New Chapter for Would You Agree?
Would You Agree?
belle4life26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 44 Favorites )
A Malfoy plays matchmaker for Hermione, and what an interesting match it turns out to be.
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About belle4life
Member Since 2007 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 22 Reviews Written | 203 Review Responses
Ummmmm. I don't really know what to say. I'm a Junior in college and an English major because I am a total bookworm.
I have been a fan of HP since I was around 11. I started reading fanfiction about a year and a half ago, and writing it a little later.
Reviews for Would You Agree?
Very nice start. Can't wait to see where it goes.
Great chapter!
Another great chapter!
So far I'm really liking how this is starting.
Hm. ls it Severus or Lucious wearing a glamour?
Is it Lucius under a Glamour? I certainly hope so!!!
Why do I have the funny feeling that Hermione's date is wearing a glamour in addition to his mask?
But then again, it is a masquerade ...
ah!! write more!!! must have moreeee!!
Oh boy oh boy! Talk about hang ups. Well, Draco did say 'He' likes his women feisty. None more fiesty than a Granger enraged.
"leaving the dumbfounded and gob smacked brunette standing by the table, wondering what on earth had just happened"
I know Lucius to be a wonderful man but if she can't recognize a kiss from him, he must be much better than I would have ever think.
Well, Hermione was really jumping to conclusions here! The very fact that he wasn't disgusted when he saw who his date was, should have made her think. He was quite right to shut her up. Maybe next time she'll be able to communicate with him instead of shouting at him.
The interchange was very witty. I can invision the sparks that will fly very soon! =]
I think the fact that you kept things light, while still being predetory. It made for a nice build up.
Did he just leave her hanging there? Typical! I'm looking forward to that smut :-)
Lovely! Just lovely!
I have a bad feeling about this blind date...its going to go badly isnt it??
The banter between the two of them is awfully funny! =]
This is a read that has me smiling and nodding all the way through!!
That's an excellent, one I long to have the answer. I just love this story. Plesae keep it up.
Charlie is a bad drunk, apparently.
So what's up with the mystery date? I want to know what happens next *wibbles*
Very intriguing beginning. Why do I have the feeling that Hermione might be in for an interesting date?
Oh-kaaay... let's wait and see :-)
Very interesting. I'd like to see more as I suspect this will be funny as well as ... what's expected. ;)
Please write us more. I really liked your story.
Oooh, intriguing beginning! I going with the assumption that the blind date in question is with Lucius ... I can just imagine how Hermione will reaction to that one. Fiesty is probably only a start. LOL!
Aaaah... the luxury of being surrounded by handsome, reformed blond cuties with long hair. I do so adore Lucius and Draco both. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us. ^_^