New Chapter for Ghosts
LiteraryBeauty14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Teddy Lupin hears Hermione crying over the death of Remus for too many nights. He helps her the way only a Metamorphmagus can.
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About LiteraryBeauty
Member Since 2009 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 250 | 0 Reviews Written | 578 Review Responses
Due to the often controversial nature of my fics, I've decided I will no longer be posting here (this not NOT include my WIPs--Princes in Exile and Caged Bird Sings will continue to be updated here. This is regarding only my oneshots and future long fics). You can find all my stories at my Livejournal, under the name literaryspell. None of the fics are, as yet, friendslocked, so you can read at your leisure, and friend me, or not, as you like. :D Be sure to check out my master list, which is the first post on my LJ page. Thank you!
If anyone would prefer to send comments to me personally, or would just like to talk plot or make suggestions, please contact me at I'm happy to hear from anyone!
Reviews for Ghosts
Oh, this was so sad and desperate!
sad and lovely but hopeful at the end. thanks so much
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Thank you for reading!
this. is. so. cool.eerie.utterly moving.I love it.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
A thousand thanks! Glad you liked it.
Beautiful story! I loved it! It moved me to tears!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Thank you! I sadistically love hearing that!
Incredible! I enjoyed this much more than I originally thought I would, and I would love to see a sequal.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Thank you. I am still pondering a sequal, I haven't decided; though I personally believe it will stand better on its own. We'll see!
This is a beautiful story, the thoughts and feelings of all the characters are so poignant. I really hope the ending was left as it was for a sequel!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Thank you so much. The ending was meant to be closure, but it's possible a small part of me left it open-ended for a reason! We'll see!
this is brilliant! So original, too. I've really enjoyed it and I can't believe it's not gotten more reviews!!! Amazing job!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Thank you! Tell your friends! Haha. The lack of reviews is most likely due to the rather unusual pairing, but I'm glad a few people have enjoyed it!
The sweet torture of remembering those we loved who are now lost to us... perhaps Hermione has been able to at last say goodbye to Remus because of the kind and loving nature of his son. I wonder how she will fair in the future. What will Teddy's life be like... will he be able to allow his father to rest in peace?Very well done, this story of love lost and remembered.Beth
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
I always imagine a happy ending, even to my saddest stories. Thank you for the review!
So sad, but beautiful. I am glad that you kind of leave it on a hopeful note. =)
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
A little hope is easy to give. Thanks for reading!
Poor Hermione...
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Poor Teddy! He's the real hero here. :) Thanks for the review!
Part of me doesn't want to like this, but the part of me that wants a sequel is winning that part over. I found the ending quite appropriate.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Maybe one day I can satisfy the sequel-wanting part! Thank you for reading!
This is exquisitely heartbreaking. Thank you so much for this!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Wow, thank you!
The whole dream theory is going to be shot to hell if Hermione get preggers! Poor Teddy! At first I thought he was being manipulative, but in the end it might have been the kindest thing he could have done.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Haha! Realism has no place in oneshots. Let's assume she was on magical birth control. It was difficult to show Teddy's thought process, but I'm glad you saw it the way I meant it, as a sort of therapy for both of them.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Ghosts)
Haha! Realism has no place in oneshots. Let's assume she was on magical birth control. It was difficult to show Teddy's thought process, but I'm glad you saw it the way I meant it, as a sort of therapy for both of them.
Oh, that's so sweet and so heartbreaking. But it's nice to see her acceptance at the end. And is there a chance that maybe she'll see how Teddy feels about her now?
Author's Response: Thank you so much. There are a couple clues throughout that Hermione feels something for Teddy, and I definitely think this is a hopeful story.