'm glad that I'm not the only romantic left in the world - I think the idea of the melting butter is delightful! (Although knowing me, if someone sent me such a thing - who am I kidding, chance would be a fine thing!! - I'd no doubt end up dripping it everywhere as it melted and cursing as it went everywhere!) This is very sweet. Thanks for sharing :-)BTW: Just out of interest - is this idea based on a real-life 'tradition' somewhere; I've never heard of it if so!
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
, I'm honored that you gave this a shot and enjoyed it so much! I'm such a sap! I love getting all mushy, like butter. I think there are a lot of us romatics left in the world. Luckily, Hermione had magic, or she'd probably have several puddles of butter on her desk right now.This prompt was from ApollinaV. She came up with the butter, duck, or, I forgot the other option. I think they're entirely fictional and purposefully outlandish to boot!
I really like the melting butter to symbolize the melting of Draco's heart for Hermione. Well done.Beth
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thanks, Beth! I'm sappy that way.
This is so sweet. It makes my heart melts.
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
LOL. Thank you!
I loved the metaphor for his heart melting and how you used the butter to send an actual message as well. Inspired! Thanks for sharing!
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Wow, thank you! Glad you liked it.
My second favorite pairing is HG/DM with the first being SS/HG. But you do both pairs justice. This was a cute-meet story, perfect for a Sunday.Didn't you do a one-shot last Sunday? Is this ritualistic writing?
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Why, yes it is! A group of us get together on Saturday nights and drabble together. We exchange prompts and have a blast. We chat a lot, too. Probably we chat more than we write, but it's loads of fun. You should join us, if you have the time. We always welcome more drabblers.I think HG/DM is my second fave too. I also enjoy LM/HG sometimes. I'm glad you enjoy both of my interpretations of these couples.
Awww! This makes my heart melt too. I love that it was Draco. He makes a fine prince charming. Wonderful kiss. AV
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
He really does make a fine Prince... sometimes charming! He's definitely assured, that's for sure. Although I think he was a bit worried in this story.
AWw, this was so adorable! Lovely Draco! Not one box, but three!Means he loves her triple much!
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
It definitely does! And butter of all things.
Great Job with this - love the butter/melting heart symbolism - great job!!!
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thank you!
I want to say 'how sweet,' because this is a lovely Dramione, but can't quite get over the image of a greasy, melty, smelly tub of butter being delivered to poor Hermione. And apparently Draco figures she's a three-stick kinda girl. All I'm saying is, that could go toward a whole lotta popcorn-making!
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Well, they can have popcorn, lobster, make some sinful dessert that involves tons of butter. They'll be enjoying that butter for a while, I reckon. I'm sure the butter was very fresh, so probably wasn't smelly. The melty part, though... could be messy. Should have been chocolate!
That's one way to butter a woman up LOL :)
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Bah, hah, hah. That's hilarious! Thanks, hon.
This is true: time with Draco will never be boring.
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Tell me about it! I'm sure he's quite the gentleman when he wants to be, and quite the opposite when he wants to be.
A golden tale, smoothly told and whipped with honey.
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Mmm, honey-butter!
Neat, absolutely neat! *applauds*
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
Thanks, hon!
YAY for Draco! Now what do they do with all that butter?
Response from debjunk (Author of My Heart and Yours Forever)
I hear lobster is a food of love.