New Chapter for An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest
An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest
lyn_f17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Severus witnessed an encounter between a wondrous creature and a girl he never expected he'd see so soon.
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About lyn_f
Member Since 2008 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 327 Reviews Written | 399 Review Responses
I am a relative newcomer to the world of Harry Potter Fan Fiction. I recently discovered the good 'ship HG/SS, and I've been hooked to the point where it is my OTP.
I was a Ruth Kirschstein NRSA post-doctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. When I am not at the lab bench or in the classroom, I am an organist. I'd be in a church near me, occupying an organ bench, and blowing dust around the nave. (Just kidding.) Currently, I serve as organist/choirmaster for a couple of small Episcopal churches near Duke University.
Reviews for An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest
Oh, I always love Hermione with Unicorns, and this was breathtaking.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
Makes me wonder what Hermione was up to returning to Hogwarts. The SS/HG shipper in me has lots of naughty good ideas :D
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
LOL!If this created any new plot bunnies for you, feel free to put quill to parchment.
beautiful. thanks
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
You're welcome. And thanks for your review.
you embedded this little cue in a touching scene.Hermione on the Horocrux - search, absolutely out of hope and power and new ideas. and there she goes and sees and inhales this beauty, peace and silent magical energy. (?) she got what she needed. this forest has always been something we know why.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thanks for your detailed review.
A very touching moment.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thank you.
this is really lovely. and made good use of that prompt.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
*glomps kitty*Thanks!
I liked that... although it did make me wonder what Hermione was doing in the Forbidden Forest...
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
The Shadow knows ...Thanks for your review.
Oooh, such a beautiful little story. A perfect snapshot :)
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thank you!
Really nice. This says so much with so few words. I liked how Severus stayed hidden but enthraled by the scene before him. That Hermione would seek out the unicorn for reassuarnce and strenght to do what she had to do in this war was a nice image. At least Severus knows now also that Harry and Hermione are all right. And Hermione has a monet of peace to keep from going insane, listening to Ron whine. Yep, this is really nice.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
, thanks so much for your detailed review! I'm glad you liked it.
This has a beginnings of a great SSHG when Sev realizes that she is still untouched.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
It could be. I leave it up to your imagination as to where this may go. Thanks for your review!
How lovely, how peaceful, that such a moment could exist in the midst of DH. Thank you.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
You're welcome. Thanks for your review.
How peaceful and lovely. I wish she'd really had an experience like that during DH. I reckon it would have done her a world of good. =]
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Yes, I agree. A brief respite from the Camping Trip That Never (Seems To) End would have been lovely indeed. Thanks for your review!
A crack of hope in a world of darkness is sometimes all is needed for the dynamics to shift. Very well done.
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thanks so much! That is what I had in mind when I wrote this. Thanks for your kind words.
She has obviously been behaving in that tent... :)
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
She reassures me that she has been. Thanks for your review.
This was beautiful!
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thanks, HW!
This was such a majestic picture you created for us. Sometimes we all need a reminder that beauty does still exist in the world. Thanks, great use of the prompt. ~Stef~
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
Thanks, Stef! I agree - a little beauty in the world can go a long way. I'm glad you liked my little story.
That was truly lovely!
Response from lyn_f (Author of An Encounter in the Forbidden Forest)
*glomps*Thank you, LITC!