New Chapter for Chiaroscuro
julymorning13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
Owain, the head of the Order of Bards, sends Hermione to Wales to gain experience at the feet of a master. There, she discovers that contrasts can be powerful inspiration. Written for tsukisei in the Winter 2008 SS/HG Gift Exchange.
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About julymorning
Member Since 2007 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 98 | 13 Reviews Written | 1,043 Review Responses
Reviews for Chiaroscuro
I love this story so far, for a few reasons:
A. It's beautiful, I love the idea of Snape being a secret bard since the age of 15, and Hermione trying to rely on a sense of creativity, rather than just book learning (as SS wanted her to do at school)
B. Because I know the St David's area fairly well, and the descriptions are accurate and wonderful! It's an emotional place for me, and holds lots of happy memories and growing-up moments and love. I think you're descriptions of the landscape, alongside the story, are doing it justice. Also, I get to say "I've been there!!" To myself, which is fun!
C. I know nothing technical about music, but I am having no trouble in imagining how it's manifesting itself and running through the fabric of the narrative.
oohh! it's lovely. It such an original plotline! I can't wait to read more, especially Severus' reaction. The setting that you've chosen for the story is lovely, and i like how you have them sing for the animals. ’m not ready to leave…not by a long shot.zI’m not ready to leave…not by a long shot.
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed the setting myself, and it's gratifying to read that you did, also. Unfortunately, that is the end of the story, so we will not see Severus's reaction, but I like to imagine that he revises some of his opinions of Hermione (while still being a harsh taskmaster, of course!). Thanks again for the review. :-)
Love it! Pity it was not a little bit longer, I wanted to know what Sevie would think after their passionate night *sigh* hehehe, She is so lucky!
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
I would have liked to go on too, I think, but I was working with an unofficial limit of about 15,000 words. Perhaps I will carry the story on at some later date. I'm so glad you loved it - thank you for the review! :-)
I like it. It's unusual, interesting, and convincing. I like that you made Hermione an alto. (just for the record, I am a soprano). I like the candor of hermione's voice.
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you! I liked the idea of Hermione as an alto, even though the prompt asked for soprano. Alto seemed more fitting, given the setting a chose, but there really is nothing like a clear soprano sometimes. :-) I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story.
This was really nicely done. Couldn't stop after just one chapter to review :) The imagery was great. Kinda makes me wish I was there with them. They had a nice dynamic. It would be unrealistic in this situation for them to have been all warm and fuzzy or constantly at each other's throats. This worked very well for me. I liked how she was so amazed at the influence he had on the people in the pubs, only to find out it was a bit of magic on board. On top of his natural talent, of course. I always think that when someone is really passionate about something that they do with their hands, there is this kind of graceful beauty in watching them work. Her relating his treatment of his guitar to him touching a woman I thought was dead on. When I got to the end of the bedroom scene, and realized that I was almost out of story, I felt like the end was going to be really rushed. However, upon reading the last section, it wrapped things up nicely, telling us where things go from here, but also leaving some to the imagination. Thanks for sharing!
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
What a wonderful review! You have warmed my heart. I'm really pleased you liked their dynamic. I feel the same way you do about competent hands - there is always such elegance involved. I'm happy you liked the ending, too - I wanted to leave it a bit ambiguous, but sometimes that doesn't always work. Thank you again! :-D
Oh well. You have me hooked already. Wonderful imagery and fabulous interaction between them The thought of Snape being musical make my heart swell! *click bookmark* *click favourite*
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Hurrah! Thank you for such a lovely review. The rest is posted now!
absolutely brilliant! What a great job with the story line and cxharacterization - I am learning so much!!
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :-D
So excited to see you writing a new story. Your subject matter tying them together is original. Music is so subjective and passionate. I wonder where you will take them? Can't wait to read more.
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you! I can't claim the credit for the subject matter, as it was tsukisei's prompt, but I fell in love with the idea and tried to make it work. The rest of the story is posted now, so I hope you enjoy the rest! :-)
What an interesting idea for a story! I'll be looking forward to more.
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you! :-) The rest of the story is posted now.
Great fic, truly original. I am looking forward to this, and am enjoying the depth of musicianship involved. Are you a music major past or present, by any chance?
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you so much! The rest of the story has been posted now. I was not a music major, alas, but music is an abiding interest of mine and I did supplement my education with lots of courses on music theory. I remember squeeing with delight when I saw the prompt! :-)
Intriguing...very intriguing indeed. I look forward to reading further!
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thanks very much! The rest of the story is available now. :-)
This was amazingling different, I loved the olde-worlde mixed with the more modern.
I am very sad to have found this story marked as complete. There's so much here! It would be lovely to see where these two go. Really one of the best stories I've read in awhile.
Response from julymorning (Author of Chiaroscuro)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm really sorry there isn't more - one of the rules of the exchange was that the story had to be less than 15,000 words (if I remember properly). Perhaps one of these days I will write a sequel of some sort! :-D
Response from sdemelo (Reviewer)
That would be awesome! Please let me know if you do. I would love to read it!Cheers,Sabrina