New Chapter for Knots
guiltysecret795 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About guiltysecret79
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 10 Reviews Written | 41 Review Responses
IRL I'm a British secondary school science teacher. Fanfiction is my guilty little secret - I *really* don't want the little buggers getting wind of this, hence the screen name!
Reviews for Knots
How lovely! You've wonderfully captured the 'emply nest' feeling.(But, don't worry, Molly -- they always come back -- with the grandkids!)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Oh no, just spotted that I missed you!Thank you for your review. I miss my kids no end if I'm away from them, so it was easy to write this one.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Oh no, just spotted that I missed you!Thank you for your review. I miss my kids no end if I'm away from them, so it was easy to write this one.
Bitter sweet nostalgia *sigh* You manage it so well.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thank you so much. I finally seem to be pulling myself out of my maudlin rut, but as my less silly stories seem to be the most popular, I think I'll have to keep torturing those characters. *evil grin*
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thank you so much. I finally seem to be pulling myself out of my maudlin rut, but as my less silly stories seem to be the most popular, I think I'll have to keep torturing those characters. *evil grin*
That's great! Nice analogy.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thank you.The idea came to me while trying to force a comb through the hair of my (distressingly headlouse infested) stepson. He kept turning round and glaring at the comb as if he wanted it to spontaneously combust, and so, from a single line about Fred and George's theoretical response to hair-brushing a whole fic about Molly and Ginny was born.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thank you.The idea came to me while trying to force a comb through the hair of my (distressingly headlouse infested) stepson. He kept turning round and glaring at the comb as if he wanted it to spontaneously combust, and so, from a single line about Fred and George's theoretical response to hair-brushing a whole fic about Molly and Ginny was born.
Gosh, that's sweet. Introspective Mom!Molly :)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thanks!Even the shoutiest of mothers have their moments.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thanks!Even the shoutiest of mothers have their moments.
This was lovely. Short and sweet.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thanks. I really enjoy writing about Molly and her feelings for her kids :-)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Knots)
Thanks. I really enjoy writing about Molly and her feelings for her kids :-)