New Chapter for Unexpected Events
Unexpected Events
Ladymage Samiko28 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 68 Favorites )
After all is said and done, Hermione finds herself pregnant and alone. But with an unexpected twist or two, there is still the opportunity for happily-ever-after… (For the GS100 'child' challenge)
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About Ladymage Samiko
Ladymage Samiko
Member Since 2007 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 286 | 3 Reviews Written | 99 Review Responses
"It's great to be known, but it's even better to be known as strange."
Takeshi Kaga, actor and Iron Chef host
Reviews for Unexpected Events
Loved it. Thank you!
Very good story. I loved Hermione finding out Snape was alive!!
AAAWWW! I love this - yet another version of how it SHOULD have happened. Thank you very much for posting this; I really enjoyed it. Cat
I always love your stories. You tell the tale so well in so few words. Very heart warming.
I can imagine the scene w/ Minerva. Priceless!!!
That was excellent!
Well! I liked this a lot. Very nicely done - thanks ~
Awe how sweet. What a nice way to begin my day. Thank you.
Very good. Tells a lot in few words. :)
Your fics are always marvelous!Loved it.Perfect ending.
*sigh*I wish we knew a little more about how their tryst came to be, but it's perfect nonetheless.
Lol, of course she had to propose. Daft man. That was quite a fun story, especially the twins part. And I loved it when Severus fainted dead away.
Nicely done.~Lotm
I absolutely loved it!!! I especially loved how Hermione made her own choices and stood by them and not letting the oppinion of others "force" her into something she wasn't sure about. A brilliaant little story, I think I will have to read it once more:-))
Adorable. Thanks for sharing. /M
Loved it.
This is lovely and sweet. My own pregnancy hormones are just saying AWWWWW to this one. Heh. I loved it, thank you.
Oi, I think that would spur any woman into labor... well done!
This was a sweet way to start my day:) I loved it, and it rings true. I'm really impressed that you managed to tell a 20,000 word story ( at least 20,000 words) in a drabble. I would have taken 200,000 words to tell this one and it would not have been as good:)I salute you:)Fizzabella
I love this sweet and wonderful story of my two favorite characters finding love and a family together!Thank you!Beth
cute and i love stories that have hope and a happy ending. thanks
Brilliant!So Hermione, so Severus, so bloody brilliant!
Aww. Sweet ending for Severus.
Lovely =)