New Chapter for Technique
ApollinaV32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
Crookshanks has something to say.
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About ApollinaV
Member Since 2008 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 97 | 169 Reviews Written | 627 Review Responses
Like many proud alumni of the honorable Hufflepuff House, ApollinaV is a rabbid Huffle-hugger, champion pear-tickler, and founding member of Cleansweep-Streakers Guild (the AV-Eyeful is so named in her honor). Since graduating Hogwarts, she done 'responsible' and 'professional' things - and resolves not to do that anymore. Dreadful amounts of paperwork.
Reviews for Technique
Cute. I enjoyed ghd chuckle.
Funny and fun! So glad the random story button delivered this little gem to me!
Poor Crooks, no respect.
*snort* Got to love that cat!! Well done! /M
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
I love writing Crooksy. Thanks AV
This was hilarious! *fg* I can SO see Crook's behaviour, since I'm owned by four cats myself... such a collar would be quite desirable, though.
Author's Response:
~giggles~ Thank you! I've got a house full of cats as well. Writing Crooks is easy when I've got a tom who provides much inspiration. <3 AV
I like!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you!
I have never laughed so hard.. you just made my night :) I can just picture the look on Severus's face when Crookshanks starts speaking to him.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
~grins~ Thank you so much. I love Crooksy, he's such a tomcat. Best, AV
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
~grins~ Thank you so much. I love Crooksy, he's such a tomcat. Best, AV
ROFL Biting her, indeed!
You have no idea what I was thinking when Crooks said: "You aren't biting her.He was taking a sterility potion without telling Hermione? Methinks a few more conversations with Crooks about how to treat Hermione are in order.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
No, I have no idea what you were thinking, but I'll let it be. And absolutely, Severus needs to get his head screwed on straight, via Crooks or otherwise. Thank you apisa! AV
He was takingn a birth control potion and not telling her about it? Wheres the trust man?! I wish there was more with talking Crooks. Seems like he would have plenty to say.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
I think Crooks was a bit indignant about being forced to talk with his familiars. But I think he would have plenty to say if asked nicely. Thank you for reading and reviewing, MS. AV
Oh, Crooks had a good reason to want to keep his kitty thoughts to himself. Oh, Sev, you really weren't reading your wife very well.Great piece :)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you love. I think Crooks meant well, and Severus... he just needed a clue. I appreciate the review. AV
man, if all it took for ovulation was a bit on the neck it would be a splendid form of birth control. thanks so much
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Seriously! That would be fantastic. Noo.. not tonight Honey, my neck is hurting me... Thank you kimjo! AV
OMG! That was fabulous
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Why thank you! I appreciate that. AV
Great stuff, I have a male cat who is great at escaping the collar and takes great offense to wearing it.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
I too, have a Tomcat. And he's perfect inspiration for writing Crooks. Crooks is such an alpha-male. Ya gotta love him. Thank you m'dear. AV
"Basts’ bubbies!" LOL! Almost peed my pants at that one! The thought of Severus having kittens, in any sense, is just too funny. As the dedicated familiar to three male cats I can sympathize with the indignity of the collar, the "I am ticked off at you" disappearance and the mystery of the shredded remains. My dear, you already know I love your stories.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you so much
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
. I have only one indignant tom who lets me know when I am out of his favor and when I may be permitted to pet him ... but not too much. Crooks is such a character to love. AV
Very cute story. Kind of hoping for more, here. I like the idea of a talking Crookshanks, and I love his personality. Very believeable, actually.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Ah, therein lies the problem with me and drabbles. This was written for a prompt during one of our 'Saturday Night Drabbles' on the TPP forum. I'm limited to 1,000 words - and I'm one of those who'll write 5,000 words where 1,000 will do. I also, was kind of hoping for more. Thank you love. AV
It was funny, bittersweet, romantic, and hilarious all in one. Excellent job, AV!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you OSU. I appreciate that dear. AV
This was amazing... poignant on so many levels. I can hear Crookshanks voice in my head!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
*grins* You can hear Crooks in your head? Yeah! Isn't he wonderful? He's such a fun character to write. Thanks
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
! AV
I don't know how you do it. You made a very one-dimensional, humorless animal very funny. But you always seem to have the right mixture of humor, sentiment, angst and smut (where applicable).Another great one-shot, AV. I noticed this is the second Sunday in a row for you. Does it mean anything?
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Ah, well, we do Saturday Night Drabbling with the girls. It's on it's... 14th week? I have been absent for some. But it's 100-1,000 words and we pick up and leave prompts in the TPP forums. Oh, I have a larger-than-life Tomcat who provides much inspiration to Crooks. Thank you Claivoyant! Join us next Sat Night for drabbling??? We meet in the Chatzy forum... is lots of fun... Think about it. AV
As being happily owned by several spoiled cats myself, I can fully understand Crooks indignation over that collar. Excellently written and highly entertaining!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
! I have only one tom, and he provides me oodles of inspiration for Crooksy. But Crooks is such a fun character to write, what a Tom. AV
I love the idea of him being able to talk, especially since he refused to communicate with Hermione...
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Yes, well, I think he got a bit indignant about Hermione forcing him to talk. His master is not accustomed to being forced to do anything. *grins* Thanks! AV
I absolutely love this one--funny, yet a little sentimental, and I love how Crooks scares the crap out of Severus in the bathroom. Well done!!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Ha! Thank you love. Getting a bead on Severus isn't easy, but then Crooks I suspect, has a run of the house. AV
OMG!Love Crookshanks! You did a wonderful job with this!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Thank you Luci, I appreciate that. I love Crooks too. He's so much fun to write. AV
Excellent! Loved your take on Crooks and Sev's relationship - great read! Thanks so much for posting this -
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Why thank you. Those two Alpha males are fun to put together. And my big tomcat here at home provides lots of inspiration for Crooks. Thanks! AV
*smile* Hourray for Crooks. And I very much like this idea of men taking the contraceptives.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
Oh me too. But as another reviewer pointed out, wouldn't it be great if all you had to do to ovulate was get bit on the back of the neck! Pretty frickin sweet. Thanks
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Technique)
! AV