New Chapter for One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake
One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake
guiltysecret797 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Harry, Ron and the Invisibility Cloak have one last outing.
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About guiltysecret79
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 10 Reviews Written | 41 Review Responses
IRL I'm a British secondary school science teacher. Fanfiction is my guilty little secret - I *really* don't want the little buggers getting wind of this, hence the screen name!
Reviews for One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake
giggle giggle
giggle giggle
LOL. In other words, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Cousin Dudley are in for an unpleasant surprise when Dudley's son turns eleven. I wonder if they'll lock Darren under the stairs? This might be an interesting story line. If yo write it I'll read it.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
It will certainly be something of a shock! I doubt Vernon would take it particularly well :-)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
It will certainly be something of a shock! I doubt Vernon would take it particularly well :-)
I like it! Nice little twist! I also love Snape going after Potter while calling out taunts. Enjoyable!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
Thanks.I think that perhaps they were all missing the sparring one peace broke out!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
Thanks.I think that perhaps they were all missing the sparring one peace broke out!
I believe they could have just explained that one, but it was more um, fun, their way?
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
I think that perhaps Harry was too... Harry... to ask! It would seem typically reckless to go to such ridiculous extremes :-D
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
I think that perhaps Harry was too... Harry... to ask! It would seem typically reckless to go to such ridiculous extremes :-D
Do I say it? Yes ! *evil grin* Poor Dudley (Really he found someone who non only married but accepted to be touched by him: AWWW)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
Maybe he improved with time? Hey, if Vernon could find someone, albeit Petunia, surely Dudders will do fine!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
Maybe he improved with time? Hey, if Vernon could find someone, albeit Petunia, surely Dudders will do fine!
I am thrilled to be the first to review this charming tale! It is not the first to use the idea of Dudley having a magic child, but certainly the most delightful and original lead-up to that theme I have seen.You've used a little space to tell a large story, Ron married to Hermione, Harry married with children, Neville teaching, it's all as we know from the epilogue, except that the headmaster is Snape (hoorary!) and Snape still has his sardonic sense of humour. This is a charming tale that fits perfectly into canon. Thank you so much for writing it!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
A first review cookie for you!I was really pleased with this one - Snape elbowed his way into the story without my permission, to be honest! I had the idea for the intake book, Harry's reasons for wanting to look & Ron's unenthusiastic assistance, but to start with I couldn't figure out why they'd be sneaking around. Headmaster Snape provided the perfect reason.Now I just have to crack on with my explaination for WHY he's back...
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of One Last Jaunt For Old Times' Sake)
A first review cookie for you!I was really pleased with this one - Snape elbowed his way into the story without my permission, to be honest! I had the idea for the intake book, Harry's reasons for wanting to look & Ron's unenthusiastic assistance, but to start with I couldn't figure out why they'd be sneaking around. Headmaster Snape provided the perfect reason.Now I just have to crack on with my explaination for WHY he's back...