New Chapter for A Christmas for Aberforth
A Christmas for Aberforth
MMADfan7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
When Aberforth's plans for Christmas are ruined, Minerva has an idea.
Written for pinkie for the CR Christmas Exchange, 2008. Fluffy flashfic.
Chapters (1)
About MMADfan
41 Stories | Favorited by 312 | 127 Reviews Written | 4,741 Review Responses
Note 10 December 2015: I've been unable to write fanfic the last couple years, but I haven't abandoned my works-in-progress!
Many of my completed fics are available for download in ebook format through my blog and LJ.
Perfect Imagination accredited beta. PI:7311261659.
More about me here.
Reviews for A Christmas for Aberforth
“Oh, no, we wouldn’t think of it, would we, Albus!” Minerva exclaimed, trying to look more comfortable on her three-legged stool. “And what better way to spend Christmas Eve, after all, than with God’s creatures.”“Precisely, my dear,” Albus said. “Jesus was born in a place much like this, they say. Good enough for him to be born in and the shepherds to visit him, then it’s the perfect place for our family Christmas Eve supper.”“And wasn’t it shepherds who heard the angels announce his birth?” Minerva asked rhetorically. “Albus and I are in very good company, indeed!”*snip*AWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Minerva is so cute, trying to find reasons for them to be there. So cute!
Response from MMADfan (Author of A Christmas for Aberforth)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Minerva is trying to be game about the whole thing -- especially since it was her idea to try to cheer up Aberforth.
I LOVE IT!!!! Abefforth is always such a fun character to read and it's nice to see a bit of his back story. I felt really sorry for him when we learned of the love of his life marrying his nemesis, boooo hissss! SHe doesn't know what she's missing, poor lass.And of course, who woudln't love the ADMM bits.They're always the bestest parts fo the story, tee hee. It had just the right amount of fluff and romance that left me wanting MORE!! hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge. lolHope to see a sequel soooooooon!The GLM
Response from MMADfan (Author of A Christmas for Aberforth)
Ah, well, as Minerva says, was she supposed to wait her whole life for Aberforth? LOL I'm glad that you enjoyed it, adn as for a sequel, we'll have to see! Maybe my Muse will cooperate with that desire!Thanks much for the review!
"Goat-lovers"! Sweet idea! :o) A lovely little tale, I greatly enjoyed having it as a bed-time story yesterday. *unwraps salt lick for Flossie, Mirabelle and their friends*
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Yes, Aberorth takes his goat-lovers association very seriously! ;) He went off to that in "The Unsentimental Arithmancer," too. hee!
Flossie, Mirabelle, and friends thank you!
That's so nice of them to not leave Aberforth alone and spend Christmas with him. Nice story.
Response from MMADfan (Author of A Christmas for Aberforth)
Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it.
That was very sweet of Ablus and Minerva to come spend Christmas with Aber. Sorry to read about his lady-love, but then Aber never did pluck up the nerve to tell her his feelings. oh, well. I'm glad to read a story with the brothers getting along.
Response from MMADfan (Author of A Christmas for Aberforth)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Aberforth doesn't strike me as the effusive, heart-on-his-sleeve type. ;-) But he has his animals and, with some prompting from Minerva, his brother, so he had a very nice Christmas.
A nice Christmas tale that was very heartwarming. This is truly what the spirit of Christmas is all about.
Response from MMADfan (Author of A Christmas for Aberforth)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.