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Flying Lesson
LuciannaMalfoy9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Why did Severus insist on a flying lesson?
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About LuciannaMalfoy
Member Since 2009 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 43 Reviews Written | 30 Review Responses
I first came across HP fanfic on a fanfic archive for a music fandom. The first pairing I read was DM/GW and wondered if there's anything else out there. And I found lots of things and got hooked!
I write several pairings, love the Malfoy men, Severus and even Harry. Don't like Ron.
I'm 23 and live in the middle of nowhere, Europe.
Reviews for Flying Lesson
That definitely would make the flying lesson worth it!
Response from LuciannaMalfoy (Author of Flying Lesson)
Of course, even I'd try when Sev teaches!
*snort* I hope she wins soon!
Ahh, but is flying all he intends to show her during said lesson? Lol, sorry, my mind is in the gutter tonight. It's all luvsev's fault.
Wonderful answer to the prompt.
Cute. The things we do when we lose bets LOL
Teeth whitening. That's scary! :)
What a thing to do as a result of a lost bet! Loved it!
LOL That's just the kind of suger and snark relationship I see them having. Bravo to you!!
Haha... Hermione wanting to walk instead of fly.
Good one. :)