New Chapter for The Founders' Dilemma
The Founders' Dilemma
karelia23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Salazar, Godric, Helga, and Rowena encounter a problem.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for The Founders' Dilemma
I'm just glad the castle didn't decide on Boarzits.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
ROFLThanks for reviewing! *pats the shinies*
Ahh so they left it to the bossy castle.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Yup! :D
I love the idea that the castle has a part in the choice of his own name. Great response to the prompt.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you, Snitchette! So glad you like it! :D
*gigglesnort*Swine ... *giggle* ... moles *dies*Gotta love a sentient castle. How clever for it to choose the more elegant rendering of that name!
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
I agree; those stones are intelligent. :)Thanks for your kind words and the shinies!
::snorfle::Swinemoles. I'm sure Sowpimple was a close third.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
It was! How ever did you guess??? :))Thanks for your lovely review! *pats the shinies*
Okay, I'm totally changing my username to Swinemoles_91!!!Excellent response to the prompt. And I fully support any inclination you have to expand these characters in future fics ...:D
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
LOL! Thank you for your kind words.And yes, it's being expanded... *sighs* Like I needed another plot bunny...
Lol. It took me a few sentences to correlate Swinemoles with Hogwarts. Bah hah hah! That's classic.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Heh. Thank you!
Well isn't that castle picky! Hogwarts - Swinemoles. Pretty much the same thing XD
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Exactly! Only Hogwarts does sound a wee bit better, me thinks! LOL :)
Very cool. I love history fics!!! Glad to see this one. Thanks. =]
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Hm, I do, too. Although it's never before occurred to me to translate that into historic fanfic. O noes. The plot bunnies have started attacking! LOL.Thanks for reviewing!
Cool idea! I like it
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you,
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
! *beams and pats the shinies*
Awe, it named itself! Very clever castle.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Indeed clever castle. :)Thank you for the review! *pats the shinies*
a lovely solution to this intriguing question - who hasn't wondered about it at some time or another? i loved the stones of the castle grumbling, etc.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you! *beams*I think a sentient castle would be extremely likely, given the setting with magic and all. :)
Swinemoles, indeed! *giggles*That was a good one.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
*grins* Not much different from Hogwarts...Thank you! *pats the shinies*
I do love the castle as character. What a lovely piece. And I agree with Sunny: Swinemoles is hysterical. :)
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Wow, thank you, love! Your kind words mean the world to me.Heh, I was pondering with something 'pig' in the name, but swine just has that certain ring to it, LOL.
I like the idea of a sentient castle. Swinemoles? Ick!
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you.Pretty much the same meaning as Hogwarts, lol. :)
Rowena’s own space between Helga and Salazar empty.That seating arrangement is how I always see them. Rowena is the perfect character to narrate this.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you! *beams* It's how I see her. :)
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
Kind of like the Hermione of the founders?
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
I've never thought about it. Not really. I mean, yes, they both are very intelligent and seekers of knowledge, but I see Rowena less impulsive, although that's probably because she's older than canon Hermione.
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
Oh, no! One day I'm going to look back on this conversation and see the birth of a plot bunny.
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
One day? Lucky you!!! I'm doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!!! The bunny bit me as I wrote my response to you. *faints*
As always, your mind intrigues me. Wonderful way to solve the dilemma of The Founders.~Stef =o)
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Oh, there isn't anything intriguing about my mind. It's twisted, that's what it is. :))Thanks for your lovely review! *pats the shinies*
Very creative, dear. :)
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Heh, thank you! *pats the shinies*
I like the castle having a say :)
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
Thank you! I thought it logical in such a magical setting. :)
For some reason i saw seminoles at first. Thought maybe you might be a closet FSU fan. :) Cute story
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
ROFL! Thank you! :)
Still giggling at "Swinemoles" :)
Response from karelia (Author of The Founders' Dilemma)
*grins*Thanks, my dear!