New Chapter for Harmonic Resolution
Harmonic Resolution
karelia170 Reviews | 170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )
"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!" Hermione had long forgotten the fateful words Dumbledore had uttered at the end of her first Welcoming Feast when they proved true beyond the shadow of a doubt.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for Harmonic Resolution
Wonderful story!
A beautiful story with a wonderful, hopeful ending. You must have put a bit of time into researching some of the theories you discuss in this story. There is some very real depth to Hermione's thoughts.
delightful. The thought of such music fills me with joy ....
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the review.
an absolutely superb story. loved the music of the spheres. i've only heard of the phrase before but i;ve often contemplated the concept. you have inspired me to do a bit of research. thanks so much and mucho smoochies
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Thank you! I find it a very fascinating subject. :)
*More Applause* It makes perfect sense to go from Lockhart to the Longbottoms. What a wonderful scene.The ending is utterly beautiful, perfectly wrapping everything up to its most satisfactory conclusion. I'm glad I finally had time to read this.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
And I am very happy that you enjoyed the read!Thanks muchly for all your luvverly reviews!
Well, Lockhart was a nice touch. Narcissa's derision of Dumbledorian championing was delightful. Meep, now I must run to the next chapter... Evil cliffy!
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
LOL. Evil? I don't know what you mean! :P
Firstly, yay for the Copland quotation. Second, Lucius' regret at not maintaining Narcissa's happiness is so sweet. Few writers capture the harmony of the Malfoys as you do.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Wow, Merrin. Kind words! Thank you very much!
*applause* I almost feel as though I can hear the music and Severus' voice.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Oh, good!Thank you!
Brass? Wow, that's neat. I'm thrilled to see the three of them finally interacting. I love your Narcissa.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
*beams*I'm so glad you like her!
Very neat. I can't help but enjoy observing Hermione in nature and home. This set-up is so beautiful that I *almost* don't mind the suspense waiting for the plot to thicken.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
*grins* I'm sure I got carried away at times when it came to Hermione in that environment, but writing it was ever so enjoyable, lol. Thanks for the review! :)
Very neat! I like the little details like the Azkaban clause in the OoM. Intriguing start.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Thank you, Merrin! :D
That was a perfect ending. I loved the description of the Universal orchestra, the planets playing the music. And the awakening of the Longbottoms, so tender and sweet. Best of all was the blossoming love between Hermione and Severus as she follows her heart's desire for knowledge. This just begs for a sequel... I thoroughly enjoyed this story, Karelia. Your beautiful words conjured equally beautiful images of joyful sounds. This was a true mood enhancer when I really needed a boost. Thank you, as always.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
I'm so glad you liked it!It was probably the most intense writing experience I've ever had, but to me at least worth every single word. :)And yes, a sequel is already in the works.Thanks, once again for your thoughtful and beautiful reviews!
It's nice to see Lockhart redeemed, helping to heal Hermone. I liked her reaction to feeling the music. It explains why Lockhart is different and Severus' change as well. It can only be described as spiritual, to experience the miracle of healing when all hope from conventional treatments is lost. I can't wait to see how this affects Hermione and Severus... together?I'm sad to see it end so shortly, if you call twelve chapters short.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
I'm glad you think so about Lockhart! Some readers weren't quite happy with that, but the reasons for his healing was that firstly, it didn't take quite as much energy as healing Severus with the music, and secondly, I guess I'm the forgiving kind, lol.Perhaps it's not short, but it certainly isn't novel length. There was a time limit to writing it.Thank you for another thoughtful review!
Wow! Severus is awake. But at what price? Hermione has depleted her magic to guide the Universe's energies to heal Severus. I'm curious to see his reaction to his newly appointed saviour. Will he return to his former snarky self, or will he be changed by his life-altering experience?I'm more than a little surprised to see the hag and the giant working together. I imagined her more corporeal and him as ethereal. But any means to an end, to bring all the important players to the party.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
You're right; the hag was certainly of a more defined shape in this world than the giant. If you accept the possibility that ETs walk amongst us, then it's not such a far-fetched thought. :)Thank you for yet another lovely review!
Oh, I'm so excited. She finally will meet Severus. Her dream encounter with him early on made me think about miracles. How our society likes to know the answers to strange phenomenon, rather than celebrate in the glory. I understand wanting to know why, but there should just be joy in the event of its own merit. Quidditch for the Advanced Sportswizard. LOL
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Oh, you're so right! What most also don't understand is that sometimes, looking inward instead of out for answers will provide them much sooner.Heh. I can create worlds, but I have trouble coming up with names for stores. *snrts*
Thank you for the nod in the A/N. It was truly wonderful working with you and getting a first glimpse at this. I enjoyed it just as much, if not even more, the second time around. Truly an amazing story, so full of hope and love. This evening was a bit depressing for me and it was nice to sit back and read something so beautiful to lift my spirits.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Thank you for helping so much with it! Without all the questions you asked and all the conversation we had during the writing of it, this fic wouldn't be what it is.I hope your day at least was better! *hugs*
So nice that they were able to return the favor for Hermione.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
It was a kind gesture *nods*Thank you, deb!
I love that giant. He's so wise and loveable.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
*grins*I grew rather fond of him, too!Thank you for your lovely review!
Great story! Great concept! I think a sequel, where Hermione and Severus further explore the Music of the Spheres, would be fantastic!
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
So glad you like it!Yes, there is a sequel in the works. :D
Response from blackeyedlily (Reviewer)
Wonderful news!
I loved the girl talk between Narcissa and Hermione. A pure-blood enjoying the retail joys of Muggle London. LOLBut I wonder why during three encounters Hermione hasn't made a connection between Severus and the Malfoys. I guess she's not putting two and two together when Narcissa vaguely mentions her friend. Hermione must realize that both DE and 'good' wizarding society has shunned them. Or maybe she doesn't know who to trust when speaking about the 'spy who didn't really die'? Or maybe I'm anxious for the SS/HG romance to begin?
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
I don't see any way for Hermione to have a reason that the Malfoys are looking after him at this stage. :DOh, of course, waiting for the romance to begin does make sense, and I'll admit I did draw it out rather long, lol.
The hag is an enigma. She is very sensitive to the Earth, but I wouldn't equate her to Gaia, or should I? I thought she was the piano whose notes seemed to snatch Severus from the hands of death, but perhaps she was Hermione's wake up call, alerting her to conduct the planets, or their music, to healing, rather that wallow in the emotional pain she felt from Severus dying. Healing Lockhart? Seems like a waste, but if he will devote himself to serving the wizarding world instead of his blatant self-promotion, I guess he's not all bad. Why not heal the Longbottoms? Curious minds want to know!
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
No, not to Gaia. Imagine her to be, perhaps, an instrument. :DYou're spot on about her snatching Severus from the hands of death!Healing someone is never a waste I don't think. Thanks, as always, for your lovely review!
I thought the giant was a figment of Hermione's imagination, despite the real life results of her dreams. But then the giant just pops up and knows all the answers. Is he related to Dumbledore? LOLLove the friendship growing between the witches, breaking down the barriers of bias. At least Lucius can see that Narcissa enjoys Hermione and thrives in her company. I don't see that he had much of a choice to return to the DE after Voldemort's physical rebirth. He didn't have an excuse for hesitating like Severus did. It would have been curtains for Lucius to defy the DL.I'm slowly warming up to your Lucius. Canon LM was self-serving and not always the concerned family man. Your Lucius is devoted to family and friends. He sees the injustice served to Severus and he wants to remedy it as well.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
As a being of light, I'd say he looks at things from a different perspective and therefore appears to be quite omniscient compared to us mere humans, l,ol.Glad you like the friendship between Hermione and Narcissa!And you're absolutely right about Lucius not having had a real choice.So pleased you're warming up to my Lucius!
And nothing would please me more than you and Lucius deciding to stay on, but alas, I fear loveliesless times are back again.I truly enjoyed every bit of this story and considering ah, you know what, that's quite something if I may say so myself :)Thank you for the music (I have been into classical since my childhood but have come to appreciate and love certain kinds of rockmusic as well), the mushrooms and for being nice to the Malfoys. Can't wait for the sequel and hope - well, you don't have to be Trelawney to predict what exactly.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
LOL!I'm so glad you enjoyed it despite the, uh, elements you don't like. :PYou're most welcome for the music. And I've been nice to the Malfoys for a long time. :D
Response from slythkid (Reviewer)
I know you have. No reason not to thank you, though. :D
Wonderful, Lady...just wonderful! And I am SOOOO excited that there will be a sequel. The ending of this story reminded me a bit of one of my favorite books. Of course, this story ended much more happily however open ended, but nevertheless, 'tomorrow is another day'! I can't wait to find out what happens next. Well done. I listened to Holst while reading this...your story made me think of his Planets Suite.
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Wow, you have such praise for this fic! Thank you!It's funny you should mention Holst. I actually considered his Planets Suite as a basis, but then, Lucius, my Muse had entirely different ideas, of course. :D
What an awesome story! I'm glad to hear that Hermione and Severus will be spending a lot of time together indeed, since they will be both living and working together. I imagine that will be quite an adjustment for Severus, someone who, until very recently, has spent so much of his life in a relatively solitary fashion. Then again, having a new lease on life opens up so many wonderful possibilities, and it sounds like Severus and Hermione are very happy. I think they have a wonderful foundation to build on and wonderful friends in the Malfoys.But I have to wonder... how will Hermione's other friends react to the changes in her life? And how will the wizarding world react to having the Music back... I imagine Hermione will find herself bombarded with requests should her identity be revealed to the general wizarding public.Again, this was a completely awesome story and I enjoyed it very much!
Response from karelia (Author of Harmonic Resolution)
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts!Sure, it'll be an adjustment. But... hearing the music, being healed by it, is a profound spiritual experience that takes away much of negative emotions, so I think he'll be quite fine sharing his life with Hermione.Some might try to make requests to her regarding the music. But keep in mind that she isn't playing it herself; she coaxes it into playing when needed, and occasionally the music gifts her by playing just for her and her loved ones. We'll have to see how the sequel pans out to that regard. :)