The Petulant Poetess Validated Author
Member Since 2012 | 0 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 1 Review Written | 0 Review Responses
So, I'm HalfBlood, but you can call me Gray. I'm 24 and I am studying in college for an actor. I'm a female of course and I'm just a huge fan of Harry Potter series. So, truthfully, I finished the series only a year ago, and a couple months later I found a site featuring Severus Snape/Hermione Granger pairing. Since then, I became a huge fan of that pairing as well as a fan of Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley pairing. I'm pretty nice and friendly in my personality, although I always wish I could make rude, sarcastic, and mean comments just like Snape.
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