New Chapter for In Memoriam
In Memoriam
carley926 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Variety Challenge Winner: In memory of those who had fallen in the final battle, a video was made to show the History of Magic class that they should be remembered and never forgotten.
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About carley9
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 9 | 47 Reviews Written | 94 Review Responses
I'm a 20-something-year-old wanna-be author. Unfortunately real life doesn't leave much time for anything. I'm married with two dogs and a cat and work helping the mentally disabled.
I joined the Harry Potter fandom a few years ago and it's pretty addictive!
Reviews for In Memoriam
Also beautiful, I think. I look forward to more of your work. Thank you.
that was beautifully done. thanks so much
What about Colin Creevy? and Professor Quirrel (Moldyvort killed him too) and Doby !?!
*wipes tears* This is so beautiful. Each one of them deserves the recognition of the public. I was holding back tears but Tonks and little orphan Teddy were the final blow.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
It moves me to know I touched someone :)Thank you for the review :)
Wow! I love the "old reel" flicker and the "presumably dead" Snape. Fantastic job!
On my goodness, that was so heart wrenching! Fantastic!
Very touching memorial to the fallen. Nicely done.
Such a lovely tribute. Simple, but very effective.
I loved this, very creative. Thank you.
hmm, what of all the others who died.? and i would think a video of that purpose would refrain from usingthe word "killed" .
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
I thought I had caught all of the hiccups from when I was making this, but I guess not.The only reason there weren't more people was the song was so short. I had originally planned on putting the fallen from the first war as well.Thank you for the review :)
this is well done - but Dobby!!! no Dobby? (snifs)Dobby is a very under-rated character, full of goodness and sweetness and virtue. Still it was well done, and being done by Muggle-borns, maybe they are mostly unaware of house-elves. (there's your out!) So that way Dobby's absence becomes a typical instance of the repression house-elves suffer from every day. In this case, the Muggle-borns do not even know about them and all their service to humans.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Sorry, but poor Dobby had to be left on the cutting room floor. The song was so short that I wasn't able to use all of my ideas I originally had.Thank you for the review :)
Wow, that was so excellent. Simple and elegant - just as a memorial should be.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review :)
An excellent idea and very nice and thoughtful execution. Only, as far as I know, it should be spelled "in memoriam", not "in memorium"
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
You know, I never knew that. I always thought it was spelled that way. Thanks for the review :)
Very nicely done. Good choice of music as well. :)
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review :)
Very understated and very moving.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the rewiew :)
Nice music selection. Very reflective. I liked what you said about Fred.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review :)
What a lovely tribute.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review :)
Very nicely done! The "old film" quality, as well as the music (with the out-of-tune piano music) really add a lot to the ethereal quality of this piece.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
With the piano there is a bass violin and a saw being played as well. And thank you for the review :)
I thought the video was very creative! The music choice helped to pull at the heartstrings. I was curious though, where was Dobby? Also, I liked how you wrote about Snape "presumably dead!" The hope lives on :)Livvy
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Poor Dobby got the chopping block because the song is so short. It's only about 2:30 with the last note fading for about the last 10 seconds of the song. And thank you for the review :)
Simple, but effective! :)
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for your review :)
This is powerful in its very simplicity. Nicely done!
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review :)
A very touching tribute. Thank you.
Response from carley9 (Author of In Memoriam)
Thank you for the review. :)
Very moving in its simplicity. Thank you for "presumably dead" for Snape. I needed that little bit of hope today.
Very touching, and I liked the scratchy quality of the film and the understated music. And I loved that you stated that Severus Snape was presumed to have died during the Battle of Hogwarts, but that when his body was not found and no portrait appeared, some believed that he still lived. I believe that, too!
Well done!
This was a lovely piece. I thought the concept was quite good. There were some minor flaws in its execution, but all in all, you did a fine job.