New Chapter for Moonlight
HermioneWeasley197214 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About HermioneWeasley1972
Member Since 2007 | 125 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 270 Reviews Written | 225 Review Responses
I am in my 40s and I recently had two books published - Mike and the Deaf Student and Crayons - Color My World. They are both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Reviews for Moonlight
What a lovely piece!
i find it easy to imagine lucius playing the piano... a lovely little scene.
Oh, dancing in the moonlight. Lucius sure is on romantic dude!
Beautiful and utterly Romantic. It makes me think that there must be a piano at Malfoy Manor that gets such a use now and then.
Oh, how lovely and romantic!
Silly me! I told you what I thought about this in chat but I didn't leave a review. *slaps hand*
I liked your take on this. I was looking for fluff and this really met my needs. Lovely piece and swoons over piano playing Lucius!
I can imagine Lucius playing the piano. :)
Lovely :)
I heard someone said one day that the only lights best suited to a woman are a candel or the moon. Perfectly illustrated.
Lovely and sweet. How beautfiul to think that they were able to have a nice, normal beginning to the relationship. =]
Awwwwww. Lucius and Narcissa are so adorable. Even in canon, somewhat...awwwww.
I love the idea of music-of any fine arts being at Hogwarts. Well done!
awwww so adorable.i love lucius/narcissa stories, especially the cute ones. there arent enough of them out there.
it made me think of Phantom of the Opera a little with the piano and the candelabra. Bravo!!!