New Chapter for The Apprentice and the Necromancer
The Apprentice and the Necromancer
JunoMagic25 Reviews | 6.28/10 (25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Snape lives and marries Hermione. A ‘Marriage Law Challenge’ story with a twist turns into an AU-sequel of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ with new dangers, old secrets, and much more. Virtual penny dreadful. Many short episodes full of adventure and romance, with a dash of hurt/comfort, and a sprinkling of horror.
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Reviews for The Apprentice and the Necromancer
Oh, more please! That was a whirlwind set of chapters. So much went down, both action-wise and emotionally. Now we are left wondering how he will deal with such complete knowledge of Hermione's feelings.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
I'll try to get the next set of episodes posted tomorrow. If you can't wait, there's always the illustrated version on my website. ;-)
Response from orm irian (Reviewer)
Could you give me the url of your website?
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
We're not strictly supposed to give out URLs here, but ...
OMG... I'm so thrilled by this developments. Yummy Snape with leather pants.... grrrrowl!
AHHH awesome update! More please! I am loving all the great literary references. so glad Sev is finally in on (part of) the plan. And Sting! Le sigh.
Nice chapter. Now we will see how Sev take all this information and uses it. 'Moine has been honest with him at last. He knows her love for him. Doesn't understand it. Maybe he will finally realize that someone loves him so much, his needs are more than theirs.
Oh excellent! Wow, how awful Hermione had to go through a horrible attack in order for him to finally understand! There's no way I could have kept that secret. I'm not sure which house would suit me best except that I KNOW I'm not a slytherin. LOL. Which is probably why I like people who have slytherin tendencies so much. ROFL.
Why isn't the rest of this here? One of my absolute favorite stories!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Because formatting for this archive is so much work ... I'll get around to it eventually. :-) Until then, maybe try the illustrated version on my website?
I am really enjoying the story so far. Good supense and some unexpected twists!However, in the chapter "a white and wolly christmas" there is an inconsistency: The Headmistress reprimands Alina for not having better control over the Accio charm--but Alina is only a first year! Harry and his cohort didn't even learn that charm until 4th year!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Glad you enjoy the story so far.As for the inconsistency ... maybe they revised the lessons plan or something. Or Alina was doing it instinctively because she was so angry, and the Headmistress assumed she'd used the Accio charm. It's such a minor detail that it really doesn't matter.
I can't wait for the next chapters!!! Excellent. I love it!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
I'm happy you're still enjoying the story!
excellent story. I keep forgetting to leave reviews because I just go on to the next chapter and keep on reading. That's often what happens when I'm reading something I am really enjoying. Sorry about that.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
If my story has that kind of effect on you, that's a better compliment than many comments! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :)
wow, i loved this installment! "She felt light and heavy at the same time..." is a wonderful bit of prose. please update soon, this is a most engrossing story!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
I'm glad you enjoy the story and my writing so far!
This story is mesmerizing. I'm enjoying it immensely!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoy the story so far.
Hell has frozen over, yes! And Harry even used the term "dunderheads"--Severus must be so proud. I really dislike Delores Umbridge, so I'm hoping that she's either behind the DE resurgences or a firm supporter of them as a Ministry plant and she winds up in Severus' appointed cell in Azkaban.The scene with Hermione being held in Severus' arms while she rode out the after-effects of Cruciatus was very sweet and poignant. Hermione is becoming personally invested in The Plan, which is good. No matter what was at stake, Sev would never agree to marrying her if she were only doing it to save his life. He needs to know that she genuinely has feelings for him in order to go through with it.I also love the idea of the Knights of Dumbledore's Army! The kids are great, and I still snicker at the thought of them playing Settlers of Catan. Maybe they can branch into Carcassone next? Depending on what expansions they used, there could be charmed playing pieces of dragons and pigs wandering about! The catapult might get them into trouble again, though...
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Dearest Dolores, the witch we love to hate ... Also, I have to admit it: a Godsend for all fanfic authors. She's the perfect villain, doing evil just because.But of course it would be a little easy if it was only about Dolores.
Even -- oh my -- three years after writing the episodes with Hermione waking in Severus' arms are among my favourites. So of course I'm thrilled you enjoyed them.And I adore your idea with enchanting Carcassonne! I'm all for it. I'm sure they'd have oodles of fun with that.
Excellent chapter(s). Most creative and delightfull.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
I'm glad you enjoyed that part of the story.
Fabulous chapter. Your creativity and style are aa joy to read. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank *you* for taking the time to read my story, and for your kind words.
OMG, that was hilarious!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
*grins* I'm glad you liked that part.
Severus is just full of surprises, isn't he? And was Minerva subtly (well, for a Gryffindor) trying to get Severus to begin thinking of Hermione in a more personal way with her little talk to him in the ruins of his old home? If so, it seems to have started working...I really enjoyed the inclusion of the apprenticeship contract; my husband and I used to be in medieval reenactment, and his course of study in college was medieval European history, so reading the text of the contract was a very nice touch. The HP wizarding society has been described as "Victorian" by people many times, but I do think they're positively medieval in many ways instead.Can't wait for the next posting of this!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
I think Minerva is doing what she can to help. :)And I'm happy you enjoyed the part of the contract. As a historian I just love including such titbits. And I think keeping up traditions like guilds and apprenticeship contracts and the like sounds very much like the wizarding world.
This is an amazing story. I love it. And I love to read long chapters, so I never read this story, when it was posted to another side. Now I know that I miss out all the fun. I'm waiting for the next chapter.Alea
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you could finally overcome your prejudices, and that you enjoy the story so far even though its chapters/episodes are just one thousand words short.Isn't it sad how often preconceived notions keep us from trying out something different and/or unusual?
Oh, I love this! And I'm thinking that the shared blood which Hermione accidentally ingested along with her act to save Severus' life is what has the magic believing the two of them are engaged. She's managed to bind him to herself by blood in some way, and that's why he has no other choices. I can't wait to see if I'm right or wrong... I also look forward to reading about how Hermione and friends manage to put their plan into action over the next three years. If all else fails, cast a Confundus Charm on him and marry him quickly before he regains his senses!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
You're spot on. (There are a few other things going on in the background, but basically, that's it!) Congratulations: you're one of only a few readers ever since the story was written who spotted the exact explanation right away. WHOOHOOOHOOO!
Oh this is very good. I can't wait for more. Please please write more!! I can't wait to find out what Snape's reaction will be!!!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank you for your kind words, and I adore your impatient reaction! I'll try to post a new part of the story every other day. However, if you really can't wait, I suggest you hop over to my website and read the story there -- it's been finished since 2008. :-)
Yay!!! I'm so glad to see this one here, too! This was one of the stories that brought me to the good ship SS/HG!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Lady Karelia insisted that I post it here, too. So that's what I'm doing! :-) *hugs*
" . . . we helped defeat Voldemort. Getting Snape married to keep him out of Azkaban should be child’s play compared to that." Too funny! Actually, I think defeating Voldemort would be the easier challenge. I am really enjoying this and look forward to more.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story. :-)
The scene with the sheep in McGonagall's tea had me absolutely laughing out loud.
Harry rubbing his scar is worrisome...
Umbridge going to visit Snape the second week of January? Happy fecking birthday, Sev...
Great chapter! I have enjoyed reading this story and all it's chapters, and I hope you update soon! Keep writing!
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Hey, thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoy the story. It's been finished since 2007 -- I just never got around to putting all of it on TPP. You can read the complete, illustrated version on my website: or the non-explicit version on FFNet.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Hey, thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoy the story. It's been finished since 2007 -- I just never got around to putting all of it on TPP. You can read the complete, illustrated version on my website: or the non-explicit version on FFNet.
I have been reading Harry Potter Novels for a long time, and on my own decided that Severus deserved Hermione and Hermione deserved Severus. Then quite by acccident throught a casual commet by a student I discovered the fan Severus-Hermione ship. Your tale resonates. One of the best. Nothing more to add. Keep writing!
The 'broken reading of Jane Austen's complete works' line was great. Spot-on, and hilarious! Actually made me laugh out loud. I like this story- rather than fall back on our standard tropes, you've wised up Ron a bit, magicked up Luna, clevered up Ginny- it makes for a more interesting and realistic (in its 'verse) story.
Response from JunoMagic (Author of The Apprentice and the Necromancer)
Thank you for your kind words. I had a lot of fun writing this story, especially when it started developing a real life of its own and growing in way I had never anticipated.