New Chapter for Quiet Tears
Quiet Tears
LuciannaMalfoy10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About LuciannaMalfoy
Member Since 2009 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 43 Reviews Written | 30 Review Responses
I first came across HP fanfic on a fanfic archive for a music fandom. The first pairing I read was DM/GW and wondered if there's anything else out there. And I found lots of things and got hooked!
I write several pairings, love the Malfoy men, Severus and even Harry. Don't like Ron.
I'm 23 and live in the middle of nowhere, Europe.
Reviews for Quiet Tears
Aww - poor Hermione :) Still, nothing like a comforting Draco ;) Great work - enjoyed it!
Draco taking advantage ... slytherin(sp) through and through! XD
Good one!
Aww, I love it. Herms is much more suited to Draco than Ron any day.
Nice little spark, there.
Nice answer to the prompt!
Hmmmmm... Draco is rather nice, but given the choice? I would have to go with Lucius. =]
Fun little tale!
Oooooh, what promise! Lovely way to answer the prompt!
Having two gorgeous blonds wanting you to feel better must help. :)
Always the Slytherin. But i can tell Hermione is not THAT upset if she's already able to see through Draco's eyes.