I'll See You Then
Chapter 2 of 2
StefdarlinPomona reflects on this life with Filius and the next. This is the fifth and final part for this pairing.
ReviewedThank you for everything, Sempra.
I'll See You Then
Pomona lay in her bed, an old, cracked photo album resting on her lap. As she turned the pages, her hands shook. But they did not shake because she was upset or nervous; they shook because, like the album, she was old.
She gazed at the photos and reflected on the happy times they captured. Each image held a memory more dear to her than life itself. They depicted her family as it had grown over the years. But more importantly, it held images of Filius… her friend, her lover, her husband; the love of her life.
She paused. Filius’ brilliant brown eyes looked up at her and then crinkled at the edges as his smile beamed from the page. Almost instantly, her eyes misted with tears. How she missed him: his laugh, the tone of his voice when he said her name, the warmth of his embrace, his scent.... Now, all she had were memories… memories and an old photo album she looked through every night.
Pomona turned the page and smiled through her tears at an aged photo of the two of them. They were twirling and dancing at the wedding of their son, Gavin. The sequins on Pomona’s gown sparkled in the light as Filius spun her around. While she turned, Filius threw his head back to laugh. She could almost hear him… almost.
It was hard to believe it had only been two months since his death. They had known… It was hard to explain, but Filius had known his time was coming. He constantly told Pomona he was ready. He had lived a full life; he couldn’t have asked for more. His only regret was that he would miss her until they met again. But he told her, “Don’t fret, my love, no matter how much longer it takes you, I’ll see you then.”
Pomona closed her eyes as she remembered his words. That night, they had snuggled down in their bed, he had wrapped his arms around her and he had left her as he slept. The following morning, she had woken to find him with a smile on his face as he held her tightly, but his soul, that part that gave him life, had gone.
Since then, Pomona had gotten her affairs in order, and now, she knew she would be joining him soon. She no longer worried that her children needed her. They had families of their own, lives of their own. And when she was gone, she knew Gavin and Fiona would have each other. That knowledge eased her heart more than anything.
With a final caress to Filius’ smiling, photographed face with her hand, Pomona laid the album aside and placed a note on the table by her bed. She sighed, whispered, “Nox,” and the torches around the room extinguished. After one hundred and fifty years on this earth, she was tired, and gratefully, she lay down to rest.
The next morning, Fiona came in to wake her mother. She threw back the drapes, letting bright light spill into the room. “Mum, time to get up…” she trilled in a cheerful voice as she turned.
When she turned, she expected to see her mother’s warm, brown eyes smiling back at her. Instead, Pomona’s face looked peaceful, and there was a slight curve to her lips. If Fiona didn’t know how lightly her mother slept, she might’ve thought Pomona was having a pleasant dream. But then Fiona’s eyes rested on the note Pomona had left, and she knew her mother was gone.
Fiona moved slowly to her mother’s side and sat down. She tenderly held the hand that had held hers for so long and laid it back down gently. She took a steadying breath and reached for the parchment leaning against the cold torch. When she opened the letter, her hands shook and tears filled her eyes as she read:
‘Don’t worry. I’m with your father, and when your time is done, we’ll see you then.
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Stages of Affection
5 Reviews | 9.8/10 Average
What a sad but beautiful story. I love it.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Lol, awww. I know it's sad. But I found it strangely comforting in an odd way, too. Thank you so much for your review.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Lol, awww. I know it's sad. But I found it strangely comforting in an odd way, too. Thank you so much for your review.
Add my awwwwww to the list. They are so darn cute together, they put a stupid, goofy smile on my face.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Thanks, Di. Got to have that FF/PS infusion along with AD/MM, right? Love to make you smile.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Thanks, Di. Got to have that FF/PS infusion along with AD/MM, right? Love to make you smile.
Awww. This is such a sweet pairing. I admit I don't think I've seen a SINGLE Filius ship fic before, but this is great. He's an interesting character that's been woefully underused. Do you think you'll be writing more fics with him in? *looks hopeful*
Author's Response: Hello Angel,
I am glad you like the pairing. Actually, I do have another fic up on TPP for this ship, it is called Flourishings.
I have a few other stories for this pairing as well and hope to post them soon. Thanks so much for your review.
Brilliant as always, Stef. This pairing tickles me.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Hey there, Arabella! *Blush* Thank you. They are sweet, aren't they?
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Hey there, Arabella! *Blush* Thank you. They are sweet, aren't they?
I love how passionate they are, right from the very beginning. It was neat to see little moments from beginning to a new beginning for their family. I hope you add more! Thanks for sharing!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Hiya Sprinkles! I am glad you liked them. I wanted to include a fifth part about their later life but couldn't come up with one right away. However, the flashfic30 challenge on the board may have given me an idea.
I am also hoping to add other sections to this for other pairings, AD/MM is next on the list.Thank you for your review! ~~Stef
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of The Stages of Affection)
Hiya Sprinkles! I am glad you liked them. I wanted to include a fifth part about their later life but couldn't come up with one right away. However, the flashfic30 challenge on the board may have given me an idea.
I am also hoping to add other sections to this for other pairings, AD/MM is next on the list.Thank you for your review! ~~Stef