New Chapter for Saving a Death Eater
Saving a Death Eater
Bambu157 Reviews | 6.79/10 (157 Ratings, 0 Likes, 189 Favorites )
Post-Deathly Hallows plot. While Harry is immured in the headmaster's office, sunk into Snape's memories, Hermione is spurred into action of a different sort.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Saving a Death Eater
Loved! So good to see this again. Great chappie! Really liked how he reacted to her voice in the ward. Looking forward to the next.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
How I missed your review, I'll never know. But even though I'm late in replying, my thanks are nonetheless heartfelt.I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. There is another one just about ready to post and I hope you like that one as well.Thank you so much.
I'm really enjoying this story. Two years at Gringotts? Could have been worse. I'm definitely glad Severus was found alive. Thanks for the great story, if I could give you more stars I would. Virtual honeydukes chocolate to you.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I think two years at Gringotts will be an excellent buffer for them, and will allow Hermione to develop a 'bigger picture' outlook.Thank you for the compliment, and thanks for the chocolate. It's delicious.
This chapter was certainly worth the wait! I love the Hippocratic Ward; very neat idea. I hope it won't be as long a wait before we see the unicorns and more of how Snape responds to Hermione.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
What a great compliment! Thank you.It took me some time to figure out what to do with this story, and I'm quite pleased to say that of the final three chapters (and maybe an epilogue) range from draft to complete, so it shouldn't take as long to update.
The meeting with Kingsley and company was stressful. It is like he has hit wizards with him and they are not too fond of Harry and Hermione. I don't blame them for not wanting to be put in a "safe" house. I loved that Snape responded to Hermione's voice. That was so moving.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I think Kingsley's Hit Wizards are supposed to be protecting Harry, but Harry isn't terribly happy about it at all. And can anyone really blame him. I'm sure Kingsley assigned them with the best of intentions, however, having been hunted for several months doesn't do much for one's sense of trust.I'm very pleased you're enjoying the story, and thanks for taking the time to tell me.
I'm hooked. Yes, our man Severus deserves better than DH. You go Bambu, we're right behind you.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I'm delighted to have captured your interest, and I couldn't agree more about Snape. Thank you!
Very revealing memories in Hermione's possession. I know she'll move heaven and earth to get them to their owner. Great stuff!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you again!I'm so glad you liked the memories ... I really had fun trying to figure out what they could be without making Snape rather creepy about it.
Good twist on the "Rescue of Snape" trope, by having Hermione fetch Madam Pomfrey instead of trying to treat Snape by herself. Interesting start.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
First of all, thank you very much for reading the story and leaving a comment. Your compliment about its being a twist on the 'Rescue of Snape' is a far greater one than you know, simply because I'm fairly certain I'm the one who created the trope.I wrote this first chapter as a stand-alone the morning DH was released (I read pretty fast and I couldn't leave the ending alone without 'fixing it', at least where Snape was concerned.) Then, after several months, I just couldn't leave it alone and wanted to see where the aftermath might take them all. It's a slow progression, I'm afraid, but I'm absolutely thrilled that there is still some interest after all this time.Thank you again, for giving it a chance.
Dear Bambu:I have always loved your stories, and now---a new one to enjoy! HURRAY!I can't say enough nice things about the scene you've created, where Severus wakes and sees Hermione, and his subsequent interactions with her. Lovely foundation, ,and can't wait to see where it's leading!On breathlessly to chapter 2...
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Why thank you very much. I originally wrote this chapter as a one-shot not less than an hour after I finished reading 'Deathly Hallows', but then I just couldn't leave it alone. I'm thrilled that it still works even after all this time.
what a phenominal story!!! i can't wait to see hermione negotiating with the unicorns! thank you so much. you rule and reign
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
::blushes:: Thank you so very much. I'm absolutely thrilled you're enjoying it.
YEA!! WHOO HOO!!! YES!YES!YES! This is grand! Your development through dialoge is great - and love the depth of your secondary characters - really adds so much! Thank you for your work!!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm absolutely thrilled you think my secondary characters have depth. What an incredibly nice thing to say.
wow, what a great chapter! I'm so glad they finally got to tell Kingsley about the Horcruxes, and that he now knows Severus is a good guy and alive. the other unicorns -- wonderful that they exist and typical that it was Severus who kept them safe from the DE's, right under Voldy's nose; I'm thankful that Severus at least had Poppy to share his secrets with. re Severus' negative reaction to Harry's voice -- is that because Harry sounds like James Potter?I'm looking forward to the unicorn scene, but I hope they don't have to kill a unicorn. if a unicorn loses its horn, can it regrow the horn? is the creature still able to live with the herd? scary! thank you for the new chapter!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Ah, my dear, June, thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a substantive review.I think their meeting with Kingsley was a bit of a watershed for them in several ways. They know that as minister, his responsibilities are to the entire wizarding world, but as an Auror and an Order member, they also know that he's 'on their side'. So I think they took a reasonably calculated risk to talk to Kingsley about the Horcruxes, and it gives them stronger footing in the future. The unicorn scene is in the next chapter, and it isn't quite ... well ... you'll see. I shouldn't tell you before we get there.
Oh my, I wonder why I didn't stumble across this one before... it's great and I can't wait to read more!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
You might not have seen it because I'm rather slow about updating. I wrote the first chapter about ten minute after I finished reading book seven, but the rest has been slow to come. Still, I'm so delighted you've discovered it now and enjoyed it so much. Thank you.
What a brilliant chapter! I'm so happy to find the update last night, just in time for a lovely bed-read. I'd like to write a long and detailed review, too, but all I would like to say has already been said, and in so much better words than I could. So I just look at the other reviews and simply nod fervently to it.
Author's Response: Thank you for taking the time to tell me you liked it. I appreciate it more than I can express.
Finally an update, YAYS!!! *Insert girly squealing* I have so missed this story!!! I am so glad to see Severus is still hanging in, if by a thread, good to see he finds Hermione's presence soothing enough for him to relax and concentrate on getting better, even if he is still unconscious. Poor Harry, he seemed quite hurt to find that the sound of his voice caused Snape to become distressed. I do confess I get a giggle out of Poppy calling Severus "little man", though! But I loved Harry's reaction to the question of his virginity, nice to see the boy wonder suffering a bit of discomfort for a change. And I'm still ever so pleased to see the depth of the bond between Harry and Hermione, I don't mind that Ron is out of the picture so far. Somehow, I doubt that he'd be any more, erm ... qualified to join Harry and Hermione on their unicorn quest than Kingsley's hit wizards are.BTW, it figures that someone as vile as Voldemort would find it perfectly appropriate to dine on something as pure and innocent as a unicorn. I have to confess that it set my stomach churning to learn the horrible fate of those beautiful magestic creatures. I imagine that when the New Forest herd learns that the man who did his best to protect them is in need of saving himself, that they will want to do whatever they can to return the favor. I hope that maybe some of their number might want to start a new herd in Hogwarts' Forbidden Forest, now that the danger is gone.Thank you so much for the update, Bambu, and I eagerly await the next one!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
What a great review! Thank you, thank you.Isn't Poppy precious? We see her being efficient so often, I really wanted to give her an extra dimension.When I remembered what Voldemort had done to the unicorns in the first book, I thought it would be plausible to show what he might do with free access to them. I hadn't considered a new herd for the Forbidden Forest, but hmmmm. It's an intriguing thought.
Reading your amazing take on the post-battle days and nights, I can't help but be a little grumpy on how simple JKR seemed to make it all - there was a battle, people died, all was well.A wonderfully action- and content-packed chapter, even if it made me shudder more than once - the numbers of Umbridge's victims really help bring home the horror of that year to the Wizarding World as a whole, and the poor unicorns of Hogwarts... oh, I do hope this won't count against Snape when Hermione and Harry get to talk to the other herd. It is a huge sacrifice they'll need to ask, after all.Poppy was just marvellous, and Kingsley seems to be perfectly efficient and reasonable. Two years in Gringotts... oh dear. But then, compared to some other options, not that bad a compromise.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I'm so pleased you think I'm handling the aftermath realistically. Umbridge, in particular, had close to a year of unfettered zeal to enact her cleansing programs, and I really attempted to calculate the numbers to include families as well as those merely targeted. I hope you enjoy the rest as well, and thank you!
ooh, this is so exciting! i love poppy and am glad somone is writing her... youve done a good job with all of them!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Why thank you so much!
And I bet the goblins will get their pound of flesh! :)
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I imagine they will, and I suspect they won't let Hermione go at all. They'll sweeten the pot so that she remains when Harry and Ron head off to their own just rewards.Thanks!
Oh, so excellent story, Bambu. Please update soon!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Thank you very much.
I have no idea how I missed this story, but it's fantastic!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Why thank you so much. I'm utterly thrilled you've found it now.
More, more more . . . pretty please?!?!? This is really wonderful and I can't wait to read the whole thing.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I have another chapter pretty much close to posting readiness, and there will be two more to follow that one.I'm so very pleased you liked it so much. Thank you.
Oh, I just started reading this story tonight. I think its great! This is close to how I would have imagined the hours and days following the great battle. After a trauma like that grieving must take place on different levels.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I always attempt to incorporate a bit of realism in my stories, so that you thought this was plausible makes my entire evening. I really appreciate that you took the time to tell me so. Thanks.
I'm so happy to see an update to this. The scene in St Mungo's was very moving, and I love that Hermione's voice is able to soothe Snape. I also like your Poppy. Wonderful chapter!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Oh, thank you very much. I'm very pleased you liked the scene, and I suspect Snape's subconscious is remembering that Hermione was the one to help him in the Shack, so he's associating her with safety.
Hmm I wonder why Poppy was reluctant to name Pauling as the Healer in charge. Could there be further mystery?I am so glad you have continued this story. It is one of my favorites as you as an author are.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
Aw, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you. I'm so very pleased you're still enjoying it after all this time, and I think Poppy was worried that the Ministry might put pressure on Pauling to reveal more than he was able considering the Unbreakable Vows he's taken.
I am trilled to see this update!!! This is a magnificient story with a brilliant plot, I just love how you balance Hermione and Harry's friendship, Severus need for help, the aftermath of the war, their "punishment" for breaking into Gringotts etc. Especially their friendship, and the fact that they both aknowlegde that even if he is their friend, Ron did leave them (I'll never forgive him that:-)) and that Ron will put his family first and Hermione and Harry seccond. I don't think it is wrong to put family first, absolutely not, but it does put a vegde in the dynamic of their friendship, and even more so between Hermione and Ron. (And as totally allergic just to the mention of a romantic relationship between Ron and Hermione, I am totally happy with that situation:-)). A very well written chapter, absolutely worth the wait and I am looking forward for the next!!!
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I think I'm just as thrilled to have finally been able to whip this chapter (and the story's direction) into shape, so I'm utterly delighted with your thoughtful response.I quite agree with you about the Ron/Hermione, Ron/Harry, Ron/Harry/Hermione dynamics. Ron's reaction is to shut people out, whether physically by leaving or by ostracism. While that can work, it doesn't bode well for any sort of long-term relationship. At least a healty one. He isn't a bad guy at all, just a bit insecure and completely family oriented ... well, his family.Thank you very much for the review.
Oh, so sad that the unicorns of Hogwarts are gone. Another evil deed done by Voldie. I loved Severus' reaction to Hermione and Severus. I hope they find the Unicorns soon and Severus can be saved.
Response from Bambu (Author of Saving a Death Eater)
I know! But I remembered that Voldemort/Quirrell killed unicorns in the forest, and when I discovered that unicorn horns were spider repellants, I thought perhaps the reason there were so many acromantulae during the final battle was because the herd had been killed. So I played with the idea a little.Thank you for your lovely comment, and I do hope you enjoy the rest of the story.