Member Since 2010 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 30 Reviews Written | 15 Review Responses
I've been an avid reader of HP fan fiction for just over a year now, and a Potterhead for much, much longer.
I write original fiction, lyrics and poetry, but I'd never written any fan fiction until now. I'm finding I'm enjoying it immensely.
So far, I've written dark AU, but once I get some of that out of my system, I'd like to try a few other genres.
You never know...
Feel free to friend me on my LJ - where I blather, have fun and do lots of silly things! My fanfiction.net name is darklotus1211, and darklotus on GE and PA
Search Works by darklotus
Current parameters show 3 of 3 stories.
Perfect II: Bliss
by darklotus
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Victory was theirs! Bellatrix was ecstatic.
674 Words, Started 03/14/2011, Completed 03/14/2011
Perfect III: Complete
by darklotus
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Ron knew he'd made a terrible mistake moments after he stalked out of the wards in a fit of rage. Ron Weasley's search for redemption. Third story set in the "Perfect" universe. This world is not a happy place. Warnings: Dark, AU, Mention of violence (not graphic)
2,687 Words, Started 03/17/2011, Completed 03/17/2011