New Chapter for Nocturnal Emission
Nocturnal Emission
KingPig16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
Hermione catches a very intense and intimate glimpse of Severus' nightly activities.
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About KingPig
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 48 | 539 Reviews Written | 570 Review Responses
Professional illustrator. Fledgling fanfic writer. Student. Professional freelance graphic designer. Married. 25. Slytherin.
Reviews for Nocturnal Emission
Fantastic wish there was more.
Awesome! I love it! It needs more, truthfully. I could see another 4 or 5 chapters at least! So, so good.
yeow! hot! hot! hot! thanks
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Thank *you*!!!
this was amazing! i would love to read a sequel or something.please dont end it there!
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Thank you so much! I intend to someday write a series of sequels to this PWP, but it will have to wait a bit for real life to settle down a bit :) Thank you again!
wow, this one really got me! you did a really great job here and i sincerely hope that there will be much more of this story can't wait for a sequel!
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Thank you so much!! I intend to someday write a series of sequels to this PWP, but it will have to wait a bit for real life to settle down a bit :) Thank you again!
Ooooh, delicious, absolutly delicious! If this is your first PWP, then I must highly congratulate you. Possibly one of the best PWP I read :) I just loved the whole thing and I'm going feverishly hope for a sequel
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Oh, thank you so much! It was, indeed, my first PWP, and now I have anxiety about writing another, as I fear it won't ever live up to this, LOL. I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it!! I intend to soon write a series of sequels to this PWP, but it will have to wait a bit for real life to settle down a bit :) Thank you again!
This CAN'T be a one shot! It begs for more. I'm begging. Pleeease.
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Aaaw! Thank you so much! I do have plans to write a series of, well, sequels to this PWP, but I don't know how long it will be before I am able to. Real life is sort of impeding on my fanfic time, but please stay tuned!
This is absolutely wonderful! More, please!
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Thank you so much! I plan to eventually do a series of sequels, but real life is intruding a bit at the moment. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!
Oh.My.GOD!! I swear I did not blink once while reading this. The wank of the century! Oh so delicious!!/M
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
LOL, thank you so much!! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it, it was exceedingly fun to write!
Aside from his Muggle clothing, I did enjoy this, and I'm not even a fan of SS/HG ship. Snape wanking - what more do you want? ;)
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it – I agree, you can't go wrong with a Snape-wanking ;) May I ask which ship you do prefer? Just out of curiosity.
Response from star_girl (Reviewer)
In terms of ship, I like a well-written OFC, or someone we know little about in canon, like Sinistra or Vector. However, I am really warming to the idea of Ginny and SS, and I have a story brewing for that particular ship :)I know I am in the minority here, as most people do love SS/HG, and that's not to say there are not some excellent stories with that ship in - if a story is good, I will read it regardless of ship. :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
How interesting! SS/HG has become my main ship, but I also love Lily and SS, Remus and SS, and Lucius and SS. I guess, as long as it is SS, I'm open. Well, except for, say, Ron or Luna and SS. Hermione is the only former student of his that I really ship with him, and I don't particularly enjoy Harry and Snape, but I have read some very good ones. Unfortunately, there isn't as big a fandom for LE/SS, RL/SS, or LM/SS – at least, not as vast as the SS/HG fandom. But I agree, if the story is written very well, I do my best to open myself to any ship. And as far as other professors, such as Sinistra or Vector/SS, I'm usually much more open to that than former students and SS. (Other than Hermione, and I always make sure to write Hermione as very well beyond "of age.")
Response from star_girl (Reviewer)
I co-wrote a piece of PWP on here with morgaine_dulac with Sinistra/SS if you're interested - it's called Steam and it's written under the name of sevs_starsisters. I have to say I'm not a big fan of slash pairings with SS really - not that I am homophobic in any way, it's just I am quite a purist and I can't help but see the dear professor as being nothing more than a red-blooded heterosexual ;) However, I think RL/SB is a logical pairing for slash, even though I hate Siruis :p
Oh, I'm so glad to see this here!
More, KP, more! (not of this -- I know and understand your stance; but more PWP, pretty please?)
Did I mention I'd be willing to get on my knees and beg like a filthy little slut for more?
Author's Response: LOL! Now that might be interesting to see...
...As soon as RL issues calm down a bit, I promise to hit the keys hard. And fast.
Thank you!!
Whew! Uhm, sequel? Please? This was quite good! :D Well, written, too. Thanks for sharing! -CC
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
LOL, thank you so, so much! A sequel is very, very possible, but it may take a bit to get it all together. RL is impeding on my fanfic world, so as soon as it all calms down a bit, I plan to put all my energy into more PWP! And my other stories too.
Oh this has me panting, what a terrific fic. Damn, damn, damn that this is a one-shot. I want more! At the very least I want to perve inside his head to know who/what he was dreaming of. Faboo. AV
Response from KingPig (Author of Nocturnal Emission)
LOL, thank you so, so much! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. I do have a few ideas for a possible series of sequels, but it may have to wait a few weeks before I can really think about those in depth (RL issues at the moment). But please stay tuned, and thank you again!
This was really good! Would love to see a sequel, maybe something where Severus has the intention of confronting Hermione and instead ends up in a bit of a voyeuristic position himself.
please please please do a sequel!!!!!! Its been months. If you have lots of ideas do several different sequels - but PLEASE do a sequel to this one