Chapter Ten: The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions
Chapter 10 of 41
sunny33Severus and Hermione return to the studio to...
ReviewedDisclaimer: They all belong to JKR. I'll give them back... eventually.
Chapter Ten: The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions
Oh, gods, what am I doing? We'll be there in a few minutes. Look at him, so hot and flustered and... vulnerable. How can I tell him?
How can I not tell him? Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Merlin, this damned Muggle vehicle is too slow. She'll change her mind. I'll change my mind. How could I have imagined she'd want me? She's regretting it already. I can tell by the expression on her face.
No, don't give up on me, Sidney. See, if you pull away, I'll just move closer to you. Yes, that's right; my hand is dangerously close to that bulge in your trousers. What will you do if I just...?
Oh, fuck. She's touching me. She hasn't changed her mind then. Gods, woman, don't do that! Don't... Don't stop doing that! Oh, shite, the taxi-driver's smirking in the mirror. He knows!
He definitely likes that. Stop fighting it, Sidney. Just a few more strokes and he'll... Damned, nosy taxi-driver. I had him right where I wanted him. Still, I shouldn't have lost control like that. I still have to tell him.
He'll kill me.
Finally. Pay the man, Severus, and get into the studio away from prying eyes. I need to talk to her before she drives me insane. Just open the door, let her in, and don't look at her breasts or mouth or bum or...
Eww. Thank heavens we got rid of that creep. He was really starting to get to me. Time to find out what's under those layers, Sidney Reilly.
Where's he gone?
Tea? He made tea?
"Tea, Grace?" Setting a tray on the table in the kitchen, Snape looked as uncomfortable as he felt.
"Tea?" Hermione stared at the long fingers holding the teapot, imagining them employed in a far more interesting task. Shaking her head to dispel the enticing images, she walked slowly around him until she reached the chair beside his.
"Yes, tea. As I said, we need to talk."
"Oh, I thought that was just an excuse to come back here." She moved closer, left thigh pressing against his right.
A brief smile flitted across his face. "That too. But first, let's adjourn to my sitting room. It's more comfortable in there."
She nodded and followed. Time to face the music.
Hermione took his sitting at one end of the old sofa instead of the chair as an invitation, curling up right beside him rather than at the other end. She reached for her teacup and drank slowly, savouring the warmth and delicate flavour of his favourite brew. "So, Sidney, what did you want to talk about?"
He turned a little to watch her face. "Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"Your letters. You think about me at night?"
Hermione met his gaze and found his insecurities exposed within. She lifted a hand to his face and smoothed the furrow on his brow. "Every night. I can't stop thinking about you, wondering what you're doing, wishing I was there... helping."
Dropping his head back on the sofa, Snape closed his eyes and let some of the tension out in a soft sigh. "But, Grace..."
"I know." Her voice gentle, she continued. "You're too old, too jaded, too unsuitable."
He nodded. If he had opened his eyes, he would have realised her words were rimmed with tears.
"Sidney, look at me!"
He flinched at the familiarity of words uttered in a previous life. A life before Grace.
But he looked, all the same, to find warmth and affection and acceptance.
"Sidney, I don't give a toss about all that. I rather fancy you just the way you are. Warts and all." She giggled at his expression. "Well, you might have warts. I haven't seen enough skin yet to make an informed comment."
"But... I... there's something I..."
She placed a finger to his lips. "Hush." Tracing the soft flesh of his lower lip, Hermione continued. "I have to t..."
Her words bruised on her lips as he suddenly leaned forward and possessed them, teacups falling unheeded to the floor in a shatter of porcelain.
Oh, my, his mouth tastes so sweet and spicy. And is that a tongue? Where did this man learn to kiss? He's a wizard!
He is a wizard. That's what he was about to tell me when our libidos mounted a coup against our higher functions. How could I forget that tiny detail?
Just as I imagined. The taste of her on my tongue is divine. I can only dream of how she'd taste elsewhere.
You're living in a fool's paradise, man. Any minute now she's going to...
...start attacking my buttons!
Run. Run while you still can!
I'm not a fucking coward!
Bugger the details. Talking's overrated.
I can't believe how many buttons the man can have on a Muggle shirt. Did he have the damned thing made especially to frustrate me?
She just ripped my shirt open. The bloody woman just tore my shirt off. Merlin, I almost exploded on the spot! Her hands... so soft... so sensual... oh... oh!
Yess! Found his weak spot. Who would ever have thought Severus Snape would melt from a simple touch.
Of his navel.
What is it with this man and his navel? Most men seem to think they're only good for storing lint. You'd think I have my finger in a much more intimate place the way he's squirming. Perhaps I should lick my other finger and...
Oh, yes.
Very useful to know.
Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god! I can't take it anymore. She's going to make me...
Oops. Too much of a good thing. Didn't even get his pants off so I could watch the show. But on the positive side, they're all damp now. He really should take them off to avoid catching a chill. Wonder if he'll let me help.
Great. Best orgasm I've had for weeks and it was in my pants like a randy teenager. What must she think of me now?
More importantly, what the hell is she doing now?
Where have I seen that curious expression before? It's like she wants to know everything.
One more button, then I'll see what he's hiding in these trousers.
Merlin! He's half-deflated and still impressive. No wonder I could tell so easily when he was aroused.
I wonder how long it will take to find out the full extent of his... assets.
I know just the incentive he needs.
She's studying it like a laboratory specimen. She'll be getting out a ruler next and taking measurements. Oh, looks like she's lost interest.
Or maybe not. I knew she wasn't wearing much under that dress, but that flimsy excuse for an undergarment is... fantastic.
Stepping out of the pool of lustrous blue, Hermione stood in only a tiny thong, relishing the naked hunger in Sidney's gaze.
That did the trick. Back to full attention. And very attentive he is, too. I think I need to get down and examine this more closely.
Mmm. Velvety, yet so hard. And so sensitive. It almost throbs when I grip it.
Tastes a little musky for my liking, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Especially if he keeps groaning so deliciously when I lick... there... and suck... mmm... just here.
Fuck, what is she doing? Feels so dirty and depraved and so... so... oh, gods forgive me, I can't stop... have to stop... so close... I can't, not in her hot, wet, divine mouth. No. No!
"Stop!" Snape retreated to the other end of the sofa, panting and attempting to refasten his trousers. "I have no damned control!"
"You think mine's any better?" she asked, licking her lips and eyeing his gaping fly. "I need to touch you. Please."
Snape stood and dropped his trousers and still-sticky boxers to the floor. "Happy now?"
"Definitely." She pouted as he turned and walked towards the door at the back of the room. Forcing her mouth to make comprehensible sounds in the face of his glorious nudity, she asked, "Where are you going?"
"I thought a bed...?" He raised an eyebrow. Breathe. In. Out.
Hermione's eyes followed the eyebrow. Fuck, that's so... Snape. And he's naked, erect, and... she scrambled to slip off her thong and follow him, ...waiting for me.
Despite the lack of candles and a four-poster bed Muggle bedrooms were definitely not as sensual the room was opulent and inviting, with dimmed lighting and the bed covered with a sumptuous eiderdown. Snape beckoned to Hermione to join him as he slipped under the covers.
Any minute now. Just let me get my hands back on you. With a growl, Hermione threw the bedding back to reveal her prize: moist, eager, and gods, so hard.
"Patience, temptress. It's my turn." He gently pried her hands away and rolled onto his side. Snape's lips met hers again in a fiery conflagration: tasting, licking, vying for dominance. As his tongue explored hers, his hands discovered the wonder of her breasts. Soft, so soft. Why have I never noticed before? I could die happy, just knowing the sensation of a pebbled nipple under my fingertips. Time to expand my repertoire. I wonder how she will react if I just... ah, sensitive, are we, Miss Henman?
Suckling on the delicate, rosy flesh, Snape grazed her with his teeth and found her delightfully responsive, bucking against his mouth with a gasp. Interesting.
He did it again.
Is she ready for more? Hermione opened to him as his hands slid lower, teasing the curls he found there. I'll take that as a yes.
Merlin, she's so wet and hot and... where is the damned thing?
Oh, Sidney, this is so much better than my dreams. Ragged breaths and soft moans, cool air peaking saliva-moistened nipples, and, yes, fingers exploring wetness and heat and just a little more to the left, up a bit, no, back where you were; do you need a bloody map? Then at last, yes, yes, gods, please, yes, and his tongue, flicking and teasing and oh my god, don't stop and something forming deep inside, heat spreading, pressure, more, more, more, and then he was thrusting, thrusting, gods, he's really inside me, until no further coherent thought was possible, and everything was heat and friction and white, white perfection and his pulsing release.
Much later, Hermione stirred and remembered, smiling in her almost sleep at the sensation of bare, warm skin against her entire body, the scent of man and woman and ecstasy, and the puffs of exhalation making the dark hair on the back of her neck dance to the rhythm of his breathing. Carefully raising herself on one elbow, she studied the sleeping man beside her. Years had disappeared as he slept; the stark lines of his features gentled; his lips, thin but soft; his magnificent eyes covered in repose. Reaching up to run a finger across his brow and along his jawline, she smiled as his lids opened and his black gaze met hers.
"You stayed." He looked genuinely perplexed.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I just thought..."
"I'd wake up and run away, horrified by what I'd done?" A smothered giggle brought a frown. "Don't be daft, Sidney. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy what we did but I'm rather hoping a repeat performance might be on offer."
His relief was tangible. "It was satisfactory, then?"
"More than satisfactory. You need to ask?"
Snape blushed. "I haven't... well, not very often... and not with someone I..."
A single finger stilled his confession. "Hush. You were brilliant. But, of course, if you feel you need more practice..." She reached between them. "Mmm. I'm sure I can work with this. What do you think?"
He growled and rolled her onto her back, covering her from neck to toe with lean, aroused male. "I think you talk far too much, Grace Henman." With that, he proceeded to ensure her lips were fully occupied while his hands explored her curves with new confidence.
Skimming his fingers over her hip, he traced the outline of her tattoo. "I've been meaning to ask you about this. What is the significance of the design? I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember the details." He nearly missed the subtle alteration in muscle tone as she shifted a little.
"It's a commonly used symbol. I'm sure if you thought about it you could divine the meaning."
Snape snorted softly. "Divination has never been my forte."
At last, an opening. "Divination?"
Swiftly closed. "Divination. Fortune-telling. Tarot cards. That sort of rubbish."
"Well, perhaps it will remain a mystery then. Now, I believe you were about to show me how much you've learned."
His hands returned to their self-appointed task of cataloguing every inch of her skin as his lips claimed her mouth with hot, impatient desire.
Slowly, as the fires continued to build within, Snape eased between her parted thighs and rediscovered nirvana. This time, they moved in a rhythm of peace and harmony, allowing the sensations to envelop their every nerve ending until with a gasp, Grace Henman called out in exultation.
"Oh, yes! Severusss!"
A/N: This was written for Shalimar1981 for the TPP Every Flavour Auction. Thanks go to karelia, who looked this over and gave me some great tips, and to quaffswinegaily, who made me put more Snapey thoughts in.
Jinxie, you earned one hundred points for your house for guessing the end of this chapter in your last review!
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Latest 25 Reviews for Limited Exposure
1604 Reviews | 6.58/10 Average
This is one of my favorite SSHG stories ever <3 brilliantly done
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you! :D
Loved the whole story. Lots of fun!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks. :)
"And today, you’re as jumpy as a unicorn around Pansy Parkinson." Love it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
That was a great read, and I've recced this story on the One Bad Man comm over on LJ. I hope that some more readers will experience the pleasure of this story that way!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you for reading, reviewing, and reccing! :D
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks! :)
I think Blaise Zabini bought Hermione's pictures.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Read on, MacDuff! :)
I thought it sounded like a good idea. Severus may need a body double for a pregnant Hermione or they could use polyjuice from a pregnant woman. Would that work? I know she wouldn't be pregnant, but would she look pregnant? The breasts change with pregnancy and he is all about the breasts. If he does the early pregnancy painting before a woman is completely miserable, maybe Hermione could just stick out her tummy. The 1st baby I didn't show for 5 months. Only my breasts got slightly larger. She could be looking in the mirror and imagining herself as a mother with a baby at her breast. Please tell me they won't have children this soon. Studies in the US show that people without children are happier than adults that have childern. At least if they stay at Hogwarts there are probably house elfs lined up around the block for the chance to take care of their baby while they work.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Don't panic, Hermione has her own opinions on that idea! :)
I do like the fact that most of the other characters beside H and S are very astute and aren't missing much when it comes to the couple in question. In most other stories the other characters aside from possibly Ginny and maybe Harry seem to be mostly cluelss, but we all go along with it because it fits the needs of the story. I'm afraid to find out what Minerva has discovered.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Most of them are pretty smart people who know these too well. Of course they'd figure it out. :)
Please let Minerva be understanding. Sorry. I have to get on to the next chapter!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Dear Severus, Blaise knows about us and he is in love with me so he had been providing a shoulder for me to cry on, because I've been crying a lot. He has been trying to help me work things out with you. He's very supportive and noble. In case you've been listening to gossip, I'm not shagging Blaise. I'm sure you are above listening to gossip started by Ronnald Weasley. That burk has no idea what really I do in my private life, otherwise he wouldn't be spreading untrue gossip would he. He saw Blaise comforting me and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Wouldn't it be awful to be like Ronnald Weasley?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Hehe!! :D
WTF!!! I guess I'll find out who that was soon enough. I hope it was Ginny. That would take care of that little problem. Severus wouldn't open her door without knocking, I think. Blaise is too good. What would Severus do if he thought Hermione was spending her free time laying on her bed with Blaise? Would he be jelous or would he nurture it and use it to rationalize a reason for dumping her and hating her? Does he really expect Hermione to leave him be? Can't they just agree to wait until the end of school? They are adults after all. Hermione would protest but it would be the best thing to do in the long run. But then again, where would be the fun in that? Are Christmas Hols coming up? Two weeks at the studio would be nice.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL wouldn't be much of a story if they did the mature thing and waited. ;)
Not the response I was hoping for when he figured it out. What will you do with Blaise? Just as there is no one like Severus Snape, there aren't other girls like HG running around the school. He might like Ginny if he knew her better. Maybe Luna? She is definitely an unique individual. I've been too enthralled wanting to get to the next chapter to leave reviews, but I want to tell you that this is awesome!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thanks. :)
Is she going to tell her mom the real truth? She seems like someone she could tell the truth to. She is a lot like my mom. Maybe her mom can talk some sense into her about continuing to deceive Severus.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Her mum's pretty open. :)
That silly girl. Is she trying to torture him by continuing to stir this up? Her stream of consciousness ramblings indicate she has no intention of letting Severus discover she is Grace, yet she plays with fire. I suppose that because she is more naive than any 19 year old would realize they are, she doesn't realize how cruel this is if she doesn't plan to have a relationship with him but only plans to lead him on for her own titillation. Does she plan to live a double life? Hermione Granger during the week and Grace Henman on the weekends? The more she draws this out the more deceived he is going to feel when he realizes he's been tricked. She isn't a stupid girl and she must know this deep inside. Now he knows she returns his feelings. What is he supposed to do with that information? This is going to get bad before it gets better I fear. I feel the most concerned for Severus who has more to lose. He would have let this lay if she hadn't egged him on. He didn't pursue her because he didn't want to be hurt. He felt it was inappropriate but aslo that she would never be interested in him because of his age. He isn't looking for a booty call. Has she thought that he might be interested in more than sex? Now that she has gotten his hopes up what does she plan to do about it? Has she thought it through that far? Again I ask, has she thought this through?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Of course not. She's nineteen. She knows she wants him but hasn't really thought beyond the moment. You know what they are like at that age! :)
It's too bad Severus feels he still has to be a git. I know potions is dangerous, but I'm sure he could get the NEWT students to cooperate without being mean.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Not sure he knows any other way to behave. :)
Well, I've been thinking about how brave Hermione is. She has been nothing but professional. I admire her. I am a femenist, but I don't think I could have been that relaxed in her situation. It is unusual to find a young woman that is so comfortable with her own body and isn't recriminating herself for imagined flaws for one thing. She doesn't feel super sexy but she also doesn't feel embarrassed about any of her features. I suppose I wouldn't be able to pose like that without feeling at least as aroused as she did. She did have the knowledge of the truth to keep her from getting carried away. On the other hand, Severus was very hard on himself but he didn't judge her for feeling aroused too. What a gentleman. I am feeling very sorry for Severus. He is so sensitive. He's got it bad for Hermione and she's only "just interested" in comparison. She is young and has never really been in love yet. She doesn't know what a broken heart is yet. I've heard it said that women fall in love easier, but men fall in love harder. I suppose one could say he is only sexually interested in her but we know he wouldn't be aroused if he didn't truely like her for herself. Female Death Eaters didn't have the same affect on him. And what do you expect a normal red blooded male to do when a beutiful and aroused teenaged woman is willing to lay there with her legs spread for you for hours while you examine her every nuance', realising she is aroused because she is showing her lady parts to you. How sad for him to have her treat him so causally kind and truely proffesionally, to be honest. It must make him feel like he's just a harmless old man, and maybe even as if he was a trusted harmless old favorite uncle that paints lots of nude women and figure that she could never imagine him as a sexual creature even when she knows he desires her. Because while he could tell she was obviously aroused, I'm certain he didn't immagine it was due to the fact that she was thinking sexy thoughts of him. Hermione acted completely professionally. How was she to know he would develope feeling for her. I sense that this will get worse before it gets better, but I'm comforted by the hope that you will help them work this out and they will be whole in the end and a happy couple.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
It's sort of like biting off more than you can chew, isn't it? Neither of them really knew what they were getting into, but are trying as hard as possible not to ruin the hard work they have done so far by given in to their physical responses. :)
This story reminds me. About 16 years ago I went to the Musee d'Orsay in Paris with a friend. We thought we had seen everything there until we were leaving and I saw the postcard for the L'orignine Du Monde. I was like, "Hey Kathy! Hold on! Look at this! We've obviously missed a section somewhere because I'm sure we haven't seen this yet! My eyes had landed on it immediately like a magnet as I scanned the stand.
I wonder how many people actually buy that postcard? I personally prefer my postcard of the statue of David for unreligious reasons. He has such large hands. I love large hands on a man.
Which reminds me again! Later at the Louvre, we were down by the mummies. The underwire in my bra had broken through the fabric. I just couldn't bare it jabbing me between my breasts anymore, coupled with my painful feet from walking all over the city. So, I reached into the top of my sweater and pulled and struggled and pulled and wrestled it somemore, as I tried to get the wire out of my bra. There was an older woman resting in a chair by the wall. She was looking at me in horror as if I was about to pull a bomb out of my bra and blow the whole place up! Finally, I got the wire out and looked at her as I pulled it out of the top of my sweater holding it up. Her face and eyes lit up in a friendly smile of comradery as she nodded her head sagely and said, "Ahhhhh!" I saved that underwire with all of my other Paris mementos. Apparently broken underwires transcend the language barrier.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Love it. Every woman can understand that pain!
Very lovely!!!! Can't wizards feel the magic signature of another magical person when they are together? I wonder if he stares at her long enough he will notice she is wearing a glamour? I don't know how they work in this story, but it seems in other stories they can be detected by the trained eye, and if anyone has a trained eye it is Severus Snape. I suppose we see what we expect to see and he isn't expecting to be deceived.
I wonder how long Hermione can keep up the charade? I'm a little surprised he didn't recognize her voice when she was on her feminist rant. Maybe he has never really listened to her because she annoyed him so much.
If she pulls this off for the holiday, I can't imagine he won't become suspicious after school starts. After watching her for so long he will have to notice the similarities of voice, scent, hand gestures and facial expressions when he see's her in class. What if he falls in love or infatuation with his model? During breaks he will surely find out what an intelligent woman she is and find her interesting. That could be good or very bad depending on how he takes it when he finds out who she really is. What a tangle that will be.
Ha! I had no idea this would be bringing up the feminist cause when I went on my own rant in the last review!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Just pretend for the sake of the story that he can only see a magical signature if he actually looks for it. He sees what he expects... a Muggle. ;)
Great stream of consciousness monologue! Yey for the hippies! My mom was a hippie. Bodies are just natural. Handy for the breastfeeding lady except when people are offended at mums breastfeeding in public and mistakenly say something in my presence and I have to climb up on my feminist soap box. I have to climb because I'm quite short, but once I'm up there I am very passionate. People who can't look at a breastfeeding baby without sexualizing it makes me very uncomfortable and I don't think they should be allowed to do that in public. It totally grosses me out! Strange. The young women that are my colleagues at work don't understand feminism. Why did they become lactation consultants and childbirth educators? Will Hermione tell him who she is or not? I am going with "not" for the time being.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Totally agree about breastfeeding. It's perfectly natural and if people don't like it they don't have to look. Prats. :)
This end of this chapter had me in in fits of little school girl giggles hehe. Can't to see the real reactions to that scene!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL Thanks. :D
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Yeah I wrote that review very late haha not my best typing skills lol, I've finished the whole story now and I just loved it, well done :)
Dear sunny33,
I am writing to inform you that you've been nominated for the following category for the Fall-Winter 2013 Round of The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards (hpfanficfanpoll . livejournal . com):
CATEGORY: BEST ROMANCE for "Limited Exposure"
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The nominations period ends on October 28, 2013.
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Congratulations on your nomination!
Melissa, The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Moderator
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you. :D
I've thoroughly enjoyed this. I remember reading this when it first started to post and I'm so happy to see it completed now. I meant to stop inbetween to leave reviews, but I was to eager to see what happens next.There are so many things to love here: the relationship between Severus and Hermione, Snape the painter (and I can see him so well pouring all his pent-up emotions into his art over the years), the friendship between Hermione and Blaise, the relationship between Draco and Neville...I had to grin when Kingsley turned out to have a wife after all - apearances can be deceptive ;)Very delightful tale with a lovely happy ending for all!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
LOL Some me ARE just well groomed. Thanks for stopping by to review! :)
nooooooooo! i'm not ready for it to end! any next generation of their children fics u are thinking of?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
I don't do next gen fics. I'll let others take that on.:)
love the argus kiss and his inclusion and pride in his hobby!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Limited Exposure)
Thank you. :)