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Fighting Fire With Nudity
Nom de Plume20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
The annoyances of living in a Muggle neighbourhood have finally taken their toll on Snape.
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About Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
Member Since 2009 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 4 Reviews Written | 119 Review Responses
Reviews for Fighting Fire With Nudity
Lol cute. I need a little white guard duck for my house.. And a mostly nekkid/exposed Snape wouldn't be bad either..
A duck named Jones. I want one.
ROFL!! Absolutely hilarious. Of course I wouldn't mind seeing our lovely Professor clad in a black silk robe, loosely tied... *grin*
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Who would? *snerk* Thanks!
LMAO!!!My former next-door neighbor told me once that her husband pulled a similar stunt when he got tired of certain pesky missionaries showing up at his door early on weekend mornings. It seems her hubs was in the shower one morning when they came calling yet again... so he jumped right out of the shower and answered the door just as nekkid as the day he was born.I understand said missionaries never returned.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
AHAHAHA! Good for him, how funny! There is a surprising amount of stories like this that are actually true. Perhaps Sev's behaviour wasn't so deviant afterall. *snort*Thanks for reading!
Very funny! However, I think they were more alarmed by the solicitous, half-nekid man than by the guard-duck.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Understandably so. ;) Thanks for reviewing!
The recurring missionaries are PRICELESS. And I LOVE the idea of opening the door more or less naked. *giggles at the thought of Snape and the family jewels hanging out*And Jones, indeed, is an excellent guard duck. *giggles again*
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
heh, aww. thanks again PJ. omg. i've just had a thought. what if Severus woke up to find he'd been turned into a pregnant cookie (gingersnape) ....i must write this.PajamaPants's response: *hides from Severus* This might hurt.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
My aplogies to your future person. mwahahahaaa
PajamaPants's response: Does this mean I get to be OFC?Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Ooh! I think it does.PajamaPants's response: Watch out Hermione! Here comes PJ Sue!!!!!!!!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Hold your excitement, dearest PJ. For I cannot guarantee that PJ Sue survives, or at the very least, sees the light of day again after....
How cute! Loved it.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Aww, thanks!
Oh that was funny. I was having a bit of a dull day and that really made me chuckle. Thank you.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Oh I'm glad to hear it! Thank you. :)
OMG...that was awesome. AWESOME I tell you. Something to remember when the Jehovah Witnesses come pestering you on a saturday morning. Thanks for the tip
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
if you do, pics please. :P thanks for reading. :D
Love your story! It reminds me of the time when people were bothering my mom at the door so my dad turned on the blender and screamed, "Help, my hand is in the blender again!" They leave quickly after that sort of thing. ;)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
hahaha!! that's funny!! i'm glad you could relate to this then. :D
That may be better than when my friend invited the Mormans in and offered them Mint Juleps and tried to make them join us as fourths for bridge.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Mint Juleps?? bwahaha
*snigger* Too funny on so many levels! Well done!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Oh thank you very much. I had fun writing it. I've got an image that goes along with it somewhere. I should add it. Thanks for reading!
Response from Jinxie (Reviewer)
Hmm, an image of Severus in black bathrobe popping out with a duck at his feet leering at what I'm assuming to be Jehovah's Witnesses... The mental image is enough without someone actually putting it into reality (although I wouldn't complain to see it). ;)
You really made me smile. A chirping, nearly nude, Severus can easily be seen as rather scary to young, straigth, prude men....:-))
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Yeah I think so too. Or rather, scary to them, hot to us? :P Thanks!
You don't know how many times I would have liked to have tried that trick myself. Unfortunately, I didn't have a duck handy! :)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Well you should remedy that. (and post pics afterwards.) ;)
no soul to save here *fatgrin*fifty ways to frighten off JW's."invite" them. or get a guad duck.well done!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Plus a guard duck is just cute anyways. thank you for the review. :)
Guard duck? Oh I loved Severus' game with the callers.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
I enjoy when Severus "plays" too. Thank you!
If only I had a guard-duck to scare away the JW's every time they came calling! Sigh - apartment policy: no pets.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
Oh that is very sad. You truly have my sympathies. :(
I love this story. I read it over and over again. Thanks so much for writing it. It is such a good laugh.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Fighting Fire With Nudity)
LOL wow. I just got this alert, and Ihave to confess - I had completely forgotten about this story and had no idea was it was at first. Hahaha, wow though. I remember the days of Jones the duck. So happy you enjoy it, and thank you very kindly for the lovely words. :)