New Chapter for The Truth Shall Set Him Free
The Truth Shall Set Him Free
GeminiScorp41 Reviews | 41 Ratings, 0 Likes, 35 Favorites )
Hermione, Severus and Veritaserum. A short AU drabble series complete in three chapters.
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About GeminiScorp
Member Since 2006 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 29 | 115 Reviews Written | 172 Review Responses
My favorite ship is HG/SS. I don't really like Snape with anyone but Hermione but I'll read (and most likely write) her with just about anyone else. I also like a good HP/DM every now and again. (Thanks Drac!) Please review with constuctive criticism (and praise if you wish! ) I would love for my writing to develop and any advice would be appreciated!
Reviews for The Truth Shall Set Him Free
I loved this, and the 100s style really suited.
It was sweet, in a very Snapish way (gee! how often can that be said?!)
Very nicely done!
Oh, hoorah! Those were perfect questions for her to ask, even when I thought she had wasted her first. She really made #2 and #3 count! Gemini, this was so much fun to read, and so well written. And that it was done in 100s added so much to the pacing. Great fic!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you so much! *hugs*
Awesome stuff... I really enjoyed this!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you so much!
What an enjoyable read!One could say it was lucky that Snape overheard her conversation with Harry and chose to act on it.The setup was done brilliantly.Just one thing - if I recall correctly, Veritaserum has to mature a full moon cycle after brewing before it can be used. But as Snape told this Umbridge in OotP, we could argure he only said this as an excuse to not have to give one to Umbridge.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I decide to ignore the facts about Vertaserum and use it for my own purposes. LOL
Where is chapter 3?
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
It's fixed now! =D Thank you for letting me know.
Doesn't it always! :)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Yes it does! =D
Well done. It would probably take Veritasearum and a scenario like this for Severus to admit the truth to her. How very Slytherin of him.I really enjoyed this little drabble.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
*nods* I think so too. He isn't very open with his feelings, is he? Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Yeah!! Very nicely done - sweet without sappy - thanks for posting!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!!
Great story. Loved the angst of chapters 1 and 2, then the poured-his-soul-out tension and relief of chapter 3. "Do you want to kiss me?" Great question. Job well done. Mischief managed.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you!!
This is so sweet and well written that (I'm embarrassed to admit it) it aroused me *blushes*. Again well done.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Well I'm glad you found it enjoyable! LOL Thank you for reading and reviewing. =D
This was absolutely gorgeous, it really was. It was lovely to read something so tender and sweet.In that last part of this chapter, where he is laying his heart bare, I somehow had the image of Col. Brandon from Sense & Sensibility form in my mind. (As a big Alan Rickman fan I can never quite distance anything SS says from the way AR would have said it!) Your tone of language and the melanchony, self-depreciating way in which he said it made that happen, I think. In so many ways the 'tragic' character of Severus is similar to Col. Brandon's, don't you think?I'm just so glad that, in this, you have allowed Severus to have the happy ending he deserved, just like Jane Austen did for her character - something, as we all know, JKR didn't for SS! Well done for this; thank you so much for sharing! :-)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Awww, Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment! Your kind words really made my day!
Awwww. I do so love this one!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
<i>The room grew smaller as she approached his desk.</i>Very emotive sentence that really brings the reader into the moment.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you!
PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE END OF THE STORY!! Aarrggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
It's not the end! The next chapter is in the queue already. :) I'm glad you're enjoying this.
Response from Becky (Reviewer)
Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love this story....THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! It's great!!!
Severus listening in on her - how rude but effective. I can't wait to read what she'll ask him! There's more, right?
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
His listening was an accident! But of course he will use every advantage he can. LOL The next chapter is in the queue!
I just found this, and had misread, thinking it was complete - what a teaser if that was the end! This is a wonderful series. I can't wait till the next installment!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you so much! The next chapter is in the queue. =D
Oh my! This is good, I mean really good! Simply can't wait for the next chapter now! I don't think I've ever seen this done before; not only is this a novel idea but the way you've written it is unique - well done you! :-)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you so much! You just put a huge smile on my face. =D
aww! where's the next chapter? I love it!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
The next chapter is in the queue! I'm glad you're enjoying it. =D
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
The next chapter is in the queue! I'm glad you're enjoying it. =D
I'm surprised he is willing to taste it. But of course he has the plan.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
He trusts her even though she makes him nervous. LOL Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it. :)
Hmm, what will she ask? What will he reveal? Where will it lead? Can't wait to find out. Love your drabbles!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you so much! The next chapter should be up soon. :)
Oh well done! can't wait to see if Hermione ask the right questions. I'm glad he over heard her talking to Harry. Can't wait for the next Chappy
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you! The next chapter is in the queue. :)
Oohh quickly i'm excited! LOL.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! The second chapter is in the queue. :)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
More is on the way! :)
What an awesome first chapter - I wish chapter 2 and 3 were up already! I'll stay tuned. Cheers to the author.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Truth Shall Set Him Free)
Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying this so far. The next chapter is in the queue. =D