New Chapter for Love Is Blind
Love Is Blind
morgaine_dulac54 Reviews | 54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
A series of drabbles answering a challenge from sinbad: ‘I have a challenge for you if you choose to accept it. I would like you to do a story that has a purely happy ending for Severus. Any ship, any trials and tribulations are up to you, but I'd like to see a happy ending. Just for giggles.’
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About morgaine_dulac
Member Since 2008 | 52 Stories | Favorited by 122 | 948 Reviews Written | 2,443 Review Responses
Born: in the glorious year of 1979, when Dio joined Black Sabbath and Peter Pettigrew started passing on information to the Dark Lord
Colours: black, green, silver
Passions: writing, cooking, baking, witchcraft
Obsessions: quite a few, chocolate for one (hi Lupin!), but mainly a certain Potions master and a blond DE.
When I am not writing alone, I co-write with my favourite Ravenclaw star_girl. Look for sevs_starsisters to find our stories.
Published writer since 2014. Original fiction is good fun, but I find myself returning to fan fiction every now and then
Reviews for Love Is Blind
Sweet and tender.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
This story was a big challenge, both the format and the happy end. But it was good fun!
I am glad he survives. Fawkes is know for coming to those who are loyal and in need and who could be more of both than Severus.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
We all know Severus survived. End of discussion. ;-)
I hope that it's Helena he saw through the windows.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Could be the Dark Mark *evil grin*Cheers. /M
patience, Sev, patience! :)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Since when is Severus Snape a patient man?? ;-)/M
Three weeks of brooding - even by Severus standards that's a lot of brooding! So, just what is he going to see out of the window?... I just hate it when you leave us wanting more like this, grrr! :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
I promise that the next (and final) chapter is in the queue.And it's MA rated ;-)Cheers. /M
Response from Sevvy (Reviewer)
It better be up before I go on my hols!! LOL :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
#22 in the queue!
Response from Sevvy (Reviewer)
I'll bring you back a stick of rock if it's good (chocolate if it's really good!!) :-)
Ah, Severus does what he does best... broods... thinks the woman can't possibly feel anything for him... Dunderhead! The good thing is... other than him regaining his sight and leaving the hospital... is that I didn't cry.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Didn't cry?! Who are you and what did you do to
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
??? ;-)Have patience with dear Severus. He's shy ... Cheers. /M
Curiouser and curiouser! This is a very intiguing little fic; I look forward to the next update with interest :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
It's on its way. Hope you'll like it./M
Oh dear. Something else for him to feel guilty about!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Got to love Snape on a guilt trip! ;-)Cheers. /M
Dang it! Well, at least I'm not crying... yet.Just what our beloved Potions master needs. More guilt. Hopefully she snaps, or slaps, him out of that one.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Gotta love to send Snape on a guilt trip. Not that he needs much help with that *rolls eyes*Cheers. /M
The plot thickens. Oh, please do write more!!!!!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
There will be 5 chapters, and they are all written. They just need to be validated.Cheers. /M
But Helena is too kind for not forgiving him, right? Plus, even if he invented it, he didn't cast it on her. I know it's no consolation, especially for Severus, and I hope he will forgive himself.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Snape in a nutshell, isn't it? Keep your fingers crossed. He might just get over it.Cheers. /M
How did she get hit with that spell? How did it? This woman seems to have an interesting past.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
You'll find out.Cheers. /M
Oh, I do hope he gets his beautiful voice back properly - just love SS' (or AR's I guess I should say) voice!Also the loveliest word he ever says (in anything) is 'beautiful' (he really sounds it out and makes it sound what it is!) Now I shall be thinking of that for the rest of the day - thank you!I'm guessing (like others) that he's blind currently - please tell me he'll get his sight back and be able to see the beautiful (or not?) Helena; just don't tell me that there's one of your horrible 'twists' to this! Want HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY this time!! :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
I promised a happy ending. I always keep my promises.Cheers. /M
Does this mean he can't see her? There's no referene to him seeing her; and in the previous chapter he only saw darkness.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
No, he cannot see hear. Next chapter will tell you, why he can't.Cheers. /M
I like this very much. And just like Severus, I'm curious to know who she is. Evidently, not Granger so...
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Hehe, no, no Granger ;-)/M
Very nice, but now a new mystery is upon us. Why does she think herself unattractive? I loved how he called her beautiful... twice!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
You will see, and so will he.Glad you liked the chapter.Have a nice week. /M
Mysteriouser and mysteriouser! :)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Is that even a word? ;-)Glad you're enjoying my drabbles.Cheers. /M
This is so very sweet. And you have really shown me how challenging and how much fun it is to write drabbles.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Drabbles are a lot of fun! Glad I figured that out.But be warned: Drabblitis is infectious ;-)
Interesting, I take it the nurse never heard the expression 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
She has heard it but doesn't believe in it :-(Glad you liked the chapter. /M
The mystery increases . . . [dramatic music here] So who is this Helena? I know, I know, all will be revealed, in slow delicious snatches, lol. But knowing Severus as we know him, he will leave no stone unturned in finding out all he can about the Nurse Helena.Looking forward to more,Keep up the good work,
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
I'll be making it easy for dear Severus this time. But just this once, don't get used to it ;-)Glad you like my drabbles.Have a nice weekend. /M
Oh how I wish I could write like you!Your stories are magical (yes I used that word on purpose) and I hope you keep it up! =)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
Naw, you're too sweet. I just wish I could make some money ;-)
Thank you, I just love a happy ending.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
So glad you enjoyed it!
Not good to leave him brooding on his own for that long Helena.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
But he broods so nicely!
Oh shit! now don't go all dark and guilty, give the girl a chance.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
But he does dark and guilty so well!
If he says she is beautiful, then beautiful she is.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Love Is Blind)
It takes guts to tell him otherwise.