New Chapter for Saving a Death Eater
Saving a Death Eater
Bambu157 Reviews | 6.79/10 (157 Ratings, 0 Likes, 189 Favorites )
Post-Deathly Hallows plot. While Harry is immured in the headmaster's office, sunk into Snape's memories, Hermione is spurred into action of a different sort.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Saving a Death Eater
more please!
Write On!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You're very kind. I'm toying with this in the back of my mind, and I thank you for liking it enough to want more.
Thank you for correcting JKR's oversight and remembering to revive Snape. What would SS/HG be without SS?
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You're most welcome. It was indeed my pleasure, for SS/HG without the SS would be a very lonely ship!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
YAY!!!!! *dancing little jig in chair* Thankyou so much, I have been in so much shock and denial that I couldn't bring myself to look at any fanfic til today, and then i read this! This is going to be my ending of choice, thank you so much!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you very much, I'm honored you'd use it in place of canon. Of course, it's exactly what I've decided to do as well.She never wrote the word 'dead' for Snape, nor did there appear a portrait in the headmaster's office -- as happened with Dumbledore, almost instantly, and there was no body retrieval or memorial discussed. See. Lots of wriggle room!
Arrgh, how could this be completed?! It seems there is so much left unsaid, so far you could take this story, beyond the drabble that it is. I think you could really do alot with this one! It was wonderfully written, and hermione's characterization was great. I've always respected your writing ablities, you're one of my favorites!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you, and I'm sorry to have frustrated you. If it helps, I'm planning a post-DH SS/HG story. I'm just not sure whether it'll be a continuation of this or one which uses this vignette as a jumping off point.Thanks again for the marvelous compliment.
I knew it wouldn't be too hard to revive Snape. Thank you for this "epilogue". I just finished reading book 7 and was eager to have my Snape back alive. Now there can be other stories about him and maybe even ones where Hermione leaves Ron. :-)
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Fortunately JKR left us quite a bit of wriggle room; and I'm in the camp that thinks by the time nineteen years rolls around, Hermione and Ron will have already had a very amicable divorce! Thanks so much for reading my little story.
I'm not an SS/HG fan, but little beloved told me to read this story when I expressed a similar scenario , but without Hermione, to her. You've done very well with the idea. A man like Severus Snape would not be unprepared for such a circumstance. He is too smart and had too much experience with 'He Who I Found Most Tiresome' and must have known to keep an antivenin specific to Nagini's venom on his person or with someone like Poppy. Poppy is probably my favorite female canon character and you have written her as I see her, never flustered and always in control of the situation with her patients. She knows what must be done to save them and she always does it.Phoenix wrote a wonderful story called Wounded about Severus recovering from a very serious poison the 'HW' forced on him during the battle. The healer, a woman, who handles his case is a wonderful character. Lupin has a big part in the story, but other wise it picks up where you left off. I encouraged her to write a sequel that paired Severus and the healer, she called that story Beholden to No Man and it takes things to their logical conclusion.I'm sure that Snape lives, even if it's only in my head. I'm waiting for Snape lives t-shirts to show up online, I'll buy one and wear it with pride. If there are still people who believe that Elvis lives, why not Snape.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
What an utterly marvelous compliment that you found my story likeable when you aren't an SS/HG fan. Although my story really isn't very shippy, and I do think Hermione would say something. Frankly JKR left (whether intentionally or not) some enormous wriggle room with which to resurrect Snape. She never uses the word dead in relation to him, the portrait doesn't appear instantaneously in the headmaster's office, there's no body retrieval, and no mention of a funeral or memorial with him in it. None of this even takes into consideration his character -- which you so rightly point out is 'too smart' and 'too experienced' not to have prepared for something of this nature.Thanks for liking my Poppy. I'm rather fond of her as a character, and I like it when we see her -- she was woefully absent in book seven, and I wanted to remedy that as well.I'll absolutely wear a Snape lives t-shirt!Thanks so much for reading outside your 'ship (or gen ship) and letting me know the experience wasn't as painful as you feared.
another happier fangirl here *waves* . After all Snape has done and sacrificed, this is a much more fitting end(?) for him. A fresh new beginning. can't type much else cos I just finished DH and still am *meh*.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I'm so glad to make you happier. I absolutely agree with you -- Snape sacrificed pretty much everything, and without any sort of recognition. So ... Thanks very much.
Lovely story. And bravo for casting Madam Pomfrey in the role of the knowledgeable profressional, with Hermione as the smart and observant, but not omnipotent, student. The magical connection between Severus and Hermione nicely hints at possibilities that might someday be realized.
Harry's glance at Ron and Hermione when Hagrid mentioned baby unicorns in DH seems to me to have been designed to indicate that she woudn't be eligible to intercede with the unicorns, but I'm more than willing to believe otherwise.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you. I like Madam Pomfrey, and she's beautifully placed to be a friend to Snape ... we know from this book that Hermione only has rudimentary Healing skills, so I thought this was a very neat way to use both.I imagine we're all going to be interpreting things from the book in different ways. I took her kissing him after his house-elf comment as their first kiss, and there was no time after that for anything more intimate.Of course for those who like the concept of the trio as a triad, there's lots of room to play with that idea.
Great to see you so quick off the mark. I think this is going to become one of the standard ways of wriggling out of canon. Fabulous job as usual.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I realize it could be any number of people who go to him, but with that last look Hermione gives him in the Shack, it's obvious that she'd say something to someone -- or do something as I prefer.I think there are too many inconsistencies from earlier books to make his end clean and final -- which is all well and good for those of us who like him.Thanks for reading and enjoying it.
Thank GOD.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::wriggles happily in her chair::I'm thrilled you liked it!Thanks.
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
I'm going to drag you and Celis and whoever else over to the Death Eater drinking spot in the bar.
Of all the things I regret about this imbrogliogo, I regret my Mark the least.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::grins::We'll toast one another on Avada Coladas or neat scotch!
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Well I've drank all my vodka, and all my whiskey, but I have Ouzo, and I have Šlivovica (which is really vile, but hey).
It's been a BAD weekend. I'm glad I didn't have to work yesterday. Or today, for that matter. Unf.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I have a cabinet full of wine, beer in the extra fridge, and some very nice Belvedere in the freezer!I'm coming out of my HP-induced depression. It's hard to tell whether it's as a result of all those deaths of favorite characters or just general malaise because the series is over.
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Mine is the utterly stupid and pointless death of Snape, his body being abandoned and unaccorded the simple human courtesy of a burial and being LEFT TO ROT IN THE SHACK (I cannot abide that), and the fact that the book basically SUCKED ASS, on top of general mailaise.
I've been forming sentences into little paragraphs along these same lines, but not nearly as potently. I think this shall be called Bambu'sAU, and we shall all write in it and our 'ship will endure. It was truly lovely.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::laughs ... glomps you::You are more than welcome to use this as a jumping off point! I'm quite content to be the hub of all manner of ship stories.Thank you so much for giving it a read.
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
I've been debating as I've been writing whether to make it a point to note that poor Ron, in the dawn of his relationship with Hermione, isn't getting ANY because as long as Snape's life hangs in the balance she's more concerned about the unicorns. It depends on if you're going to write a sequel yourself, because I can take it other places if you are.
Oh, thank you so very much! I thought I had totally prepared myself for Snape's death, but not the way she did it.So pointless. So cold. So alone. You've fixed all that. I feel so much better now.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You've pretty much described exactly how I was feeling about it; and I couldn't rest until I tweaked it to my satisfaction. I'm really glad it worked for you as well. Thank you.
I must admit I haven't bought book 7 yet, nor have I finished book 6. I am more dedicated to fanfiction of this couple than I must admit though have read several spoiler fanfiction already and I definately have love this story of your Bambu as well as The Summoning <of what I have read of it... don't abandon it!!!>~
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I'm really honored you'd read this story before book seven. Thank you so much for that compliment and the one to The Summoning. I won't abandon it, I promise.
Hello my friend!!! What a wonderful first foray into the world of post DH. As always you draw amazing amounts of emotions from your characters. You know just what type of picture to paint, what words to use and what emotions you will evoke! Fabulous! I look forward to more.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Why thank you so much, NQ! I'm so honored you'd read me as your first post-DH, and to leave me such a compliment. You're always so kind.I'll have to re-read the ending of the book if I'm to conjure any more, I read it so fast (but I paid very close attention to Snape.)
Oh wow! Applause! The tension is rivieting. Spoil away baby!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::smooches to you::Thank you, darling Droxy! I'm so happy you liked it.One of these days I'll get Umbridge and her little china cats too!
Wow... You have done an amazing job of capturing the emotions here. It's not overt, but the feelings Hermione feels are well portraid.
Very good job and thank you for sharing this with us!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Why thank you so much. I'm honored you thought I handled Hermione's reactions well.
Thank goodness for you Bambu-heh I made a rhyme. I luve your missing moment. I shall print this out and put it in my Deathly Hallows. I remain a happy little fan girl!!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::glomps you::That is without a doubt a most wonderful compliment. Thank you my dear friend!
Thank God someone came up with a logical and acceptable ending for Snape's part in this saga. JK should have seen to it that she wrapped up things for him, but since he didn't, then at least you've done a great job of it. KUDOS !!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
What a marvelous compliment! Thank you very much. I'm so pleased you thought this was plausible and do-able.
Thank you - Snape's death left me feeling rather weepy and miserable, and this has let me see that fanfic can let him live on. I was especially cheered when I realised that there is no portrait of Snape in the Headmaster's office, yet after Albus' death his portrait appeared apparently instantaneously: hurrah for the loophole!I was expecting Snape to die, but to die in the place of such terrible memories (nearly being savaged by Lupin, attacked by three of his students) and in the belief that Harry was about to die as well, in spite of all Snape's, so unfair!The book left me with an extremely sour feeling regarding Dumbledore. He played Snape, using as leverage a mistake Snape made as a teenager - when it is clear that Dumbledore as a teenager was far from guiltless himself!Anyway, thank you for getting this up so quickly. It's short but well-written, and opens up a world of possibilities.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Whether by design or accident, I'm really pleased with all the fertile ground JKR has left us fanfic writers. Snape's survival is one of the easier loopholes to fill in.I realize that JKR didn't like Snape -- and has admitted that she modeled him after a hated chemistry teacher -- but I've never thought she quite knew the character she had on the page. His JKR ending was cruel indeedAs for the puppet master, I've not been a fan of Dumbledore's since book two, so it's rather difficult for me to comment. I consider him almost the worst villain of all, if only through his errors of omission!I know it's short, but it was only intended to be a vignette with a hopeful end. I may have to develop it further though.
I'm glad you've written this as I was completely heartbroken when Snape diedIt was probably the most painful death ever!I think he deserves to be happy after all the crap he went through, and Harry naming his kid after him does not come close to it!There obviously had to be another way...which you have found!Thank you!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I was expecting it, but that did nothing to mitigate my distress. I think I was somewhat frantic to 'fix it.' So much that I didn't even let SnarkyWench beta the piece. I'm going to proof-read it tonight and then edit it here.I completely agree with you about Snape's deserving some happiness in his life. If JKR can save Lucius Malfoy, then why the hell can't she save Snape -- when he was by far the better man?I'm really glad you thought I found a better way. And it slots very neatly in canon.
THANK YOU! My husband keeps saying that Snape had to die to achive redemption, but he was one of those that was always of the mind that Severus was evil. I, the Snape Fan, upon reading that chapter, saw no reason why he could not have been saved. You're my new hero!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You're most welcome.Frankly, in my opinion, Snape's having to die to achieve redemption is the easy way out -- but we know that JKR isn't shy about taking the easy way out on occasion. It's far harder to live with the sum total of one's mistakes and triumphs.I've been a Snape fan since the end of book one, and my thoughts were that if Lucius Malfoy could live ... so could Snape.Thanks for reading it.
Thank you thank you thank you!Jeez, I've been bawling all weekend.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You are more than welcome. I just couldn't rest until it was fixed, I couldn't even close my eyes after being up for thirty hours.I had to give Snape some hope.Thank you for reading it.
Please continue this fic!! Severus after all he's been through deserves happiness, not just some kid being named after him. Thank you for writing this I'am a huge fan of yours. Great job!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Oh. I forgot to say that I quite agree with you about the naming of the kid.
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
It was total BS wasn't it! *lol*
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Could you imagine Severus' thoughts on the matter? He'd have been horrified. He did Dumbledore's bidding, but he was a tool to be used and discarded. How could coupling his name with Albus' be a form of respect?
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
*bouncing off the walls* I totally agree I'am more pissed off than I was before! I think Potter ment well but youre right it is a deffinite smack in the face.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I realize that Harry meant well, but he's never been terribly introspective ... well, beyond his own psyche.
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
He has the emotional range of a teaspoon when it comes to others.
Please continue this fic!! Severus after all he's been through deserves happiness, not just some kid being named after him. Thank you for writing this I'am a huge fan of yours. Great job!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you so much. This might work itself out into a little plot -- but I haven't one at the moment. I quite agree that he deserves something for all his sacrifice -- regardless of how much he'd contributed to his own unhappness ... he was a child and then a teenager.
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
I quite agree with you, He did alot to contribute to his own unhappiness but he was only a child and then a teenager. I'am 28 and I honestly can say I didn't fully mature until I was atleast 25.
I think Hermione would feel some budding fellings toward Severus once she has knowledge of what Harry says at the showdown between himself and Voldemort.
If you need any ideas on that plot pick my brain please! Just dont ask me to beta I stink at that! *lol*
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
He also had a great deal of conditioning to fight, and we can see how hard it was for him in his memories. The idea that mistakes made as teenagers are unforgiveable is probably the one thing I have difficulty with in this world of JKR's.I quite agree about Hermione, and when that plot hatches, I'll be sure to feed it. Thanks for the offer. Your enthusiasm for the idea is sustenance for the nascent plot bunny!
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
He also had a great deal of conditioning to fight, and we can see how hard it was for him in his memories. The idea that mistakes made as teenagers are unforgiveable is probably the one thing I have difficulty with in this world of JKR's.
Yay I love you! I totally agree!
yessss! I knew he could not be dead.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::smooches:: Me, too. I knew there was a way out for him. After all, what do three seventeen-year-olds know about Nagini poisoning?Thanks for reading.