New Chapter for The Potions Master's Revenge
The Potions Master's Revenge
debjunk20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Severus has had it with a co-worker. He decides to do something about it.
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for The Potions Master's Revenge
Ah Sybill, the Inner Eye on holiday again..Severus certainly knows how to defend himself. What an effective way of getting rid of her, yet without causing real harm. Very Severus-like. And regards to your daughter. Go for it, Maggie!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thank you! Yes, Sybill really needs an eye adjustment, I think. Poor thing needs to hide for a bit, though...Maggie is a great help and we enjoy working together.
wonderful revenge! tho i think the idea of hagrid coming after me like that would send me screaming into the night, too. thanks so much, my deb! (me blowing kisses)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thanks, hon. I too, would run screaming if pursued by Hagrid, although I think he's quite loveable. (but not in a romatic way.) He's like a teddy bear.
Ooooh, that's eeeevil, but so funny! *roflmao* - but poor Hagrid, I don't think he deserves something like this from Severus! *goes making Hagrid the hardest rock cakes possible and icing them shrilly pink*
Author's Response: Ooo, maybe he can go give some to Trelawney to cheer her up! Lol. But you're right, he doesn't deserve it. Of course, he's clueless as to what's been going on, and will remain so, as neither of the other two will ever mention this aloud! Thanks!
How perfectly diabolical, lol. Interesting way to get rid of Sybil. All I can think is, poor Hagrid. He is the innocent bystander here, tee hee.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
He is, and probably will remain so. I don't think Sybill will ever mention exactly why she wigged out, and Slytherin Severus will never tell. Thanks!
OH, Sybill, as you always say: You cannot run away form fate, doll! Congratualtions!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thanks! Yup, she got her just desserts. (Whip cream on Hagrid.) Ew, now I went and grossed myself out!
LOL LOL LOL!!!Serves Trelawney right! Poor (clueless) Hagrid! Makes me wonder what exactly was that potion Severus slipped her (bad boy that he is ;) )Nice answer to the prompt!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
He is a bad boy, and he's smirking all the way back to his dungeon. Hopefully, Trelawney will be preoccupied avoiding poor clueless Hagrid to spend time moaning over Severus.
Oh no! That is too good. Evil, but the best kind. At least it was only a vision and not a love potion; that would have been truly horrible.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Yes, it would have been bad. Severus isn't quite that mean... yet. Thanks, hon!
Poor Sybill, but you better don't anger a certain Potions master. Very funny and sweet.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Hopefully she's learned her lesson. You'd think her Inner Eye would have warned her!
I should feel sorry for Sybill, but really, I can't... LOL
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
She deserved it. She should know better than to try to ingratiate herself with the Snark master.
Meh. She is too picky. Small man, large man - its still a man. XD LOL cute story! XD
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Oh, my gosh! That's hilarious! She should be happy with any man, shouldn't she? Perhaps she hasn't taken a gander in the mirror lately?
LOL Very cute take on the prompt. :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
LOL! Oh, that was great. I am absolutely loving all these drabbles!!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thanks, hon. They're fun, aren't they? You should join us.
Hahaha! Ooh, serves her right! Trelawney seems to be perpetually chasing Severus in fanfics...
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
She is, isn't she? Lol. Well, that'll teach her to do so in the future.
Heehe, that was ingenious!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thank you!
Nice job - and way to go Maggie - thanks for sharing your work
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thank you! Maggie was quite pleased with herself.
LOL!! Well done!Severus came up with the right solution to Sybill's advances, and now Hagrid is wondering what is going on with the Seer.Tell Maggie to follow her dream!Beth
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thanks! It's certain that poor Hagrid is truly clueless in this. I'll pass along your advice to Maggie.
That revenge is priceless! Great job! *giggles madly*
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Now that is definitely the stuff nightmares are made of .... well done to you both. Irish
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
Thanks! It certainly is nightmare worthy. And with that potion still running through he system, she's bound to have a few doozies.
ROFL. Poor Sybill! :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
She kind of deserved it. Of course, Severus always goes a bit overboard to 'teach a lesson.'
Muaha!! And there were some of us who thought Snape wasn't evil. Say hi to Maggie and tell her to follow her dream!/M
Response from debjunk (Author of The Potions Master's Revenge)
He's not evil, he's a Slytherin. A very diabolical Slytherin.Maggie was happy to see your mention of her. I'm hoping that she will always follow her dreams.Thanks for the review, Morgaine.