New Chapter for Mirror, rorriM
Mirror, rorriM
Doomspark13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
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Reviews for Mirror, rorriM
An interesting little snippet. I liked how Snape revisited the wards that protected the Philosopher's Stone. Though it puzzles me why they hadn't cleaned it up years ago, after Harry found the Stone and got past all of them. *shrug*
Also, Dumbledore said in the book that the Mirror of Erised was a dangerous one. "Men have wasted their lives before it," if I recall. Maybe he thinks there's no harm in just a one-time party trick. Not really sure.
I don't think this needs any more chapters or additions, it seems to stand well just on its own merit. While it would be interesting to see what Snape would see, I think it'd ruin the point of the story.
Anyways, I did enjoy this, despite my small quibbles.
"a forced gathering for merriment" *rofl* - what a brilliant thing to say, and how perfectly fitting for Severus! :o))
Wonderful story, and so nice to meet all these old puzzles and guards again... Jo rather neglected the whole stuff afterwards, didn't she?
It's surprising that 'dotty' Dumbledore would ask for an object that he's already admitted is dangerous. I loved Severus' musings about breaking it. Lol. That would really be funny.
I hope he doesn't see Lily in it!
This better not be a one shot! I'm too curious to know what he'll see in the mirror
This better not be a one shot! I'm too curious to know what he'll see in the mirror
This definitely calls for a sequel. I'd like to know what he'll see in the damnes mirror.
Has anyone?
wonderful start. even tho i'm a dyed in the wool ss/hg 'shipper this story intrigued me. thanks so much and i look forward to the next update
You are going to continue this, aren't you? Pretty please *puppy eyes*
What a wonderful start! At least Albus has given Severus a chance to look into the Mirror now and be ready with his answer (probably false) when he is at the "party'
Ooooh, but what will he see? Thats one hell of a mean oneshot, leaving us hanging :)
I admit to myself that I haven’t a clue.
That makes perfect sense! With Severus' life playing out the way it has, I can't imagine he'd bother sitting about considering what he wants out of life. He so seldom gets what he wants anyway. I'm intrigued and can't wait to see the results of Albus' nudging him in front of the mirror. I can imagine there was a great deal of eye-rolling, eyebrow raising and shoulder shrugging from the staff during Albus' reign as Headmaster!
Funny how easily he can traverse the maze that had once protected the stone. I assume the troll is gone, and the chess game never reset itself. I wonder what he'll see in the mirror? Lily forgiving him, choosing Severus over James? Life without Albus or Voldemort, possibly?