New Chapter for The Letter
The Letter
phoenix179 Reviews | 179 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
The war is over, and as everyone settles back into a normal life, Hermione begins to realize that perhaps she and Ron aren’t as well suited as she thinks. When she receives strange letters from the Ministry and deceased Severus Snape, she begins to rethink her options.
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for The Letter
A little rushed feeling at the end, but overall a charming tale, and just what I needed to decompress on this chilly fall evening. Thanks for the fun!-Wahoo
Aww, how sweet! I like that Snape wasn't even surprised to see her. He knew if he ever opened his eyes again, it would most likely be her standing there.
EEUWW! kissed by Malfoy! yuck! Bad enough Lucius has been all smarmy! Not a Malfoy fan,Wahoo
I started this story some time ago, and now I am back to read more. I am enjoying this, thank you. I agree that Hermione would have been upset about the school decision had she not had this more-important project in hand.
Hello! I just read the story all the way through and it looks and feels like you've got a sequel brewing. Well, I say write it! I like what I've read thus far and would like to read about Hermione and Snape's developing relationship furthur. Thank you!
Good. Still intriguing.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thanks. I tried to put some intrigue in this along with some vagueness as to what's happening. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thanks. I tried to put some intrigue in this along with some vagueness as to what's happening. :)
Excellent start. Just enough friction to motivate her into a course she would not have otherwise taken.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Yup! That was part of the fun of this one. :D
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Yup! That was part of the fun of this one. :D
The ending was rather abrupt, but I thank you for writing
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you for reviewing. It's always hard to know where to end a story. Striking the balance between too abrupt and dragging on is very hard. I did want to leave this one open to a sequel, which I do plan on doing here in the near future. I have notes for it and just need to fill it all in.
I loved this story. It is very sweet without dragging on forever. You definitely leave a lot of unanswered questions, so I'll be looking for a sequel!
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thanks. :D I'm so glad that you enjoy it. I really do intend on a sequel. The muses have recently returned from an extended vacation and after a couple of in progress projects are done, this one is next on the list.
That's a lovely ending to a lovely story. Though I'd very much like to know what happens next. A sequel, maybe? *joins chorus*
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you very much. :D The muses are back and once I finish up an older WIP and a prompt fic, I hope to finally get to work on the sequel. I think the more I write SS/HG the more accepting I become of the pairing.
I wondered how you came up with the name Hidden Before Voting. Vote where and before when? I enjoyed this story of two clever minds finding each other. I will never understand JKR's epilogue. 19 years later and still with Ron?
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
I'm glad you enjoyed it and also wonder at her epilogue. As for the pen name, if you go to the Categories, and look under Challenges, you will see a Potter Place Post Deathly Hallows Challenge. All who wrote for that are having their stories posted anonymously until after the voting. There is also a link to the rules that should outline things for you. :D
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Thanks for the info. I'll check out the challenge.
Congrats on finishing! A nice romance and you provided a happy ending. Yes, more would be nice but in the end they expressed their feelings. =)
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
. I'm glad that you see that it is both an ending and a beginning. :D And more is in the works so those who see it as a beginning can be happy about that. :)
This was a lovely story. Please tell me you are planning a sequal??!! There are so many unanswered questions.I like how she was so uncomfortable about the kiss that she had to blurt it out.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
I'm glad you enjoyed it and yes indeed, I am planning a sequel. I'm so glad someone mentioned her blurting out about the kiss. I can just imagine her bursting at the seems about that. LOL
nonononooooooooooooooooooo this cannot be the end! You have to resolve Ron & Harry kicking up a fuss, hot sexxors and the happily ever after!
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
LOL Aye, aye, ma'am. :D There is a sequel in the works so many of the unresolved bits should be resolved.
What was she doing with him? The euphoria of having survived the war was well past, and she was forced to admit that they really didn’t belong together. Amen to that!!! OHNO Ron is going to continue to cause trouble isnt he?
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Yes, there was much rejoicing when Hermione finally told Ron the obvious. LOL AS to what he does next, stay tuned.
I don't understand why Hermione is staying with Ron - or Ron with her for that matter. They really don't seem to like each other very much. I assume a break-up looms on the horizon :)
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Er, would JKR wanted them together be a good answer? LOL I tried to keep it canon at the start and then diverge from there. But yeah, that is one of her odder plot decisions.
OK does this mean that they are together or what. And what happened after the Ministry was told, did they keep it quiet? And how does the public handle the news? And does Ron and Harry come back and bother them again or give up? Do they(Hermione and Severus) have sex? Get married? Have kid(s)???Don't get me wrong, I love it but what happens next? This story is awesome and I can't wait to see you are so I can read other stories by you.Tamara aka
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you for your questions and your reviews. I'm glad that you enjoyed it and thanks to all the encouragement of the reviewers, there will be a sequel that will answer some of the questions you have asked. :D
yes, Ron, he's back and you are out so he can move in. lol
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
LOL I kind of think she's burned that bridge anyway so it looks like there is no going back to Ron even if she wanted to.
Please continue this story, there is a lot moe "fun" do be had. I really enjoyed it.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thanks, Jeannie. There is more 'fun' to be had and I have started work on a sequel thanks to the encouragement of my reviewers. :D
I love it though I wish there was more
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you. :D There will be more in the near future as I'm writing a sequel.
I really enjoyed this story. The ending was a delightful and bit unexpected. Well done.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope that you will stick around for the sequel. :D
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Whooo Yah! You bet'cha!
Good chapter - I cannot believe it is over - it was interesting concept and I enjoyed the story.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
I'm glad you liked it. While this story is over, there is another chapter in life known as a sequel coming. :D I hope you will also enjoy that.
Great chapter - I loved how quickly you let her find the cure to bring him back and I am glad she realizes that Ron and her do not make a good couple. This makes it easier to move her on with her life in the story and I cannot wait to see where you take it.
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you. There really wasn't much point in dragging out her search for the cure over months or longer. As for Ron... yeah, time to move on indeed. LOL
What a lovely ending, shall I expect an epilogue?
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And indeed a sequel is in the works.
That was fabulous!!!! Is there going to be a sequel???
Response from phoenix (Author of The Letter)
Thank you for your high praise. I do indeed intend a sequel to be released after the voting sometime. Depends on RL