New Chapter for Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road
Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road
devsgma418 Reviews | 418 Ratings, 0 Likes, 173 Favorites )
Darned Child and Devsgma have combined their talents to tell you the story of what has happened to our favorite pair. It starts with a few letters from one extremely grouchy Potions maker to the manager of a used book store. Canon through Deathly Hallows to the point of Severus Snape's supposed death at which point it becomes AU.
Start ReadingChapters (33)
About devsgma
Member Since 2007 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 14 Reviews Written | 830 Review Responses
Merely a fan playing with words.
Reviews for Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road
I enjoyed this story immensely. From the opening words, to the very last of it, you both captured my imagination and led me through this beautiful story wonderfully. Thank you!Love Sonia :)
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Dear Sonia,You're very welcome. ;)
I am sorry for not reviewing each and every chapter of this beutifully crafted story. The whole plot as it moved twisting and turning grabbed me so much I have read this story over the last two days as its appeal made me not want to stop reading. I love your characterisation of Severus in this snarky and swearing post war story. The whole scenario of Dumbledore putting a curse and also poisoning Severus to me seems very plausable and I do like what you wrote. The eagle for me stole teh show his Chicken lol and the antics of the bird to get SS and HG together was hillarious especially the bird taking that last letter without consent and giving it to HG. Wise bird.
I do realise how good it is to have a superb beta reader and wish I had one as good as yours. I do hope to read more of your stoires and have favourited your stories here so I can read more. Really enjoyed this one and take this review to equal 100 or more reviews. I am blind and prefer to review after I have read teh whole story. Mainly due to my screen reader misbehaving at times and losing links which can be very frustrating when you are in the middle of a most enjoyable read. I shall look forward to seeing your Severus Snape in future. I know you wrote it a while back but for me a newby to SS fic it is so good to read a well written piece of work that obviously took much research over months if not longer. I do appreciate all your hard work. So thanks so much for writing and sharing this with me. Claps hands with appreciation. Janette from Scotland
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Dear Janette,I'm so sorry I haven't responded before now. I must have missed the notification in my email some how. Gmail did go through a change not too long ago, so I'm hoping that's what happened.It doesn't matter how long ago a story was written, the author (or in this case authors) always love to hear they've pleased a new reader. This story was a labor of love from start to finish for both darnedchild and me. We do have a wonderful beta, and she's quite a wonderful person too. ;)
I can't stop smiling everytime Simon/Severus mentions his "chicken". I call my pet cockatiel "chicken".
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
LOL. Thank you. I don't know quite why I had him start calling Yorick that, but it seemed like the kind of thing he'd do. You know, just to annoy the poor bird. ;)
Response from Calicoskys (Reviewer)
IT makes perfect sense. I don't think it would annoy the bird but if Severus THINKS it's annoys the bird that works just as well. I like to tell my Meeka that she ought to pull her weight arround and deliver my mail for me... but she just blinks and begs for a scratch. At least Yorick pulls his weight in work haha!.
and what a joy it was to read...funny, exciting, frustrating, err, stimulating, and finally the happy ending. mere words are inadequate for the thanks i wish to give you for sharing your time, talent and vision. mega mucho smoochies
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Thank you,
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
! Many, many thanks go to you for sticking with us through the many starts and stops. ;)
Hey ladies, this was a nice finish to a great story. I think that the "I'm not good enough for you" drama is truly typical Snape, but I'm glad that it didn't drag out forever. I don't think this needed an epilogue. Instead of ending, this story is really just beginning. I must admit that good old Yorick will definitely be missed. Nicely done!
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Thank you so very much,
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
! And thank you again for sticking with us through all the stops and starts. ;)
That is rather bad for authors to put such a cliffie. I hope it won't be too long for the next chapter. I don't really fear that Severus will die but one never know. Plus Yorick may ignore his masrer's command and SEND the letter. That would be great and should provitd a lot of fun with an angry Hermione flying to save her love.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
Nasty cliffie.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
So let me get this straight. You spoil us rotten with a bunch of chapters coming hot on the heels of each one before it, and now you wait until we have a real cliffhanger to have a slight delay?!?! You gals never struck me as evil before... :)Still, this was a great chapter. While I didn't necessarily think that Hermione's version of the antidote would be the one, I sure didn't expect our furry friends to die.Severus is in rare form here. I love how annoyed he is that she is brewing so well, but then he decides it is ok when he realizes that his superior teaching skills probably played a part in her abilities. His will is two lines long. It's kind of funny in a sad sort of way that that is all that is necessary. And his note for her is so matter of fact, you'd think he was explaining why he had to suddenly go out of town for the weekend, not why he had inadvertantly killed himself. I do hope his thoughts are correct because if he dies she will surely find a way to save him just so she can kill him herself. Looking very forward to whatever is in store for these two. It has been a long journey and I am certain it won't end badly for them. Um, right?
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
We are not Ebil! Well, maybe a little as that ending was written before the rest of the chapter, and it was designed to end that way, but the delay wasn't planned. Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
It says "unconscious", not "dead." I have to take consolation in that fact. And in that you've done 32 chapters so far and would not have come so far to have them be kept away by something as silly as death at the hands of a potion. I look forward to more. Truffles - Sara
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Ohh, num, truffles! Thank you!
Gasp..OH NO This is not good...PLEASE PLEASE tell me Severus survives and is alright, that the spell is broken...Hermione just has to find him in time....Is worried now....SNIFF!!!! WELL DONE!!!
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
I can't tell you that,
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
! Well, I could, but then it might be a lie and then you'd hatesss me! ;)
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! And you leave us this way??? How cruel. He simply MUST survive and be cured. And I must admit that if this were my story, I would have left you hanging there as well... Muahahaha!Post again SOOOON, please.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
HEE! So glad you agree. Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
Evil Cliffie!Somehow I fell off the notice list and missed half the story. Glad I found it again.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
We're quite glad you found it again too! Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
ahhhhh!!!! evil cliffy! update coming soon????
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Yesh, evil cliffy! Mwhahaha. Seriously, I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
Oh no! Well, maybe the pain killed the mousies? Their hearts do run awfully quickly- maybe, like rabbits occasionally do, their hearts just stopped? Poor mice, poor Severus, and... *crinkly eyebrows!*
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
At this point, he just plain doesn't know, but *shrugs* he decided to take the chance. ;)
That was fairly incredible and you are leaving us here for a few weeks? Sigh. Well, RL definitely takes precedence, but I will still be waiting anxiously.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
Still calling her Siren. It makes me cry every time he does. Looks like Severus is going to have a purifying trial, and we will have the trial of having to wait to find out what happens. I loved the way they teased each other in this chapter. Only one chapter to go? So I guess it's going to be worth the wait ;)
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Aww, you're sweet. It look like one more, but you never know for sure til you can write "The End." ;)
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
I don't think I'll complain if it takes another chapter or two. ;)
If he doesn't die she's going to kill him! :)
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
LOL She might at that! ;)
OMG OMG OMG....oh noo, don't die severus. What a CLIFFIE! OMG.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
I have to admit we did decide to end that part there, but not the wait. Part Thirty-Two was written while darnedchild was preparing to move to another state and Thirty-Three is partly written, but it takes a bit of time to settle in. Hopefully the wait won't be long. ;)
Response from mimmom (Reviewer)
That's okay. It will be worth the wait, I'm sure. I love this bookmark/update feature. I rarely read any other fanfiction sites because they don't have this feature. I have SO many stories I'm reading all at once right now that I don't feel so insane if I have to wait for one to be updated. Plus I'm reading a lot of WIPs that I'd have ignored before because I'd have trouble finding the story again or I'd never know when updates happened.
I hope help will arrive in time...!
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
We shall see. ;)
poor mices!ah sev ~rubs his back and eats an ice pop~ every little thing comes right in the end, eventually ^.^ one way or least you aren't like that one Sev in that other story! he royally messed everything up for himself and his he is one sad panda!
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
*offers another ice pop to
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
while wondering what other Severus she's talking about – BECAUSE – there is only ONE, you know?* ;)
Response from keske (Reviewer)
im sorry, you're right. there can only be one!i should cut down on the number of fics i read...soon, all the different Sevs will find themselves in a hotel meeting room drinking chai lattes and discussing "Hermione Wrangling" or some such fiddle faddle...i'm very silly, you see ^.^
What a lovely date! Well, except for the Malfoy encounter, but they managed to emerge from that relatively unscathed. I want them to cancel the rest of their lives, and spend 24/7 on research. The answer has to be there and if anyone can find it, it is they. Keep on churnin out chapters... I'm anxious to get them together for real, and for good.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Ah, the Malfoy encounter was fun! Honest! ;)
oh, my...she did handle them perfectly. wonderful update. thanks and mucho smoochies
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
Thank you and smoochies back! ;)
Sigh. You would think Draco would grow up. But apparently not.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
LOL Thank you.
I love it.
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
We're quite glad you do! ;)
Lorenzo had better behave! :)
Response from devsgma (Author of Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road)
I'm sure he'll try, lol. ;)