New Chapter for Guilt and Suspicion
Guilt and Suspicion
snuggleslut53 Reviews | 53 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )
Hermione is just starting her life as an Unspeakable when something happens to her in the Department of Mysteries, forcing her to deal with her inner turmoil with some unwilling help from Severus Snape.
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About snuggleslut
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 130 Reviews Written | 49 Review Responses
just a 20 year old girl who grew up with harry potter and stumbled on fanfiction.
Reviews for Guilt and Suspicion
Really enjoyed this one so far. If we beg, would you reconsider continuing it? I'd be willing to help with reviews.
I love this story, will you be continuing it?
I hope this isn't dead, I've enjoyed it immensely
nice break after all that teenage time-turner fics
we get to see the mysterious years in between voldie's first fall and harry starting school - not many fics give a honest attempt to describe that era and i can never get enough of them
your Snape is raw and interesting, untempered by time, still somewhat green, and his grief and anger are still fresh
the business with ministry and potion-making is a nasty one, and a novel approach to snape's punishment that i like that type of pettiness is much more like ministry than the azkaban torture/auror brutality combo that fic writers usually come up with
good luck with finding beta and please don't give up on this story
thank you
i love time travel stories! you really have severus (and albus) spot on as characters. bravo! if i were a beta i'd volunteer just so i could read this story before anyone else. thanks so much
Thanks for the update. Sorry about the beta problems. What happens if Snape goes into her mind? And Dumbledore didn't look? Somehow I doubt that. I imagine he can slip in and out of everyone's mind without them realizing it. Why else would he want Hermione to stay away from Snape.
Marvelous! I have enjoyed every chapter., every interaction, every thing about this story.
There is some kind of magic, special magic, between Severus and Hermione. The both have dreams of each other, nightmares really, of the other one being harmed in some way, and their dreams are tied to their reality somehow... not identical, but similar.
Severus dreamed of a splinched Hermione trying to comfort him as she was bleeding to death, and her words in his dream were almost what she was saying to him when she found him asleep in the sandwiches.
Just now, Hermione dreamed of Severus storming into her rooms in a rage because she had not saved him in the Shrieking Shack in her future time. “My death is on your hands!” “You let me die.” Then quick as you can say "Bob's your uncle," Severus is really at her door, in a rage, and demanding to be let in.
After they had fought with one another and he saw the book Albus had given her to read, he became angry because the thought the Headmaster was teaching her. However, when she told him that Albus couldn't teach her so he wanted her to learn from a book, Severus "offered" to teach her.
Now I had to ask myself what could that book be about... and I thought of Legilimency. And if she would allow Severus to teach her, then he could gain access to her memories and learn who she is and, perhaps, what she was doing here.
Great chapter. You are weaving an intricate tale of two people bound together by circumstance and time... and I love it!
Great chapter. Good luck on your search. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
“Yes, well, I heard a crash in the dungeons and went to investigate. He botched a potion, and he’s, well, he’s a Potions master, and it was a simple burn salve. He looks so much worse than I’ve ever seen him, and he didn’t even throw me out. Well, he tried to but he gave up. He gave up! And then he fell asleep at his desk. Something is wrong. I’m really worried.”
I don't think Hermione realized what she said to Dumbledore, but I am sure he heard it. And the Headmaster said he would talk to Moody. “I am aware of the situation. I will try talking to Alastor, but I fear it will do as much good as the last time we spoke.”
Something else I recall is, when Hermione left to brew the Burn Paste, Severus thought to himself, "... he would eat her food and let her brew the potion, which would just go to Poppy anyway. St. Mungo’s wouldn’t accept it; that would be against the Ministry’s regulations that they had him under. She couldn’t help him, and he wouldn’t let her anyway." This must have something to do with some kind of Restitution or Community Service he is required to do because he had taken the Dark Mark and then gone to work for Albus to defeat Lord Voldemort.
Great chapter!!!
I'm really enjoying this story! Your Snape seems true to character, as I can see that he might have behaved this way under these circumstances. And I like that Hermione is willing to fight back with whatever means necessary, as that seems in character for her, too. Although I imagine it would be hard to get past the habit of treating him with the automatic respect she usually had in his class, and treat him more as a peer.
I'm sorry to hear you're having beta problems. I hope you get a new one soon, as I'd like to see more frequent updates on your story!
This story has such an interesting dynamic. Severus does not know Hermione, but she knows absolutely everything about him. How will he respond when she comes back with sandwiches?
Great chapter, BTW.
Lots of passion between those two. OK, it manifests as anger at the moment...
Severus is still as prickly as ever, I see. Now that Hermione is the new DADA professor, how will that affect her relationship with the Potions master?
This promises to be a fun ride!
Hermione is in deep trouble now... how did she end up nearly twenty years in the past?
A very interesting start to this tale of Guilt and Suspicion !
Oohhh, just found this, and loving it! Hmm, what was the intent of that jewelry box? I love the idea of an SS/HG timeturner fic that doesn't involve the damn Marauders, so kudos to you!
Hoping for more updates :)
Merry Christmas!
Somehow I don't believe Hermione will take Dumbledore's advice. Good chapter I loved how Hermione allowed the Headmaster to give her a name.
Perhaps Dumbledore is worried that Snape is a highly suseptible chancellor, er, professor. (Gilbert and Sullivan silly reference)If Hermione is two nearly three, then Lily is dead. If Hermione is very nearly two, then Lily is still alive. I'm surprised she hasn't shown more interest in what year it is. I sure am interested.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
Thank you for reveiwing! good questions, and sense the answers are in no way a spoiler to my fic, I can share them with you.Dumbledore knows Snape has always done things his own way dispite laws and rules or whats right and wrong, he is also distrusting by nature and unwilling to let things go (i.e. Remus and his monthley sickness) so he's assuming that Snape will not let the matter pass and is warning Hermione without giving anything away about Snape to her.and as for the time line. its summer 1982, almost a year after the end of the first war. Severus is 22 and Hermione is almost 19 and her former self is almos 3.
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
Thanks for the answers! I'm really looking forward to the rest of this.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
Thank you for reveiwing! good questions, and sense the answers are in no way a spoiler to my fic, I can share them with you.Dumbledore knows Snape has always done things his own way dispite laws and rules or whats right and wrong, he is also distrusting by nature and unwilling to let things go (i.e. Remus and his monthley sickness) so he's assuming that Snape will not let the matter pass and is warning Hermione without giving anything away about Snape to her.and as for the time line. its summer 1982, almost a year after the end of the first war. Severus is 22 and Hermione is almost 19 and her former self is almos 3.
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
Thanks for the answers! I'm really looking forward to the rest of this.
Awsome chapter, can't wait for the next! :D Have a wonderful time on your vacations, I'm jealous lol ... haven't been on a real vacation in years... :P lolTake care, and ty again for the wonderful story :D
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
thank you for the review. as for when the next chapter, I have some good and bad news. the bad news it most likely wont be posted for another week maybe longer :(. the good news i've decided to combine chapter 5 and chapter 6, I fewlt they were both to short on thier own and slowed the story down as two seperate chapters. this also means I need to finish chapters 7 and 8 in order to keep up. luckily I'm taking my lap top with me.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
thank you for the review. as for when the next chapter, I have some good and bad news. the bad news it most likely wont be posted for another week maybe longer :(. the good news i've decided to combine chapter 5 and chapter 6, I fewlt they were both to short on thier own and slowed the story down as two seperate chapters. this also means I need to finish chapters 7 and 8 in order to keep up. luckily I'm taking my lap top with me.
Interesting...very interesting. I wonder why Dumbledore would want her to avoid Snape? I can't wait to see what happens next! Hope your vacations are lovely!
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
Dumbledore doesn't trust Snape to let this matter go, and sense he is untrusting by nature and prone to getting in to deep, witch couls cause truoble for Hermione he decided it would be best to warn her as well. if he tell them both to leave the other one alone and stay away from each other, one of them is bound to listen... right?thank you for reveiwing.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
Dumbledore doesn't trust Snape to let this matter go, and sense he is untrusting by nature and prone to getting in to deep, witch couls cause truoble for Hermione he decided it would be best to warn her as well. if he tell them both to leave the other one alone and stay away from each other, one of them is bound to listen... right?thank you for reveiwing.
Curiouser and curiouser
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
I'm glad you think so.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
I'm glad you think so.
I don't think I'm going to like Dumbledore in this one. Hermione is so much like herself.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
he's not so bad, he just has his priorities set in stone.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
he's not so bad, he just has his priorities set in stone.
Ooh interesting beginning! Hermione's done it now, she's whooshed herself back in time! :) Can't wait to see where this will go!
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
thank you! and I can't wait to show you.
Oh what a neat beginning! I can't wait for more!
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
much more too come. thank you for reviewing!
Blimey, she's in the past!
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
yes, she is. thank you for reviewing.
What a great chapter! Wonderful start to what appears to be an intriguing story.
Response from snuggleslut (Author of Guilt and Suspicion)
thank you! more to come soon.