New Chapter for Rigidness Aside
Rigidness Aside
JaneceMorrighan16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 28 Favorites )
Harry Potter would do anything to never have to ask Snape for help. Draco, however, is not so proud when it comes to his lover not being able to get it up. They find out about Hermione?s relationship with Severus the hard way! HG/SS, HP/DM *This story takes place three months into JenKM1216?s one-shot, "In the Name of Research," which can be found on this site.*
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About JaneceMorrighan
2 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 1 Review Written | 14 Review Responses
Reviews for Rigidness Aside
Great chapter. I must admit, slash isn't my thing, but the combo of Harry/Draco and Hermione/Severus intrigued me (my dear friend who betas for me is a H/D shipper). I do enjoy Severus' snarky baiting of the two boys ... it's very entertaining. Update soon.
♥:D oh wow. I love it soooo much. So funny, I laughed the whole way through!! I really cannot wait for more, please update it very soon. I loved the way Severus used an Amplification charm to make Harry and Draco uncomfortable *giggles* and I love the way Hermione gets her way :P. A very good ending to this chapter as well *wink*. Luv the story hun, PLEASE write more soon, xXx ♥
LOL! That was so funny, and hot too. I liked the conversation between Draco and Severus.And that bit at the end. I don't know what was best, Severus forgetting that the charm was still up, Severus intending to clean his couch or the end. Please, update soon. Harry has to drop his pants!
Love you, girls! And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Well, except the moment I have to vote for you. LOL!
Okay, I've read your revised version. It's makes this chapter much better.Again: bad, bad Severus! Is that his new kink? Drugging women? LOL! I'm wondering what you girls are up to! Update very soon please! Love you!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Yes, we like this version better, too! Severus is very bad. Drugging women... That was an unintentional theme. LOL! We'll be update as soon as we can! :) ~~JenKM1216
When I first read this I thought it was okay, and decided to keep an eye open for the next chapter. When I saw you'd revised it I decided to take another look, and I 'm glad I did, because it is so much better. The added interaction between Snape and Granger has added so much depth to the story. Keep up the good work - I'm looking forward to the next chapter now :)
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We are so glad to hear that. We liked the original, but discussed it with our beta, notsosaintly, and decided that this worked much better. And it is playing in beatifully to the plot. I'm so glad you decided to give it another chance and that you like it so much better now. We will do our best to update soon! :) ~~JenKM1216
That was bloody hilarious, please update soon!!! Omg, how I laughed... ooh. I love Hr/SS pairings and I really don't mind my love (Harry. lol) being paired with Draco, because it was so wonderfully written!! Haha. Anyways, please please update soon!! xx
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Glad you enjoyed it, hon! We're thrilled that the humor came across. Poor Harry. We have a lot planned for our young friend. LOL! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! We'll do our best to update soon! :) ~~JenKM1216
Very intriguing start!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Thanks! We did some revision to chapter one. I'm not sure if you read it before or after, so you might want to take another look, just in case. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thanks so much for the review! ~~JenKM1216
... and I pee !!! O good lord *wipes eyes* You girls are just naughty, naughty, naughty. Your first foray into slashy-ness is most commendable, considering that it was a 3-way! Whoot ! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We are a bit naughty, so we've been told. Ah, whose kidding anyone. We are naughty, naughty girls. LOL Glad that the slash was okay. We did some revision to chapter one, so you'll need to reread for chapter two to make sense. We are very sorry, but we think that added element gives the story more depth. Thanks for the review, hon! ~~JenKM1216
That was really funny!Oh, ladies! Slash!? What a luck I've started reading slash recently. It seems I've read all het Remus stories, so now I'm working me through the slash stories. LOL! I realised I like Snupin.
Anyways... Interesting start. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon! Love you girls!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Yes, slash. Can you believe it? LOL! Glad you enjoyed it, but I want to let you know we did a bit of revision to the first chapter that we believe adds to the story. Thanks so much for yet more of your support! Love you! ~~JenKM1216
Poor, poor Harry. Lucky Hermione.
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Heh. Harry is having trouble, while Hermione is not. *grins wickedly* We are picking on Harry quite a bit, and it is only chapter one. Thanks so much for the fantastic beta work! You are a dear! ~~JenKM1216
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Thanks! We did a bit of revision that we think adds to the story if you are still interested. You'll need to read it for chapter two to make sense. Sorry! Thanks for the review! ~~JenKM1216
Oh, bad, bad Severus. What did you do now? Just make sure Hermione doesn't hear about that.And this sounds like an interesting curse. Can you teach me? I'm sure I can use it some day. LOL!Great job girls. Love you!
WHAT THE HECK?I do hope that you continue this soon what an evil cliffie.Elen
OH my..
Okay what kind of trick did Snape do to Harry this time?
Did Luc really curse Harry?
great story. waiting for more.
Poor Harry! Well, okay, it's funny, I admit it. Mmh... did evil Severus not gave him the correct potion? LOL! The end was so sweet... and hot. Great chapter, girls! Please, update soon! Love you!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Is it all Severus' fault? We'll see soon. Severus certainly is smart enough to modify his potion quickly like that. Poor Harry. Glad you like the ending! You know how I feel about the delicious potions master. *shivers* Love you, hon! ~~JenKM1216
<i>You two are enough to make Lockhart look like a man</i> - had to stop reading, I was laughing so hard!! Well done, girls. PLEASE don't tell me that Sevvie has done something naughty to our Harry! although it's amusing to see the way Draco has to 'help' him. They are the smex!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We had fun with the Lockhart referrence. He is such a putz and fun to make fun of. LOL! We will see very soon what is going on with Harry and whether Severus had anything to do with it or not. Draco is a dutiful love, is he not? Poor thing, having to do all that for Harry. LMAO! We are working on the next chapter now! :) ~~JenKM1216
Response from HogwartsHoney (Reviewer)
Poor Draco, indeed. I know barrels of women (and men) who would be MORE than willing to do that for Harry! *ahem* Looking forward to the next!