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With Love, Your Little Princess Girl
snitchette26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
This is a Yule Challenge response. A woman is telling the story of numerous Christmases spent with her family, beginning when she was a small child and ending with her being a grown woman.
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About snitchette
Member Since 2006 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 4,714 Reviews Written | 448 Review Responses
Hello I'm a french girl who absolutely loves HP and his world, especially one Potions Master and his beloved unsufferable know-it-all.
I'm an avid reader and a faithful reviewer. My friends even dare say I read too much, and sometimes they miss me.
If you need help with French information (language or anything else), please feel free to ask. I'd be glad to help.
Reviews for With Love, Your Little Princess Girl
Beautifully written and told.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you
I know you said this was a sad story, but I found it a wonderful and uplifting one. A life full of love and happyness, with his wife and children and grandchildren, is what we would want for him. I understand his daughters grief,at losing them both, so close together. My tears for the family that are left behind, flow freely, as do the happy tears, when they were reunited.
Very, very sad. It's extremely rare that I cry when reading a story, but I definitely did while reading this.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
At the time I wrote this I also read a lot. And I thought I could never write something sad. I don't know where it came from but even I was cryng when writing it. Thank you for your review.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
At the time I wrote this I also read a lot. And I thought I could never write something sad. I don't know where it came from but even I was cryng when writing it. Thank you for your review.
That was beautiful.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you for thinking so.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you for thinking so.
Yes, the sweet bitterness of life. Lovely angst for Xmas =D
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
It wasn't my intent to write a sad story, but sometimes you just can't ignore the muse. Thanks for the comment.
I am such a daddy's girl that this made me cry.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
*hands you a tissue* I'm sorry. If it is of any comfort, I cried too, despite being the author.
made me cry, too. beautifully done. thanks so much
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thanks to YOU for your kind words. May this New Year brings you joy and happiness, health and everything else you desire for you and your family.
I like that we hear a story from Snape's daughter. :)
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I like it too. After reading so much fictions I was always wondering why authors kept having a daughter for Severus (there are not that much where he's got a son). Now I know why. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review.
That was beautifully done. Sad, yes, but lovely.Some years ago, my husband lost his father suddenly and his mom, who had been battling cancer 4 months later in the beginning of December. We all said she left us when she did so they wouldn't miss a Christmas together. This definitely hit a chord on my heartstrings.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I seems to touch people more than I have believed. Actually a close frind of my parents is fighting cancer. I don't think his wife with let herself die if the worst were to happen. But it's a not a so happy Christmas.Anyway, Happy holydays to you and thanks for the commenting.
That's really sad! *sniff* Nice story.
Author's Response: *hands you a tissue* It's all I can do to make you feel better at the moment. Thank you for the review.
I'm so glad you decided to post it! It definitely has added to the overall quality of this challenge. I absolutely love the voice of Severus's youngest; you caught it with absolute perfection, just like I'd imagine a grown-up child of Hermione and Severus to turn out.Beautiful. Sad, yes. But beautiful nevertheless. :)
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I'm speechless by your words. Thank you so much for the praise and your invaluable help as a beta.
"So here I am, in front of my father. He is smiling. I think Mum has come to pick him up and take him with her. I can feel her presence, as well as his. They are now reunited forever. I think that, deep down, I’ve always known they could not live without one another." Pass me a tissue, dear. I can't seem to see clearly... must be my allergies again...Yours is a wonderful story about a great love shared by two people who were perfectly matched, and whose adoration for one another withstood the test of time. Well done!Beth
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
OMG I've read numbers of your reviews to other authors and I couldn't help but find them well thought and very sensitive.I was not even hoping you'd give me one. Thank you so much and also for the lovely stars.
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
You're making me blush. I really identified with your story. My parents loved each other supremely, but in their case, my father passed away several years before my mother did. When the pastor visited with my sisters and me the day before her funeral, he asked us what he thought Daddy would say when he saw Mama the first moment after her death. Without missing a beat, the three of us looked at him and said all at once, "Mama! What took you so long?"I think your story has that magical spark that most people recognize and respond to. Again, well done!
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Now I'm the one whose allergies are coming back ;) Thank you so much for your kind words.
Your story was a lovely, touching, narrative of lives filled with love and well-lived. A sad ending? Yes. But also a happy beginning to an Eternity together.I've known couples who've died within months or even weeks of each other. Some people truly cannot live without thier one true love.Thank you for sharing.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you so much for your kind words. It's exactly what I think. Yes it's sad but it's also a new beginning for them. One more great adventure.
I'm glad you have broken your vow and wrote this story. A beautiful tale of love and life. Thank you for sharing it.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
And thenk you for reading and most importantly reviewing. I'll have sweet dreams (it's past midnight here) with the lovely stars to protect my sleep.
Awwww, very sweet.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you very much for taking the time to review.
This is simply wonderful and even though you vowed not to, it just had to be told in this manner...
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
That's what I told myself so I'm very glad you enjoyed the story. I'm crying. Excellent story, and the POV/stream of conciousness had a very nice effect. There's no problem with writing a sad story. After all, we have to have sadness to appreciate happiness, right?
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
You're so right of course. Evil and sadness just exist to make happiness more vibrant, more appreciated.Thank you so much for your lovely review and the shining stars and merry Christmas.
Oh that is bittersweet but still happy
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I can only hope people are seing it this way. Yes it's sad but he lived a happy life with Hermione for more than forty years and three beutiful children and a unch of grandchilfren too after all.Thank you for taking the time to leave a review and wish you a happy Chritmas.
Awww. *Feels prickling tears in her eyes*Well done, dear authoress. Merry Christmas.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
OMG That's the first time someone call me an authoress. I'm so thrilled. If I could I'd hug and kiss you right there.
~sniff~ That was so sad, and yet sweet as well. I liked the voice of their daughter. And Severus unable to face a holiday without Hermione. But we know through this that they had a good life together. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Yes they had such a wonderful life together and filled with happiness and tears and everything that make a forty years long life with someone. I happen to notice that numerous people around me didn't survive their husband/wife very long. I don't know if it's from longing or simply because they were old. That probably influence me a bit.Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.
*wiping eyes full of tears* that was brillant. As I was reading I was thinking of my own Father who passed away 21 years ago from cancer. I was his baby girl and he was my daddy *I wish I could stop crying*. Thank you and have a very happy holiday
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
*hands you a tissue* I'm sorry for crying session. I don't if I should be glad or not that this reminds you of your father. Anyway thnak you for the review and hape a happy Christmas.
Response from sregner (Reviewer)
It's fine...he was just a lovely father as Severus is. Just reminded me of our relationship, thanks again for a wonderful story
You made me cry, but what a lovely story.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I'm sorry I made you cry but that's why I warned people *hands you a tissue* Thank you so much for the shining stars.
That was beautiful, the way you followed their life through her eyes. A very sad ending, but with some hope too. I think the picture of the two of them united for eternity is a very lovely image.
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
There's no word to tell you what your review did to me. I'm HAPPY.
That is lovely, snitchette, even though it is sad. :)
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
Thank you so much. I'm not one to love sad ending usually so when words came and I ended with this story I was very surprised (and in tears) but who am I to refuse the muse?
argh! that was a four-hanky story and I'm still sniffling!
Response from snitchette (Author of With Love, Your Little Princess Girl)
I did warn you, didn't I? *hand you another tissue* Thank you so much for commenting.