Chapter Twenty-three: The Best Lies are Based on the Truth
Chapter 23 of 41
sunny33Hermione tells the truth... almost.
ReviewedDisclaimer: The characters and settings in this story belong to JKR. I'm just teasing them a little.
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Best Lies are Based on the Truth
Fuck! Bugger! Damnation! What have I done?
What was I thinking?
What was she thinking?
Merlin's bollocks! There was no thinking involved. Only hot, full lips, hands everywhere, all those curves squirming against my...
They didn't see that.
Tell me they didn't see that!
And I left her there to face them.
"What?" That's right, glare them into silence while you think up something to explain why you were snogging and groping the bloody Potions professor.
Shite, never did work on the boys.
"Hermione, you were snogging Professor Snape." Harry's expression could only be described as bewildered.
"Yeah, 'Mione, what was that all about? He had his hands all over you, the creep."
Attack is the best form of defence. Didn't someone say that once? "Oh, for Merlin's sake. Considering you lot all paired up and abandoned me, what did you expect? I wasn't about to sit around like some leftover."
"But, 'Mione..."
Hermione raised her chin and glared at Ron. "It's New Year, Ronald. I can kiss whomever I choose. Besides, he may be a greasy git," she laid her hand to her forehead in a mock swoon and fluttered her eyelashes, "but he's one hell of a kisser. The man has a gift. Who knew?" With that, she flounced off upstairs, hoping the subject was closed.
As everyone left in search of another drink or more food, Ginny's brain tossed around all she had seen and heard in the previous few minutes. Snape had not moved fast enough for her to have missed the decided bulge in his trousers or the proximity of her friend's hand to said bulge just before he had done his disappearing act, and Blaise had looked far too smug as Hermione had left the room. Two and two, which had previously added up to a dubious four, now appeared unerringly bound for an impossible seven. Eyes widening, her lips slowly formed a perfect O as she remembered exactly what Hermione's secret paramour had written in the letter she had read. Nimue's knickers!
"Ginny? Are you okay?" Harry twisted in the chair to face her. "You look ill."
Ginny swallowed. "No, I just we were all a bit mean leaving Hermione alone like that, weren't we?"
"She'll be fine. Can't have been too traumatic. Didn't look like she was going to let him go for a minute there. I was sure I'd seen her hand..." He shuddered. "Ew. The dungeon bat can kiss. Where did he get the practice?"
Ginny gave him a half-hearted slap on the arm. "Just forget it, Harry. You'll have nightmares if you think about Snape's previous snogging history for too much longer."
"But, Gin. What will her boyfriend say? She shouldn't be snogging other blokes when she already has a man."
Ginny shook her head. "If he was here, wouldn't she have been with him? Exactly. So he won't know, and as no-one knows who he is, no-one can tell him."
"But someone might mention it in passing and..."
" could be..."
"Shut up and kiss me again before my mother remembers to check up on us."
Harry had completely forgotten his concerns about Hermione by the time Molly and Arthur had returned to the room some time later.
A soft tapping on the window woke Hermione just as she had finally drifted off to sleep after several hours of tossing and turning. Letting the owl into the room, she retrieved the letter it carried and allowed it to perch on her headboard while it demolished an owl treat.
I have not had the headmistress pounding on my door seeking to castrate me yet, so I assume you managed to offer a suitable explanation for my appalling behaviour.
Not that I regret the kiss for one moment. Just the audience.
And leaving you to face the inquisition.
For that, I beg your forgiveness.
Hermione quickly scribbled a note and gave it to the patient owl, tumbling back into bed and into sleep as soon as she had closed the window against the chill night air.
I blamed them for leaving me with only you to choose for a New Year's kiss. I may have given them the impression you were a fantastic kisser, so if you get any funny looks, you'll know why.
If we stick with the same story, I think it'll blow over.
Besides, Professor McGonagall had George in a clinch at the time. No idea what that was all about, but she'll hardly have any reason to question our behaviour.
I look forward to seeing you in a few days back at school.
We need to talk.
Snape threw the parchment into the fire, watching it burn as he loosened his robes and shrugged them off shoulders still knotted with tension. Lying down on his bed still dressed, he relived the kiss many times over before he too drifted into slumber.
"Hey, Curly!" George slapped Hermione on the back as she sat beside him at breakfast the next morning. "Looks like we both survived smooching with the professors. Although I think you deserve more points for yours." He chuckled as he helped himself to scrambled eggs.
"Er... thanks. I think." Hermione managed a weak smile, then frowned. "What were you up to with Professor McGonagall, anyway?"
"That's the good news. She was asking me to fill in as Flying Instructor while Hooch is away on leave next term. I'd just agreed when it struck midnight, and, well, I had to be the gentleman. If I'd have known you were stuck with Snape, I'd have pointed her in his direction and snaffled you myself." He grinned. "Don't suppose you want to make up for it now?" His lips puckered, and he closed his eyes.
Hermione giggled. Putting a finger to her lips to hush the others, she lifted a warm breakfast sausage and placed it lengthwise against George's mouth.
"Mmm, Curly, always knew you'd be tasty." With that, George bit the end off the sausage and winked. "Oh, well, better luck next year."
"George! Stop harassing the poor girl. I'm sure kissing Severus last night was quite difficult enough without you tormenting her about it." Molly shook her head and patted Hermione's shoulder as she passed by with the bacon.
A fierce need to defend the man she loved bypassed all Hermione's self-preservation instincts. "I told you. The man can kiss like a... anyway, I enjoyed it. Maybe I'll make sure I find him next New Year!" Even her ears were red as she fixed her eyes on her plate and finished her breakfast without any further mention of New Year or kissing.
After the dishes had been set to washing themselves, Hermione attempted to hide out in the library away from the curious glances of her friends. Her parents were due for lunch in a few hours, so there was no excuse to go home until later that afternoon. Finding an interesting looking book on Ancient Runes, she settled in for a good read.
"I knew I'd find you here."
"Oh, Gin. Hi. I thought you were off with Harry somewhere."
"Fat chance with Mum watching our every move. Besides, I wanted to talk to you." Flicking her wand at the door, Ginny locked and silenced the room.
Hermione felt the moisture evaporate from her mouth. "What about?"
"You and Snape."
"I told you. He was the only person left unattached."
"Bollocks. That doesn't explain the length of time you kissed, or the fact he was obviously aroused, or your hand on his bum. And I happen to know you have a mysterious boyfriend whose name starts with S and who can access the Hogwarts' owls. Explain that, Miss Innocent."
"I... I... Dammit, Ginny!" Hermione had her wand out before Ginny had noticed her hand moving.
"Hey, there's no need to..."
"Don't be daft, Gin. I'm not going to hex you. Wand Oath. Now. You will not repeat anything I am about to tell you. To anyone. Especially Harry."
"All right, if you're that worried. I wasn't about to tell him anyway. I already covered for you last night when he asked too many questions." Ginny raised her wand and swore the Oath. "There. Happy? Now, spill!"
Hermione sighed. "Do you remember that job I had over summer? Well..." Editing out a lot of the details, especially those concerning exactly what Snape was painting, she told Ginny how she had fallen in love with the dour Potions professor.
The redhead's eyes widened further and further with each revelation. "I can't believe Blaise knew all along and never said anything."
"He's been amazing, Gin. So supportive. Despite how he feels about me. I just hope he can find someone else."
"Oh, I think things are looking up in that department. He spent a long time talking with Luna last night after you went to bed. Mum just about had to throw them out to get them to go home."
"Yes. He seemed quite taken with her."
Hermione grinned. "Brilliant. He deserves someone special like Luna."
"She's definitely unique." Ginny giggled and then fell silent.
Hermione watched her friend's forehead wrinkle as she opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, shaking her head. "What?"
"As you said before, bollocks. What were you going to say?"
Ginny lowered her eyes, studying her fidgeting hands. "It's... How do you know he's not just using you?"
"Yes. I mean, he's never been nice to any of us in the past."
"Besides saving our lives numerous times and risking his own in the process?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.
Ginny had the grace to blush and hold her hands up in defeat. "I know, I know. I didn't say he wasn't a good man, just that he's never been a nice man. I'm worried he'll hurt you... no, not physically, I think he's too honourable for that. I meant emotionally. He seems so cold and withdrawn."
"I know he's always appeared that way, Gin, but he's just very reserved and doesn't trust easily. Underneath it all he's quite insecure and vulnerable. I was lucky enough to see the real Severus Snape while he thought of me as a Muggle. He didn't see me as a threat, you see. That only happened when he found out who I was. Since then, he's bloody blown hot and cold, one minute stealing my breath away with kisses, and the next avoiding me like the plague."
"I would have thought he'd be all too pleased to have a willing witch in his arms. It's not like he gets that many offers."
Hermione sighed. "He's worried about my reputation and education and losing his job. He's right, of course. It's just so hard. The end of the year is ages away, and I'm terrified he'll convince himself our relationship is a bad idea before then."
Ginny wrapped her arms around her friend. "I know it's difficult, but you'll really need to stay away from him for a while at least after that kiss last night. If you're seen with him anywhere other than the classroom... well, people aren't daft."
Sniffing, Hermione nodded. "I need to talk to him about something when we get back, then I'll do my best. I don't want him to lose his job over me."
"Besides, I'm sure you'll find something else to do... a little study perhaps?"
"I know what I'd rather study."
"Hey, Hermione!"
"Yes, Dennis?"
"Did you really..."
"Yes, Dennis. I kissed Professor Snape at New Year."
"Didn't he try to bite you?"
"No, Demelza. He didn't try to bite me, hex me, or take off points. He's not a vampire, as anyone who has seen him supervising Hogsmeade weekends could deduce, and he wasn't angry. Anything else you need to know before I'm allowed to eat my dinner?"
"No. I'm good."
Oh, for fuck's sake! Can't they leave me alone? "I told you, Lavender, we were the only two left, and he's not that bad."
"No. It's not that. It's just... he's staring at you."
"He's staring right at you. It's kind of creepy."
Hermione looked up to find the Potions professor's eyes fixed on face. And that's not helping the rumours, you pillock. I'll fix you. "Oh, don't worry, Lav, he's probably trying to work out whether to give me detention or try to get me alone for a quick shag on his desk."Hopefully, the latter.
Ron's mouthful managed to reach the front of Neville's shirt across the table. "'Mione! Do you mind? We're eating here!"
"What's the matter, Ron? You've been quite happy to speculate on my sex life recently. Why can't I make equally ridiculous suggestions about Professor Snape?"
"It's just not right, is all."
"Typical. You boys and your double standards." Hermione suppressed a smirk as she swivelled in her seat, lifted her hand to her mouth, and blew a kiss at the still-glaring professor. As he flushed deep red and dropped his gaze, a snort from further down the table drew everyone's attention.
"Look at that. I think you're onto something, Hermione. Maybe you could control him in the classroom by blowing kisses at him whenever he starts looming." Harry grinned as she threw half a bread roll at him.
"You're all a bunch of idiots. For the last time. It was New Year. I kissed Professor Snape. End of story."
"You forgot the bit about him being one hell of a kisser," Ron pointed out in an effort to be helpful.
"Really?" This time from Lavender.
"Gods, yes." In the ensuing silence, Hermione managed to eat her dinner, ignoring both her housemates and the staff table for the rest of the meal.
"Miss Granger, a word after class, please."
A few titters drew his gaze as he continued his progress around the room, silenced by the glare sent the perpetrators's way.
Blaise's comforting hand on Hermione's shoulder was stilled with a hissed, "Alone, Mr Zabini," as Snape passed behind their bench.
"Looks like you're on your own, Granger."
"I'm not afraid of him," she replied.
Blaise chuckled as he sliced his fluxweed. "I think he's the one who should be wary. You're likely to pin him to the desk and have your wicked way with the poor bloke as soon as the room is empty."
"In your dreams, Zabini... or perhaps mine."
"His probably, the way he's walking."
"Blaise!" Liquid heat shot to her centre as she watched Snape's stiff gait. "I'm trying to concentrate here!"
"Better add the fluxweed now then."
"Shite!" Dragging her eyes back to her cauldron, Hermione managed to shut out all her libidinous fantasies long enough to complete her potion.
As the class filed out, Snape sought refuge behind his desk. It wouldn't do for any of his students to notice the significant tent in his robes he had been painfully aware of since the moment Hermione Granger had entered the room.
"You wanted me, Professor?"
In every way you can imagine. And several you can't. "I believe you wanted to speak with me." He leaned back in his chair and watched her fidget with her robes.
"I do. I'd just hoped it would be in the privacy of your quarters." Or your bedroom... or bath... or anywhere we can both be naked would do.
He flicked his wand, locking and casting a Silencing Charm on the door. "This will suffice." To stop me taking you right here and now, hopefully. He smirked at her pout while imagining those full lips employed elsewhere. "Now, you had something to say?"
Hermione took a moment to run her eyes down his all-too-familiar frame, oblivious to the effect her pink tongue moistening her lips was having on his self-control. Suddenly overheated, she shucked her robes off onto the desk behind her. "We need to talk, Severus." Her use of his first name deliberate, she moved closer to the barrier between them. "We... I... can't continue like this. The other night..."
"We nearly gave ourselves away. It was only your quick thinking that prevented a major uproar." The corner of his mouth lifted in a tiny smile as a glint appeared in his eyes. "One hell of a kisser?"
"I know. A bit over the top, but it stopped any further questions. Besides, you are."
"I am what?"
"One hell of a kisser."
This time, the smile lit up his face from within.
"So, what now?" Apart from mind-blowing sex on this desk?
Snape shifted in his chair, a pained expression appearing on his face. "Hermione, I can practically hear what you're thinking. It's not helping."
"If you're that clever, why aren't you naked and ready for me?" Hermione's nipples pebbled into tight peaks against the thin fabric of her school blouse. She felt, rather than saw, his heated gaze lower to fix on her breasts.
With a groan, Snape stood and swept his robes aside. "See what you do to me, witch. How can you expect me to concentrate on teaching when I can barely walk?" Deliberately running his hand over the aching erection barely confined in his trousers, Snape moved around the desk.
Hermione's eyes could not leave his groin as his hand continued to slide up and down of its own accord. "Why deny us then? Do you realise how wet I am right now, just from watching you do that?" She stepped forward and closed her hand over his.
And as mouths moved close enough for breath to mingle, hardened nipples brushed against layers of wool, and a rigid cock pressed against a welcome captor, the dam of their restraint finally burst.
A/N: This story was written for shalimar1981 for the TPP Every Flavour Auction. Thanks go to my special beta, Karelia, and to my mate, quaffswinegaily, who is the best support ever.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Limited Exposure
1604 Reviews | 6.58/10 Average
This is one of my favorite SSHG stories ever <3 brilliantly done
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you! :D
Loved the whole story. Lots of fun!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks. :)
"And today, you’re as jumpy as a unicorn around Pansy Parkinson." Love it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
That was a great read, and I've recced this story on the One Bad Man comm over on LJ. I hope that some more readers will experience the pleasure of this story that way!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you for reading, reviewing, and reccing! :D
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks! :)
I think Blaise Zabini bought Hermione's pictures.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Read on, MacDuff! :)
I thought it sounded like a good idea. Severus may need a body double for a pregnant Hermione or they could use polyjuice from a pregnant woman. Would that work? I know she wouldn't be pregnant, but would she look pregnant? The breasts change with pregnancy and he is all about the breasts. If he does the early pregnancy painting before a woman is completely miserable, maybe Hermione could just stick out her tummy. The 1st baby I didn't show for 5 months. Only my breasts got slightly larger. She could be looking in the mirror and imagining herself as a mother with a baby at her breast. Please tell me they won't have children this soon. Studies in the US show that people without children are happier than adults that have childern. At least if they stay at Hogwarts there are probably house elfs lined up around the block for the chance to take care of their baby while they work.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Don't panic, Hermione has her own opinions on that idea! :)
I do like the fact that most of the other characters beside H and S are very astute and aren't missing much when it comes to the couple in question. In most other stories the other characters aside from possibly Ginny and maybe Harry seem to be mostly cluelss, but we all go along with it because it fits the needs of the story. I'm afraid to find out what Minerva has discovered.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Most of them are pretty smart people who know these too well. Of course they'd figure it out. :)
Please let Minerva be understanding. Sorry. I have to get on to the next chapter!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Dear Severus, Blaise knows about us and he is in love with me so he had been providing a shoulder for me to cry on, because I've been crying a lot. He has been trying to help me work things out with you. He's very supportive and noble. In case you've been listening to gossip, I'm not shagging Blaise. I'm sure you are above listening to gossip started by Ronnald Weasley. That burk has no idea what really I do in my private life, otherwise he wouldn't be spreading untrue gossip would he. He saw Blaise comforting me and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Wouldn't it be awful to be like Ronnald Weasley?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Hehe!! :D
WTF!!! I guess I'll find out who that was soon enough. I hope it was Ginny. That would take care of that little problem. Severus wouldn't open her door without knocking, I think. Blaise is too good. What would Severus do if he thought Hermione was spending her free time laying on her bed with Blaise? Would he be jelous or would he nurture it and use it to rationalize a reason for dumping her and hating her? Does he really expect Hermione to leave him be? Can't they just agree to wait until the end of school? They are adults after all. Hermione would protest but it would be the best thing to do in the long run. But then again, where would be the fun in that? Are Christmas Hols coming up? Two weeks at the studio would be nice.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL wouldn't be much of a story if they did the mature thing and waited. ;)
Not the response I was hoping for when he figured it out. What will you do with Blaise? Just as there is no one like Severus Snape, there aren't other girls like HG running around the school. He might like Ginny if he knew her better. Maybe Luna? She is definitely an unique individual. I've been too enthralled wanting to get to the next chapter to leave reviews, but I want to tell you that this is awesome!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks. :)
Is she going to tell her mom the real truth? She seems like someone she could tell the truth to. She is a lot like my mom. Maybe her mom can talk some sense into her about continuing to deceive Severus.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Her mum's pretty open. :)
That silly girl. Is she trying to torture him by continuing to stir this up? Her stream of consciousness ramblings indicate she has no intention of letting Severus discover she is Grace, yet she plays with fire. I suppose that because she is more naive than any 19 year old would realize they are, she doesn't realize how cruel this is if she doesn't plan to have a relationship with him but only plans to lead him on for her own titillation. Does she plan to live a double life? Hermione Granger during the week and Grace Henman on the weekends? The more she draws this out the more deceived he is going to feel when he realizes he's been tricked. She isn't a stupid girl and she must know this deep inside. Now he knows she returns his feelings. What is he supposed to do with that information? This is going to get bad before it gets better I fear. I feel the most concerned for Severus who has more to lose. He would have let this lay if she hadn't egged him on. He didn't pursue her because he didn't want to be hurt. He felt it was inappropriate but aslo that she would never be interested in him because of his age. He isn't looking for a booty call. Has she thought that he might be interested in more than sex? Now that she has gotten his hopes up what does she plan to do about it? Has she thought it through that far? Again I ask, has she thought this through?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Of course not. She's nineteen. She knows she wants him but hasn't really thought beyond the moment. You know what they are like at that age! :)
It's too bad Severus feels he still has to be a git. I know potions is dangerous, but I'm sure he could get the NEWT students to cooperate without being mean.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Not sure he knows any other way to behave. :)
Well, I've been thinking about how brave Hermione is. She has been nothing but professional. I admire her. I am a femenist, but I don't think I could have been that relaxed in her situation. It is unusual to find a young woman that is so comfortable with her own body and isn't recriminating herself for imagined flaws for one thing. She doesn't feel super sexy but she also doesn't feel embarrassed about any of her features. I suppose I wouldn't be able to pose like that without feeling at least as aroused as she did. She did have the knowledge of the truth to keep her from getting carried away. On the other hand, Severus was very hard on himself but he didn't judge her for feeling aroused too. What a gentleman. I am feeling very sorry for Severus. He is so sensitive. He's got it bad for Hermione and she's only "just interested" in comparison. She is young and has never really been in love yet. She doesn't know what a broken heart is yet. I've heard it said that women fall in love easier, but men fall in love harder. I suppose one could say he is only sexually interested in her but we know he wouldn't be aroused if he didn't truely like her for herself. Female Death Eaters didn't have the same affect on him. And what do you expect a normal red blooded male to do when a beutiful and aroused teenaged woman is willing to lay there with her legs spread for you for hours while you examine her every nuance', realising she is aroused because she is showing her lady parts to you. How sad for him to have her treat him so causally kind and truely proffesionally, to be honest. It must make him feel like he's just a harmless old man, and maybe even as if he was a trusted harmless old favorite uncle that paints lots of nude women and figure that she could never imagine him as a sexual creature even when she knows he desires her. Because while he could tell she was obviously aroused, I'm certain he didn't immagine it was due to the fact that she was thinking sexy thoughts of him. Hermione acted completely professionally. How was she to know he would develope feeling for her. I sense that this will get worse before it gets better, but I'm comforted by the hope that you will help them work this out and they will be whole in the end and a happy couple.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
It's sort of like biting off more than you can chew, isn't it? Neither of them really knew what they were getting into, but are trying as hard as possible not to ruin the hard work they have done so far by given in to their physical responses. :)
This story reminds me. About 16 years ago I went to the Musee d'Orsay in Paris with a friend. We thought we had seen everything there until we were leaving and I saw the postcard for the L'orignine Du Monde. I was like, "Hey Kathy! Hold on! Look at this! We've obviously missed a section somewhere because I'm sure we haven't seen this yet! My eyes had landed on it immediately like a magnet as I scanned the stand.
I wonder how many people actually buy that postcard? I personally prefer my postcard of the statue of David for unreligious reasons. He has such large hands. I love large hands on a man.
Which reminds me again! Later at the Louvre, we were down by the mummies. The underwire in my bra had broken through the fabric. I just couldn't bare it jabbing me between my breasts anymore, coupled with my painful feet from walking all over the city. So, I reached into the top of my sweater and pulled and struggled and pulled and wrestled it somemore, as I tried to get the wire out of my bra. There was an older woman resting in a chair by the wall. She was looking at me in horror as if I was about to pull a bomb out of my bra and blow the whole place up! Finally, I got the wire out and looked at her as I pulled it out of the top of my sweater holding it up. Her face and eyes lit up in a friendly smile of comradery as she nodded her head sagely and said, "Ahhhhh!" I saved that underwire with all of my other Paris mementos. Apparently broken underwires transcend the language barrier.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Love it. Every woman can understand that pain!
Very lovely!!!! Can't wizards feel the magic signature of another magical person when they are together? I wonder if he stares at her long enough he will notice she is wearing a glamour? I don't know how they work in this story, but it seems in other stories they can be detected by the trained eye, and if anyone has a trained eye it is Severus Snape. I suppose we see what we expect to see and he isn't expecting to be deceived.
I wonder how long Hermione can keep up the charade? I'm a little surprised he didn't recognize her voice when she was on her feminist rant. Maybe he has never really listened to her because she annoyed him so much.
If she pulls this off for the holiday, I can't imagine he won't become suspicious after school starts. After watching her for so long he will have to notice the similarities of voice, scent, hand gestures and facial expressions when he see's her in class. What if he falls in love or infatuation with his model? During breaks he will surely find out what an intelligent woman she is and find her interesting. That could be good or very bad depending on how he takes it when he finds out who she really is. What a tangle that will be.
Ha! I had no idea this would be bringing up the feminist cause when I went on my own rant in the last review!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Just pretend for the sake of the story that he can only see a magical signature if he actually looks for it. He sees what he expects... a Muggle. ;)
Great stream of consciousness monologue! Yey for the hippies! My mom was a hippie. Bodies are just natural. Handy for the breastfeeding lady except when people are offended at mums breastfeeding in public and mistakenly say something in my presence and I have to climb up on my feminist soap box. I have to climb because I'm quite short, but once I'm up there I am very passionate. People who can't look at a breastfeeding baby without sexualizing it makes me very uncomfortable and I don't think they should be allowed to do that in public. It totally grosses me out! Strange. The young women that are my colleagues at work don't understand feminism. Why did they become lactation consultants and childbirth educators? Will Hermione tell him who she is or not? I am going with "not" for the time being.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Totally agree about breastfeeding. It's perfectly natural and if people don't like it they don't have to look. Prats. :)
This end of this chapter had me in in fits of little school girl giggles hehe. Can't to see the real reactions to that scene!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL Thanks. :D
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Yeah I wrote that review very late haha not my best typing skills lol, I've finished the whole story now and I just loved it, well done :)
Dear sunny33,
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Melissa, The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Moderator
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you. :D
I've thoroughly enjoyed this. I remember reading this when it first started to post and I'm so happy to see it completed now. I meant to stop inbetween to leave reviews, but I was to eager to see what happens next.There are so many things to love here: the relationship between Severus and Hermione, Snape the painter (and I can see him so well pouring all his pent-up emotions into his art over the years), the friendship between Hermione and Blaise, the relationship between Draco and Neville...I had to grin when Kingsley turned out to have a wife after all - apearances can be deceptive ;)Very delightful tale with a lovely happy ending for all!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL Some me ARE just well groomed. Thanks for stopping by to review! :)
nooooooooo! i'm not ready for it to end! any next generation of their children fics u are thinking of?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
I don't do next gen fics. I'll let others take that on.:)
love the argus kiss and his inclusion and pride in his hobby!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you. :)