New Chapter for Mater et Pater
Mater et Pater
ApollinaV24 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Finding out she was adopted was the easy part. Discovering the identity of her mother? That was something entirely different.
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About ApollinaV
Member Since 2008 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 97 | 169 Reviews Written | 627 Review Responses
Like many proud alumni of the honorable Hufflepuff House, ApollinaV is a rabbid Huffle-hugger, champion pear-tickler, and founding member of Cleansweep-Streakers Guild (the AV-Eyeful is so named in her honor). Since graduating Hogwarts, she done 'responsible' and 'professional' things - and resolves not to do that anymore. Dreadful amounts of paperwork.
Reviews for Mater et Pater
Yeah!! What Christev said!! You know I love your writing style and the way your mind works. This oneshot was up to your typical standards. I fidget as I wait for the next update of TGC.I must assume that H's father was a seriously smart wizard who got VERY drunk one night. VERY...drunk. Firewhiskey-goggles could go a long way in explaining that little incident.Severus as distraction...and subject to booty calls mayhaps (a girl can dream)? Love it! New definition for ADOS - Attention Deficit ...Oooh, Severus!!-C
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thank you! TGC is heart/soul kind of love, but Saturday Night drabble writing with the TPP girls is a great vacation for the mind... or a big indicator that I need to get a life.I LOVE ADOS. Too funny!
I pity her. Well, Hermione too. How it is that Trelawney abandonned his daughter like that. Did she recognize her in her class, did she see anything in tea leaves or cristal ball? Will Hermione to get to knoww her real mother?There is room for much much more.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Alas, it is but a drabble, but yes there are many directions this could spiral off into. Imagine a mother's hurt when the only class her daughter drops is her own... or maybe it's a subconscious impulse to reject the mother that rejected her... Oooh drama! I'm glad you liked it. AV
Great writing to the prompt! I can imagine the thoughts that would have gone through Hermione's mind as the day and weeks went by. She knows her mother, but what about her father... would she want to learn more about him? And she realizes she is a pure-blood.I'm so glad she had Severus with her when she found out. This was not a good time to be alone.Great one shot!Beth
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
It was a good prompt. The theme for drabbles night was Truth or Dare, and that seemed like a decent dare. But I'm sad as well that Hermione was revealed to be a pure-blood. I think we all like that the most talented and clever witch is a Muggle-born. Sadly, this was only meant to be a drabble, so we'll never know. But you're right, at least Sev was there to be a comfort. AV
Observing Severus brew naked in her dining room was a treat. Well obviously Hermione! Oh the irony that Sybill turned out to be her mother. Makes sense the way those two did not get along. Hee heeIm going to have to mark you as a favorite here at TPP if you are going to be posting fun drabbles.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
I recently found out about the Saturday Night Drabble writing at TPP on LJ, and have cleared the schedule for it. (I'm currently pushing my evil adjenda - to get one night Smut Themed) So for the moment I'll be drabbling here, or at least until I can find a 'real life.'The original prompt for this didn't include Sev, but well, I couldn't bring myself to do a Sybill-centric storyline. Throwing Sev into the mix tempers it nicely.Thanks babe!
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Please let me know who I need to bribe threaten coerce mention that I would like a smut themed night... Go AV!
Wow, didn't see that coming.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Me neither. When I got the prompt, I didn't see the connection between Mother and Daughter. But now... I can kinda see it. If I squint hard and have Sybill's glasses on. AV
o.OYikes, aaaaaaaah!But this is a great answer to the prompt, and of course, a good injection of Snape helps to sweeten the pot! ;)Well done, AV!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thank you m'dear. I just had to add Sev. He needed to be there because a Sybill-centric plotline needs a distractor. And a naked Severus brewing in the living room is a decent distractor. AV
well, they say there's someone for everyone! cute and amusing. thanks so much
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thank you dear! Yes, I suppose love can be found anywhere, and everyone deserves to be loved. Even Sybill. AV
So she's really a pureblood, that seriously does cock some stuff up!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
I wholly agree. I think that's probably the saddest thing... aside from the whole Sybill-Mommie thing. I like a Muggle-born Hermione.
Oh my gosh! Sybill as Hermione's mother! Eek.Okay, she must take after her father and his side of the family! Poor Hermione, I think I'd rather not have found the adoption papers. Of couse I really love the 'Severus brewing naked in the living room' part. Oh, la la - that's an image to keep!!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thank you m'dear. Sybill as Hermione's mother is cringe-worthy, but it does explain much about the hair. I'm glad you enjoyed the drabble, it was a good prompt. AV
You did a great job with the prompt!
Poor Hermione - at least she has Severus to console her.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thank you! It was 'Dare Night' and that seemed like the biggest Dare available. I had to throw Sev into the fic... to find out something like that, without Sev to console her, or at the very least 'make it all better,' is just sad.
I couldn't... no, wait, I don't ever want to imagine anyone willingly being with Trelawney. Great job with the prompt, dear.
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
I'm with you there, 100%, but it was 'Truth or Dare Night' and this was really a good Dare. Still, Sybill-Sex, Yikes - what a concept. Thank you, it was a fun prompt and a good challenge.
Response from luvsev (Reviewer)
Amen to that, dear. It was a damn good dare.
Oh my, poor Hermione - this witch as a mother of all possibilities... ;o)
Author's Response: Poor Hermione, indeed. And somehow I doubt there will be a happy, joyful family reunion. Of course if there is any kind of reunion, Sybill's Inner Eye would have seen it coming. Thanks! AV
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
That's one word for it... The prompt was, 'Hermione discovers that Sybill is her real mother,' and asked to give her reaction to that. Looking away in disgust and reaching for comfort sounds about right.
I never imaged Trelawney. Really interesting concept there. =]
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Ah, that was the original prompt. Trelawney revealed as Hermione's mother, and it explains the whole hair thing. I worked from there. It was a fun challenge.
I figure since this was a quickie beta, and I didn't give you any suggestions, I can give you a review and tell you how wonderful this is! I am always amazed at the interesting way your mind works when given a prompt or a suggestion. I'm also quite impressed with the lovely details you always include, and the way you create your own mini-universe, especially with so few words and on such short notice. Great fic!! :)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
U R A Nut, but thank you Christev.
Oh, that was fabulous!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Wow, I'm glad you thought so. Thank you.
I sincerely loved this dear author, it was, without a doubt, the most interesting one-shot I've read in quite a while!Severely Lupine - I thought the exact same thing, only instead of hilarious, I thought it would end a little more sadly or even sinisterly!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Oh I couldn't do that to her. That would be wrong on so many levels. And poor Severus! Imagine that he'd have slept with her. That's a LOT of firewhiskey. I'm glad you liked it. AV
Haha... I have to admit, I half-expected the second potion to reveal Snape as her father. He's old enough for it. And that would have been hilarious.
Author's Response:
The previous Sat Night I did an incest drabble. Doing another one...? A SS/HG incest thing, ugh! I wouldn't be able to handle that. No, SS was written into the fic because I couldn't deal with a Trelawney-centric story. Soemthing had to distract from that. And a hot nekkid Sev brewing was enough of a distractor.
Severely Lupine's response: Oh, but imagine the hilarious potential for awkwardness! Especially if they just decide to declare the potion poorly-brewed and scrap the results.
Reading this made me happy on a few levels! First of all, the twist you gave this prompt--excellent! The original ideas within--wonderful! And the writing itself--engaging! W00t! :D
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Why thank you. I had to flesh it out a bit because just a reveal of, "Hermione, Sybill is your mother," is just too wrong. Insert Severus, and bam, good distraction. AV
Oh, I never saw that coming! I suppose Hermione got her tallent from her father's side then. oops. Loved this one. Especialy the 'Severus brewing naked in the living room' part! Ok, I can go to bed now - sweet dreams!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Yeah, Hermione's got a lazy Inner Eye. The original prompt didn't include Sev, but adding him made it all better. Especially to soften the blow. And well, any time you've got a naked Severus brewing, well, who cares about much else...? Thanks! AV
Squee! Loved it! Especially the nasty no-no line. Lol. Great, magical way to find out about paternity. We need something like that in the real world. (Yes, I know it's called DNA, but... you know what I mean.)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the interpretation of your prompt. It's making love, or sex, and sometimes F'ing, but with Sybill, it really is the nasty no-no. Still, an interesting concept. AV
"take me to bed ... and make me forget!" XDPoor Hermione. Excellent story! Five stars!
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
Thanks! I'd imagine, if I had a shock to my system like that, and a handy Severus around, that'd be my reaction. I'm thrilled you liked it. AV
Sybill as a mummy. Scary! :)
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
The stuff of nightmares, I tell ya. Just like the bushy hair. But worry not, Severus was there to soften the blow. I can only imagine the horror if Sybill had kept the baby... wow that would have really changed things. AV
Response from ApollinaV (Author of Mater et Pater)
I'm glad someone at least finds it funny. Poor girl though... AV