New Chapter for Penance
juniperus12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About juniperus
Member Since 2007 | 47 Stories | Favorited by 78 | 17 Reviews Written | 520 Review Responses
Snape fancier, wanton researcher of the arcane and sublime, and snark mistress.
Blanket disclaimer: the Potterverse was created by J.K. Rowling -- I just like to play with her toys.
Reviews for Penance
Begging forgiveness, for what was done in the past, what is being done in the present, and what will have to be done in the future.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Indeed. Thank you for your review!
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Indeed. Thank you for your review!
Wow! Very powerful, in so few words.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Thank you! :)
terribly sad ... very nicely written.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Thank you very much!
*searches brain* I did already read this someplace, I'm sure, and I enjoyed it as much all over again. So I hope you don't mind getting another review for it from me ;o). It's so intense and heartbreaking, and just so perfect.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm slowly getting my stuff up on TPP - it's all on OWL, perhaps you read it there? :D
The man buries himself in his guilt. It's really not healthy... And it's incredibly heartbreaking too.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Yes, it is. Thank you for your review!
Wonderful. You are so talented at creating these poignant little snapshots.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Thank you very much!
Oh! This makes sense, its almost canon, and its brilliant. I can just picture it.... excellent work!
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Many thanks for your kind words!
I think he should try to forgive himself one day.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
You are not alone in that thought. Thank you!
That's one hell of a lot of buttons and penance.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
He's one hell of a complicated, ouchie man. Thank you for your review!
Forgive him for what? I liked the buttons though, that was thought provoking.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Your choice - depending on the timing of the vignette he could be asking forgiveness of Lily, or Albus, or... Thank you for your review!
This hurts, in fact. I wish he could have forgiven himself in canon just as he had in fanfiction.
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Fanfiction is afterlife! Thank you for your review!
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Marvellous metaphor! Afterlife, indeed.
Short and yet so intense. This actually hurt.Very good job! /M
Response from juniperus (Author of Penance)
Hurt to write it, too. Thank you very much!