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Faking It
themadmermaid4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Draco needs Ginny's help, and she's quite pleased to have the upper hand, but his simple favor turns into something much more complicated. This was written for delayed_poet as part of the 2008 Weasley Fest exchange on LJ.
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About themadmermaid
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 0 Reviews Written | 62 Review Responses
I'm not really very interesting.
I am going to write a sequel to An Apple On A Bough. I even have an outline. However, I suffer from what medical professionals call "laziness."
Feel free to pester me about it; it might get done faster.
Also, all of my Harry Potter fanfiction is archived at the listed LJ community, Saltwater Ink.
Reviews for Faking It
love the cute plot to pieces!!
This was almost sweet, if it wasn't the Ferret. ;)I'm curious about what he won off this bet... aside from, of course, Ginny.
Response from themadmermaid (Author of Faking It)
I'm not really sure what Ginny sees in him, but growing up with all those brothers she's used to managing men so maybe that helps.I'm not sure what Draco won. Something terrible would have happened to him if he lost though, and I think that was really his main concern.
Response from themadmermaid (Author of Faking It)
I'm not really sure what Ginny sees in him, but growing up with all those brothers she's used to managing men so maybe that helps.I'm not sure what Draco won. Something terrible would have happened to him if he lost though, and I think that was really his main concern.
I liked that quite a bit.
Response from themadmermaid (Author of Faking It)
Thanks. Draco/Ginny isn't my favorite pairing ever, but I had a lot of fun writing this. I think Ginny could straighten him out if she wanted to.
Response from themadmermaid (Author of Faking It)
Thanks. Draco/Ginny isn't my favorite pairing ever, but I had a lot of fun writing this. I think Ginny could straighten him out if she wanted to.
Why aren't there more Draco and Ginny stories on this site? /end rantAnyway, LOVED this story. They were both very much in character, and remarkably sweet. Thanks for the fluff! :)
Response from themadmermaid (Author of Faking It)
Thanks for reading--I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are lots of good stories on this archive but I've noticed they seem to be skewed towards SSHG myself. I think it just kind of ends up that way. I mostly write whatever I get in an exchange... and I have another Draco/Ginny fic to upload here this week, actually!