Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of 4
JaneceMorrighanThe winning of the bet comes into play, along with an Amplifying Charm. But who is doing the amplifying, and who is listening?
ReviewedAuthors' Notes: This is a collaboration between JenKM1216 and Alauralen. We are happy to announce that someone has nominated this story in round six of the Multifaceted Awards in the Laughter and Pride categories. We are thrilled and deeply grateful. For anyone who would like to support us, the voting begins on July 5 and last through July 22. Please go to the following link to vote: Multifaceted Awards. Thank you so much to everyone!
Disclaimer: We own nothing from Harry Potter and are just writing this for fun.
Beta: Special thanks to Notsosaintly for her wonderful beta skills! You rock, girl!
Rigidness Aside
Chapter Three
"Harry, you have to go back to see Severus. I am sure that he would not have done this to you on purpose," Draco said soothingly; though, personally, he thought it did sound rather like something his godfather would do.
"Forget it," Harry spat. He got up and grabbed some clothes from his dresser drawers and stalked out of the bedroom into the bathroom.
Draco sighed, cast a Cleansing Charm on himself, and turned over to go to sleep. Memories of the early days of Harry's and his relationship played about the edges of Draco's mind and eventually formed themselves into dreams....
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
'Who would have thought a chance meeting with the Boy Wonder would turn out like this?' thought Draco as he ground his hard-on against Harry's hip. They had met in a Muggle bar weeks ago, both trying to forget their losses in the war, and started up a friendship. Now that friendship seemed to be turning into an intense love affair.
Harry was kissing him passionately and, when Draco gasped at the feel of Harry's huge erection, he took the opportunity to thrust his tongue into his mouth. Draco met it, and they began a fierce duel.
Draco's back was pressed to the wall of his sitting room in his London flat. He had sold the Manor after the death of his parents in the war, not wanting any reminders of his Death Eater father. Though, that was rather hard considering that he was reminded of the monster every time he looked into a mirror.
Draco pushed such thoughts away as Harry continued to ravish his mouth, exploring the sweetness he found there, his skilled hands roaming over every inch of Draco's body. Harry was thrusting his jean-encased cock against Draco, desperate for skin-to-skin contact as he groaned into his mouth.
"Harry," Draco breathed as he broke the kiss. Forehead to forehead, heavy breaths mingling, Draco asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? Do you want to be with me, Harry?" As Draco asked the last question, he raised his head so that his smoldering grey eyes met Harry's fiery green ones.
Harry felt his trousers becoming even more uncomfortably tight at the look in those smoky eyes, so full of passion and insecurity and promise. "I've wanted you for weeks; I just didn't know how to tell you."
"Well, then it is a good thing I took the initiative," Draco said cockily, though the effect was ruined by the huskiness of his voice. "Come with me," he said, gently pushing Harry back and holding out his hand.
Harry took it and was led to Draco's bedroom. The room was done in black and grays, and it was very Muggle-modern, surprising Harry. He had been expecting Slytherin colors, but no green or silver was to be seen. The Muggle effect really threw him. He supposed that before the end of the war, when Draco had renounced Voldemort, his father, and all that they stood for, it must have included the less desirable aspects of Slytherin house as well.
Draco watched with a smirk as Harry looked around in awe. When Harry finally turned his eyes back in his direction, he asked, "Surprised?"
"Yeah, actually I am," Harry admitted. "We'll have to talk about that later," he added, drawing his wand and casting a spell to remove their clothing.
Draco looked over Harry's hard body lustily. He was no longer the skinny boy he had met at Madam Malkin's. The war and his Auror training had made his body lean and muscular. His arms were not bulky, but strong and sinewy. His chest was well-defined with a smattering of hair as dark and unruly as that on his head. The hair became a trail that led down well-formed abs to a large erection, glistening with pre-cum. Draco licked his lips hungrily at the sight, moving his gaze down to Harry's long, athletic legs, similar to those of a Muggle runner or cyclist. He had a few scars, remnants of the war and the final battle, one brushing across the top of his cock, leaving a line through his pubic hair. He was perfect, scars and all, in Draco's eyes.
While Draco looked over Harry, Harry did the same with Draco. Draco looked very much like Lucius must have looked at his age. Harry pushed the thought of Lucius Malfoy away as he looked over Draco's broad-shouldered frame. He had filled out beautifully. He was all muscle and sinew with white-blond hair on his chest and around his proudly erect cock. He looked like a god brought to Earth with his large pecks and washboard abs.
"You're beautiful," Harry groaned as he moved toward Draco.
Draco backed toward the bed and lay down, waiting for Harry to join him. Once he had, they kissed passionately as their hands explored each other.
Harry broke the kiss, breathing raggedly, and nibbled on Draco's neck before sucking hard, making Draco gasp. With a grin, Harry moved to gently bite his nipple before sucking the small peak into his mouth and lightly flicking his tongue across it, sending waves of pleasure straight to Draco's twitching cock.
Draco moaned in disappointment and put his hands through Harry's thick, dark hair when he released his nipple, crying out softly as Harry applied the same attention to the other.
Draco was practically whimpering with need and arching his hips into the air when Harry finally made his way, kissing, nipping, and licking, to his cock. Harry licked his lips while Draco pushed himself up onto his elbows to watch Harry. Licking the head of Draco's cock clean, Harry moved to lap the pool of pre-cum that had formed on Draco's stomach. Then, looking into Draco's eyes, Harry slowly sucked Draco's cock into his throat, breaking eye contact when he could no longer maintain it as he neared the thick base.
Draco's head dropped back down onto the pillow with a groan. Harry slid the cock from his mouth and twirled his tongue around the head before plunging back down. He set a strong, furious pace, knowing that Draco was close to cumming before he had even started. His hand moved to fondle Draco's balls before sliding his finger back to his arse. Draco was now panting and sweating, encouraging him in a hoarse voice and arching his hips up into Harry's mouth and throat.
Draco woke up with a cry of surprise and pleasure as Harry inserted his finger into Draco's arse, applying pressure to the gland there. Suddenly, Draco came hard, pumping spurt after spurt of cum down Harry's throat, pleasure racing up and down his cock and radiating through his entire being. When Draco was done, Harry released him and crawled up next to him.
"I'm sorry," Harry said, leaning down to give Draco a kiss. "You're right, I can't live like this. Let's go back to see Snape in the morning. I really need to get off."
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A pounding on the door woke Severus up. He opened his eyes and was met with the site of bushy hair. He suddenly remembered that Hermione has stayed the night for the first time.
"Severus," a voice came from under the bushy hair. "You are lying on my hair. I can't get up."
"I'm sorry, love," he said, rolling onto his back.
"Aren't you going to answer the door?" Hermione asked as she rose and walked towards the loo.
"No, I'd rather lie here and stare at your bare arse," he said.
"It could be one of your students, Severus. You'd better answer the door," Hermione said, disappearing behind the door.
Severus growled as he stood and pulled on a pair of lounging trousers and a robe. Stalking to the door, he threw it open snarling, "This had better be an emergency!" Seeing Draco and Harry, he yelled, "Go away!"
"This is an emergency, Severus. Let us in," Draco said, pushing against the door Severus was trying to close in their faces. "You are my godfather! You have to let me in!"
"No, I don't," Severus said, letting go of the door and smirking as Draco sprawled onto the floor. Severus laughed shortly and said again, "Go away."
Draco got to his hands and knees and was met with a pair of long, bare legs. He followed them up to see Hermione in a short dressing gown. "If I wasn't gay," he said, grinning as he ogled her breasts.
Severus felt a headache coming on. He normally felt one beginning during breakfast in the Great Hall, but it was early this time. "Get up," he spat at Draco as he turned to face Hermione. "And what are you doing out here, Hermione? What if it had been a student?"
"Relax, love. I heard Draco's voice. I know better than to traipse out here in front of a student," she said. "But wouldn't it be funny to see the look on a student's face? Imagine the look of disgust when they realized that their git of a Potions master got laid last night."
Severus glared at her. "I don't see the humor in that." The door closed behind him, and he turned to see Harry helping Draco up. "What are the two of you doing here again?"
"Calm down, Severus," Draco said, flashing a smile. "We had a problem with the potion last night. You did give Harry the right one, didn't you?"
"What do you mean you had a problem?" Severus demanded. "How dare you suggest that I would ever make a mistake with a potion."
"Of course you didn't," Draco said immediately, obviously trying to placate the volatile man. "But, the potion you provided didn't... do the job."
"You mean your lover couldn't get it up?" Severus said, grimacing.
"It seemed to make him... feel like it was up, but he couldn't actually get it up," Draco said, trying to find a delicate way of putting it.
Harry blushed furiously, and Hermione moved to put a soothing hand on his shoulder.
"Are you suggesting that I had something to do with the potion's ineffectiveness?" Severus said nastily.
"Of course not," Draco said hurriedly. "But, there is obviously something going on here. I mean, the potion didn't work for Harry. He had to derive what pleasure he could from my pleasure."
"So, the Boy-Who-Lived has become the Boy-Who-Likes-To-Get-It-In-the-Arse?" Severus quipped, smiling nastily.
"No, he's more like the Boy-Who-Liked-To-Give-It-In-the-Arse," Draco said as his eyes glazed over with lust.
"Oh, for God's sake! If you ever say that again or get that look on your face in front of me again, I will vomit and then kill you," Severus bellowed.
"Draco, let's just go," Harry said, still blushing red.
"No, we need his help," Draco said.
"Oh, no! I'm not doing anything else for the two of you. I fulfilled my part of the bargain. It's not my fault that it didn't work for your arse-loving friend," Severus spat. "Get out!"
"Wait a minute, Severus," Hermione said. "You can't just throw them out like that. They came to you for help."
"Oh, I bloody well can just throw them out," Severus said. "And I intend to."
"Severus, I won the bet," Hermione said, putting a hand on her hip.
"So? What does that have to do with this?" Severus asked with a sinking feeling in his stomach.
"I intend for you to help them," she said determinedly.
"What bet? What are you two talking about?" Draco asked.
Ignoring the question, Severus said, "If you two will excuse us for a moment, I need to speak with my apprentice." He grabbed Hermione's arm and dragged her into his study, slamming the door behind him.
"No, absolutely not," he yelled. "I refuse."
"You can't refuse. You said that if I won, you'd do any one favor for me. My favor is that you help my best friend with his performance problem. I want him to be happy. If he is not able to perform sexually, he cannot be totally happy. Fix this. You don't have the option of refusing," Hermione said, staring at him unblinkingly.
Unable to resist temptation, Severus wandlessly and wordlessly looked into her mind. He was met with an overwhelming desire for Harry to be happy. He had been sad for so long, and Draco was the key to giving him joy again. Those thoughts were interspersed with a deep love for him. Hermione is even more in love with me than she realizes, he thought. It was enough to make him swallow with emotion.
"Are you done poking about in my mind?" Hermione asked softly.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. But to ask this of me..."
"It is a big favor. I know you don't care for Harry, but I do. Do this to make me happy. Do this to make your godson happy. Please, Severus?"
Severus sighed. "Even owing you a favor, you will still owe me for this. You realize that I'm going to have to physically examine your friend, don't you?" Severus said, shuddering.
"Well, if that is what is necessary..."
Severus advanced on Hermione. If he was going to do this, he was going to remind Hermione of his place as her master and a man. He reached up and untied the dressing robe, pulling it from her unresisting arms. It fell to the floor, and he reached out and caressed her breast lightly.
"I am a man, Hermione," he said. "I am everything a man should be, unlike your friend and my godson. I have an insatiable appetite for the soft folds of a woman." He stepped closer and dropped one hand between her legs. A gush of wetness greeted his fingertips and a sigh met his ears.
"Severus," Hermione breathed. "Draco and Harry are just on the other side of the door."
"I don't care," he said, inserting one finger into her slick tunnel.
"Oh, yes," she hissed. "Cast a Silencing Charm."
"No. I want to make them as uncomfortable as possible. If I have to be uncomfortable, so do they." He was aware how childish he sounded, but he didn't care. He would be damned before he would be the only one feeling strange.
"No buts, love," Severus whispered as he shrugged out of his clothing. He turned her around and leaned her over his desk, positioning himself at her entrance. "I am going to fuck you now," he said silkily as he pushed the head of his erection inside her.
"Stop teasing me," she moaned. Grinning wickedly, he wordlessly and wandlessly cast a charm that would allow Draco and Harry to hear everything, down to the softest whisper.
"You want me inside you," he whispered.
"Please, I need all of you, Severus. Please fuck me now," she begged wantonly.
Saying nothing, he thrust as hard as he could, filling her. As she cried out in pleasure, he began thrusting hard and fast. "You want me to pound into you like this?" he asked. "Or do you want me to go slow, barely filling your tight pussy?" He stopped and thrust slowly, barely filling her with each movement.
"Hard, Severus. I want it hard. Please," Hermione moaned as he teased her.
Changing pace, he pounded into her mercilessly. "You like that, Hermione?"
"God, yes! Oh, yes! So good, Severus! So big and hard!" She could barely form sentences as he slammed into her over and over again.
Her walls began tightening around him as her orgasm welled up. When it washed over her, Severus groaned and pounded into her so hard, his desk slid. As she screamed in pleasure, he let go, flooding her depth with his seed.
He collapsed on top of her, and they both fought for breath as their body heat seeped into each other.
"One day, I will fill you with my baby," he promised. "Your belly with stretch with my baby, and you will be even more beautiful."
"I thought you didn't want kids," she said, sucking in her breath as he pulled out of her.
"I don't, but I know you do," he said softly, forgetting about the Amplification Charm.
"Are you saying you want to marry me?" Hermione asked.
"One day, you will be Mrs. Snape," he answered.
"I love you, Severus," Hermione cried out launching herself into his arms.
"I love you, too," he said, holding her close. He suddenly remembered the charm and cursed to himself as he ended it. The pretty-boys in his living room were not supposed to have heard all that.
"Your friend waits," Severus said gruffly as he pushed her away to pull on his clothes.
"Thank you, Severus," Hermione said as she slipped on her dressing gown.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Draco plopped down on a couch in Severus' sitting room and patted the seat next to him, indicating that Harry should sit.
"He is pretty angry," Draco commented, for the first time worried that his godfather would not help them.
"Oh, I am sure that Hermione will get her way," Harry said smugly as they heard Hermione say, You can't refuse. You said that if I won, you'd do any one favor for me."
"See?" Harry pointed out. "She won a bet, and I'm sure, knowing Hermione, that she will be able to convince him to do anything she wants."
"I hope you're right," Draco said quietly as silence came from the room for a few moments.
Then, as if they were in the other room with Severus and Hermione, they heard Severus' voice say, "You want me inside you."
Harry and Draco looked at each other incredulously as they heard, with perfect clarity, Hermione beg, "Please, I need all of you, Severus. Please, fuck me now."
Both men shot up off of the couch, alarmed. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and Hermione's cries echoed through the room.
"What do we do?" Harry whispered, remembering Severus' bare arse as he fucked his best friend. Apparently the potion was still working.
"I say we keep listening. It sounds like he's really giving it to her, doesn't it?" Draco asked with a leer. They heard Severus questioning Hermione about liking it hard, making her ask for it.
"I can't listen to this!" Harry groaned, lust coursing through him. "The potion is still working! And I still can't fuck you!"
God, yes! Oh, yes! So good, Severus! So big and hard!"
"You're still feeling that thing?" Draco asked, amazed. "And this is getting you going?"
"Yes!" Harry hissed irritably.
"One day, I will fill you with my baby," Severus whispered huskily.
Both Harry and Draco froze, listening intently. They looked at each other, more than surprised when Severus said he wanted to marry her.
Suddenly, the sound was turned off after Severus said, "I love you, too," and they scrambled back to the couch, blushing and trying to pretend that they had not heard a thing.
"What do we do?" Harry asked again. "I bet he wanted us to hear all that!"
"We do this!" Draco replied, slamming his lips down onto Harry's.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Severus glared at Hermione as he threw open the door, encountering two very passionately snogging men. "Not in my home," he thundered. "I will personally throttle both of you if you so much as think about dropping your pants while you are sitting on my couch!"
Draco and Harry parted very suddenly. Draco smiled smugly while Harry became very uncomfortable.
"Wipe that grin from your face, boy," Severus snapped. "Hermione and I are getting dressed. I would not advise you to remove anything from your trousers if you want to keep it on your person."
Draco's chuckle met Severus' ears as he retreated to the bedroom, followed by Hermione.
"Do you have to be so short with them?" Hermione asked, still blissfully unaware of the Amplifying Charm Severus had cast.
"Yes," Severus said.
"Do try not to terrify Harry too much," she said as they pulled on their clothes. The house-elves had retrieved some of Hermione's clothing from her room during the night and brought it to Severus' room. "He is my best friend. I love him."
"I can't promise you anything. You're already asking a lot of me," Severus said icily. "But I can promise that he will be in once piece when I am done with him."
"That is all I am asking," Hermione said, kissing him softly as they readied to reenter the living room.
Severus swept into the room, half expecting to see Draco bending over Harry. He was thankful to note that they seemed to have taken his threat seriously. Still, he intended to have his couch thoroughly cleaned after they left.
"Lab. Now," Severus barked at Harry, who jumped and followed him quickly after giving Draco an apprehensive look.
Severus banged open the door leading to his private labs, closing it when Harry entered. He grabbed a pair of Dragon-hide gloves. As he slipped them on, he grinned menacingly and said, "Drop your trousers, Potter."
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Latest 25 Reviews for Rigidness Aside
16 Reviews | 6.88/10 Average
Great chapter. I must admit, slash isn't my thing, but the combo of Harry/Draco and Hermione/Severus intrigued me (my dear friend who betas for me is a H/D shipper). I do enjoy Severus' snarky baiting of the two boys ... it's very entertaining. Update soon.
♥:D oh wow. I love it soooo much. So funny, I laughed the whole way through!! I really cannot wait for more, please update it very soon. I loved the way Severus used an Amplification charm to make Harry and Draco uncomfortable *giggles* and I love the way Hermione gets her way :P. A very good ending to this chapter as well *wink*. Luv the story hun, PLEASE write more soon, xXx ♥
LOL! That was so funny, and hot too. I liked the conversation between Draco and Severus.And that bit at the end. I don't know what was best, Severus forgetting that the charm was still up, Severus intending to clean his couch or the end. Please, update soon. Harry has to drop his pants!
Love you, girls! And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Well, except the moment I have to vote for you. LOL!
Okay, I've read your revised version. It's makes this chapter much better.Again: bad, bad Severus! Is that his new kink? Drugging women? LOL! I'm wondering what you girls are up to! Update very soon please! Love you!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Yes, we like this version better, too! Severus is very bad. Drugging women... That was an unintentional theme. LOL! We'll be update as soon as we can! :) ~~JenKM1216
When I first read this I thought it was okay, and decided to keep an eye open for the next chapter. When I saw you'd revised it I decided to take another look, and I 'm glad I did, because it is so much better. The added interaction between Snape and Granger has added so much depth to the story. Keep up the good work - I'm looking forward to the next chapter now :)
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We are so glad to hear that. We liked the original, but discussed it with our beta, notsosaintly, and decided that this worked much better. And it is playing in beatifully to the plot. I'm so glad you decided to give it another chance and that you like it so much better now. We will do our best to update soon! :) ~~JenKM1216
That was bloody hilarious, please update soon!!! Omg, how I laughed... ooh. I love Hr/SS pairings and I really don't mind my love (Harry. lol) being paired with Draco, because it was so wonderfully written!! Haha. Anyways, please please update soon!! xx
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Glad you enjoyed it, hon! We're thrilled that the humor came across. Poor Harry. We have a lot planned for our young friend. LOL! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! We'll do our best to update soon! :) ~~JenKM1216
Very intriguing start!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Thanks! We did some revision to chapter one. I'm not sure if you read it before or after, so you might want to take another look, just in case. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thanks so much for the review! ~~JenKM1216
... and I pee !!! O good lord *wipes eyes* You girls are just naughty, naughty, naughty. Your first foray into slashy-ness is most commendable, considering that it was a 3-way! Whoot ! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We are a bit naughty, so we've been told. Ah, whose kidding anyone. We are naughty, naughty girls. LOL Glad that the slash was okay. We did some revision to chapter one, so you'll need to reread for chapter two to make sense. We are very sorry, but we think that added element gives the story more depth. Thanks for the review, hon! ~~JenKM1216
That was really funny!Oh, ladies! Slash!? What a luck I've started reading slash recently. It seems I've read all het Remus stories, so now I'm working me through the slash stories. LOL! I realised I like Snupin.
Anyways... Interesting start. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon! Love you girls!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Yes, slash. Can you believe it? LOL! Glad you enjoyed it, but I want to let you know we did a bit of revision to the first chapter that we believe adds to the story. Thanks so much for yet more of your support! Love you! ~~JenKM1216
Poor, poor Harry. Lucky Hermione.
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Heh. Harry is having trouble, while Hermione is not. *grins wickedly* We are picking on Harry quite a bit, and it is only chapter one. Thanks so much for the fantastic beta work! You are a dear! ~~JenKM1216
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Thanks! We did a bit of revision that we think adds to the story if you are still interested. You'll need to read it for chapter two to make sense. Sorry! Thanks for the review! ~~JenKM1216
Oh, bad, bad Severus. What did you do now? Just make sure Hermione doesn't hear about that.And this sounds like an interesting curse. Can you teach me? I'm sure I can use it some day. LOL!Great job girls. Love you!
WHAT THE HECK?I do hope that you continue this soon what an evil cliffie.Elen
OH my..
Okay what kind of trick did Snape do to Harry this time?
Did Luc really curse Harry?
great story. waiting for more.
Poor Harry! Well, okay, it's funny, I admit it. Mmh... did evil Severus not gave him the correct potion? LOL! The end was so sweet... and hot. Great chapter, girls! Please, update soon! Love you!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
Is it all Severus' fault? We'll see soon. Severus certainly is smart enough to modify his potion quickly like that. Poor Harry. Glad you like the ending! You know how I feel about the delicious potions master. *shivers* Love you, hon! ~~JenKM1216
<i>You two are enough to make Lockhart look like a man</i> - had to stop reading, I was laughing so hard!! Well done, girls. PLEASE don't tell me that Sevvie has done something naughty to our Harry! although it's amusing to see the way Draco has to 'help' him. They are the smex!
Response from JaneceMorrighan (Author of Rigidness Aside)
We had fun with the Lockhart referrence. He is such a putz and fun to make fun of. LOL! We will see very soon what is going on with Harry and whether Severus had anything to do with it or not. Draco is a dutiful love, is he not? Poor thing, having to do all that for Harry. LMAO! We are working on the next chapter now! :) ~~JenKM1216
Response from HogwartsHoney (Reviewer)
Poor Draco, indeed. I know barrels of women (and men) who would be MORE than willing to do that for Harry! *ahem* Looking forward to the next!