New Chapter for Student Loans
Student Loans
LuciannaMalfoy9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Lucius visits a Muggle club and meets someone unexpected there.
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About LuciannaMalfoy
Member Since 2009 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 43 Reviews Written | 30 Review Responses
I first came across HP fanfic on a fanfic archive for a music fandom. The first pairing I read was DM/GW and wondered if there's anything else out there. And I found lots of things and got hooked!
I write several pairings, love the Malfoy men, Severus and even Harry. Don't like Ron.
I'm 23 and live in the middle of nowhere, Europe.
Reviews for Student Loans
Is he really going to...
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Going to do what? :D What do you wish him to do?
OH NO you cannot stop there! The story must be told! I beg of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!more please
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Really? I will have a think about it as I feel it needs more explanation of how she came to do it. Being a student is costly, I can tell you that! Thanks for the review!
Heh heh heh ... nice take on the prompt, Lucianna!
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Glad you liked it! Thank you.
Very nice. Not sure Hermione would ever do anything like that, especially for money, but it's fanfiction--anything's possible, right? LOL. Anyway, great job. ~Jen
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Well, there might be reasons why she could do it. As MollysSister above said, it may need an expansion.
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
That's our Lucius! We all love him, right? :D
Lucius vs other stray men... Lucius vs other stray men... Not really hard, is it? :)
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Not hard at all! I'd adopt a Lucius if I could!
Hey it does happen. Good take on the three word prompt!
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Life is a mystery! Thanks!
Yeah, that's definitely a better way to get 'sponsored' for college.
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Student Loans)
Well, why not? Lucius is a delicious sponsor!