New Chapter for To Stopper Death
To Stopper Death
duniazade9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
"Macnair had known he was living on borrowed time."
A/N: This is intended as a kind of coda for Deathofme's "I, Macnair", which you can read here:
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About duniazade
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 35 Reviews Written | 288 Review Responses
Reviews for To Stopper Death
There are worse things than dying, and McNair will get to know all of then.
Holy cats this is dark and twisted. *must* know about Hermione's tragic demise...
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Hehe... it is, and I think I have a sequel simmering. Hermione's demise was described in Deathofme's drabbles here: and it was truly tragic - I assure you Macnair deserves whatever is coming to him.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Holy Shit! I just read the first part. Macnair deserves everything you throw at him and more. Have at it!
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
We will make him beg for death, and deny him.I love your emoticon!
Lulabelle 72 sent me here, so I knew it would be good....You have a fantastic choice of words and the action is engaging! Poetic prose. Absolutely intriguing. Thanks!
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Thank you so much! I'm very glad Lulabelle sent you here, and very glad to know you've liked my story. A review like yours is a wonderful reward.
WOW! revenge can be sweet!! or bittersweet for Severus!!Very good!!! Thanks
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed this short tale of revenge.
I hope Severus makes him suffer beyond screams.
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Oh, don't doubt, Severus will take his time and be as conscientious as ever. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
Here on a rec from the_new_library on live journal, and wow. This is really well done. The only thing I'd change is in the last line-- change "in" to "into": "bit into his flesh."I'll have to read some of your other work if there be any. This is really impressive, espcially conveying so much in such a small space.Thanks for sharing this.
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Thank you for the lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed this drabble. You're right too for changing "in" to "into", I'm going to do that.I have a few other stories on TPP and there are more to come, so I'll be delighted if you stay tuned!
wow. creepy way to look at stoppering death :)
Response from duniazade (Author of To Stopper Death)
Heh, stoppering death is a double-edged sword. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
You're killing me. You're a master of the well-chosen word, the tight phrasings that convey so much.
This is good-- you're inspiring me to raise my game! But you need more readers, I think. I can't access the link to your LJ account for some reason, but if you've got a link that does work, send it to me and I'll put it up on my deviantart account as a rec.
Author's Response: *blushes*
Thank you very much - I'm honoured and humbled. And thanks for wanting to rec. I have corrected the link to my LJ account in my profile, but here it is again:
You have a deviantart account? I'm going to visit you there!
Excellent revenge fic!
Author's Response: Thank you very much, and thanks for the rec on The New Library!