New Chapter for Fallen Sparrow
Fallen Sparrow
Hanagasume178 Reviews | 178 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Considered pariah by Wizarding society, and spurned by those she had held most dear to her during her time of need, Hermione turns to Severus Snape to guide her through her struggle with the darkness and her desire for revenge.
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About Hanagasume
Member Since 2008 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 246 | 119 Reviews Written | 1,704 Review Responses
I write fan fiction: I am a big SS/HG shipper, but I also like RL/HG, DM/LL and tastefully written Dramione or Lumione on occasion.
I photoshop: I use photoshop an awful lot to create my own banners and edit photos - I love my DSLR.
I am a bibliophile: Paperback, hardcover, graphic novel, fiction or non-fiction. You name it, I read it and collect it.
Reviews for Fallen Sparrow
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.
Loved it.
I rather think Hermione killing off Ron is an ingenious idea. From the perspective of the dark lord, by killing Ron it makes a dent on Harry's psyche but for Hermione to do it is like the nail on the coffin. I'm looking forward to the development of a dark Hermione
That's a little sad. Poor Ron
If she accepts the award in public, or is she declines it, Dumbledore wins. She needs to accept it without a public ceremony. Then they need to Apparate to a tropical island where she can recover in peace and quiet.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Heheh, as if Snape would ever conceed to going tropical. He might be in love with her, but he's not daft :p Thanks for reviewing.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Heheh, as if Snape would ever conceed to going tropical. He might be in love with her, but he's not daft :p Thanks for reviewing.
Hermione should accept the award, she's earned it. It figures that Dumbledore would catch her alone and be horrible. Severus plays the knight in shining armor well. Looking forward to the ending. 5 stars.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Thanks for reviewing!
I refuse to accept the end of this story! No, I say, No! *grin* However, I hope, since it is ending, you make sure that manipulative bastard, Bunblebore, gets his in the rather large end. ^_^
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
I'm sorry, but all good things must come to an end. Thanks for the review!
Just so sweet! (And it gives me a good reason to want to kick Dumbledore in the rear!)
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Lol, it does indeed. Thanks!
Yay! So glad she's home!
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
:D Yay, we're nearly finished. Thanks!
It would tickle me good if Hermione were to accept her Order of Merlin, First Class in a private ceremony with just her and Severus present. I can't imagine what "political hay" Dumbledore had planned on making by presenting her Order of Merlin at the Victory Ball, but it would be fun to see her receive it at a private ceremony and know that Dumbledore had been out-foxed by Hermione and Severus.Beth
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Fun indeed, but I decided not to include the ceremony in this story. Thanks for the review! The next chapter shall be the final one.
I can't wait to read more! Very good. I'm so glad they have each other. Harry can go pound sand!
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Thanks for the review. More coming soon!
oh nooo! Poor Snape!
excellent! I love all the power Hermione is wielding.
I love that moment between them. It is beautiful. I also look forward to Hermione letting loose her power against those horrible death eaters.
rotten old bastard
I sense a happy ending on the horizon. I wish that Hermione could reconcile with Harry, and everyone, really. What happened will always hang between them, but just to have some closure to the past would be welcome. We'll see what happens. I do think that leaving for awhile is the thing to do. Maybe one day when things die down, they'll feel like coming back. If not, Draco and Luna can surely visit them and that is all that will matter. Lovely chapter.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
I suppose if I were to write a follow-up set a few years into the future, i might consider a reconciliation. However, there will not be a sequel. Thanks for the review.
She's awake!!!!! Love how Draco put his foot down and sent Severus home. Too bad Harry's being such a prat, though. They need to clear the air. ^_^
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Indeed. Thanks for reviewing.
Yay! She's awake and healing well. I imagine the news that Hermione is awake and getting better will start a media circus, and I can understand why she would like to go out of the country, at least for a little while, to live in peace with Severus. Perhaps one day when she has completed her studies and Severus has his own brewing company successfully launched, they might like to return to the cottage where they love for each other blossomed and grew.This was such a sweet chapter. Thank you.Beth
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Thanks for reviewing. Not too far until the finish.
I'm happy she woke up and that people stopped by to visit her. I'm hoping Harry comes round but suspect he won't. Great fluffy chapter. I'm interested to see where they decide to settle.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Thanks - you will soon find out more about Severus and Hermione.
Yes, very sad chapter. I loved that he is not afraid of letting himself grieve for her or for himself. Though it was very sad it was so loving and heartfelt. Well done.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
oh noes! I just wanna hug her and give her snape! **bites nails and goes to next chapter!**
yay! new wand I feel like I'm tiptoing in a house waiting for something to jump out at me! love it!
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Heheh, thanks!
humm..... do I sense some hanky panky in the future between our burdened souls?
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Far into the future. Lol. Thanks.
Response from snagerlover50309 (Reviewer)
SQUEE!! I love the smut lol oh and harry? he's being a butthead! and I love the still fueding going on there.
Response from Hanagasume (Author of Fallen Sparrow)
Heh, if you're looking for a tale full of lemons, I'm afraid this isn't the story for you :p Lol. It's low on citrus.
Response from snagerlover50309 (Reviewer)
oh no lemons for me thanks I expected it (I did read the warnings) but I still think harrys a butt head lol but thats okay she's got her snarky professor who's worth ten potters.
oh come on!! ... **goes to next chapter ready to poke Albus**