New Chapter for Have You Seen This Eye?
Have You Seen This Eye?
BrenaMarie12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About BrenaMarie
Member Since 2006 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 48 | 536 Reviews Written | 360 Review Responses
Hello There! My name is Karen and I live right outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Way back in 2006 when we needed to put "Half-Blood Prince" spoilers on our fics... when DH didn't even exist... I created my profile here on The Petulant Poetess.
Falling in love with the SS/HG Ship changed my life and allowed me to be in a position to save the site from extinction in 2019. I'm so grateful to be here and to continue to see the wonderful fic here live on for as long as possible.
Reviews for Have You Seen This Eye?
ROFL Poor Al.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
, Thanks for the review! I was kinda worried that the humor wouldn't come across. Luckily it appears as though it did. I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. Thanks Again ~ Brena
Maggie says that was amazing and funny.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
I'm glad I was able to do her prompt justice. Tell her I said thanks for the review. Much Love ~ Me
too cute! I love the thought of him hanging posts to try to find his eye as if it were a lost kitten. Hope Roemerta gives it back.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
, Thanks for the review! That's exactly the image I had when I read the prompt! I'm sure she'll give it back eventually. Much Love ~ Brena
You made me laugh!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
, thanks for the review. I'm so glad I was able to give you a chuckle, that was indeed the idea. Much Love ~ Brena
The eye was probably rolling around the footpath looking up witch's skirts and having a fine old time! :)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Hey Sunny! I was thinking more like he was leering at Rosemerta and making pervvy comments about her underthings. So she got him drunk, confunded him, stole his eye and sent him out the door. Either way, the man shouldn't use his magical eye for pervvy things. Thanks for the note. Much Love ~ Brena
Thanks for a great laugh on Sunday morning./M
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Thank you so much morgaine! I'm so happy that the humor did indeed come across. I really do appreciate the note. Much Love ~ Brena
Ha-ha! Too funny. And a GREAT response to the prompt. That's brilliant.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Apollina! Thank you so much for the review. It really does mean a lot to me that you like my stuff. I'm so glad it came across as funny as it did in my head. Much Love ~ Brena
Response from ApollinaV (Reviewer)
It was perfect my dear. And I loved that you changed the format a bit up, it really enhanced the story.
Another winner, Brena! Moody deserves all this grief and more, I'm sure!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Christev, Thank You sooooo much for the kind words. Of course Moody deserves all this grief! I hope Rosemerta gets him to agree to take the eye out when she's working! Much Love ~ Brena
He did get his just desserts. If he finds his eye, maybe he'll learn not to use it for pervy purposes. :)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Well, he will find it again. I'm thinking Rosemerta will eventually take pity on Pirate Moody and give it back after a sufficient amount of torture. Thanks for the review
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
! Much Love ~ Brena
This is absolutely hilarious! I'd never have expected THAT to be the reason. *falls over laughing*
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Have You Seen This Eye?)
Thank You sooooo much. It's so funny how these things happen. When I started writing it I was just going to make the "Missing" poster. But I kept thinking, if I were reading it I'd want to know <b>How</b> he lost his eye. So the answer just kinda came to me as I was typing. The drabble group does indeed feed the muse. Thanks Again! Much Love ~ Brena
*rofl* Brilliant idea - that old ladykiller.. *giggles*
Author's Response: Alcina, Thanks for the Review! It means so much to me that people are finding this little ditty humorus! I really do appreciate it! Much Love ~ Brena