New Chapter for Letters to No One
Letters to No One
GinnyW31 Reviews | 31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
Years after the downfall of Voldemort, a married Hermione sees a man she believes to be Severus Snape. Intrigued, she begins to write him a series of letters.
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About GinnyW
20 Stories | Favorited by 251 | 164 Reviews Written | 529 Review Responses
I'm a 40+ year old mother of 4 who works full-time, goes to school, and writes in what little spare time I have. Once upon a time I co-moderate the SS/HG Gift Exchange with Shiv5468 and Scattered Logic.
Reviews for Letters to No One
I love this story and this ending...i never could let Snape go! this explains nicely why he "disappeared" after the battle. thank you for this!
I loved it...both endings, though I am a sucker for a happy ending. Very well done and I will be visiting your other stories.
I agree...although both endings are nice and very well written, this one is special and tender and wonderful.
I like the sadder ending, too. It's more real to me.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
It is for me too. Thank you.
It's not often that I'm rendered speechless, especially by fan fiction ... but you've accomplished it. This piece was artfully done, funny and sad and quietly, delicately beautiful. *bows to you* Brava.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
Thank you very much. I truly appreciate the compliment.
This story is gorgeously written, one of my favorites from the exchange. Of the two endings, I surprised myself by preffering the sadder of the two.
His letter to her was so very moving, and I am pleased that you allowed us to hear his voice. The best moment for me was her visit to his marker to read to him. *sniff*
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
Thank you so much. I'm a fluffy bunny, normally, and I surprised myself with preferring this one as well. (Ask DeeMichelle her reaction....) ;) *hand you a tissue*
Well I think there will be a overwelming "I love this version" 'cause no one who loves SS/HG wanted him to die. But III-B was wonderful (very sad, tho) too.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
:) Oddly, it's not overwhelming. But I'm glad that you liked it. Thank you.
I love that indignant end. I will have to see which ending I prefer.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
:) Thank you.
I just adored this and really really look forward to final part.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
Thank you.
Oh, what a twist! I hope that Rose's apprenticeship with Sherman Stillers is really Severus Snape. Too coincidental if you ask me.
I look forward to your alternate endings. (I just love alternate endings!)
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
Honestly, I tried to fit in an explaintion of the Potions Master, but it didn't quite fit... he was supposed to be the Master who Severus studied under and he arranged for Rose to study with him.
Thank you!
Interesting and sad that he does not reply - maybe he is reading them but for whatever reason - he does not write back - very sad indeed
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
:) Thank you. I feel awful sorry for him, but the entire process was a healing mechanism for her.
Such sweet providence that the book was in that shop, after such a random encounter with strangers.
Lovely letters and sentiments expressed in this story. Very well done!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
:) Thank you. Yes, sweet serendipity. ;)
I never was one to read epistolary stories, but this one really captured my attention. I would really love for Snape to respond in some way to her letters. I wonder what he would have to say.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
Oddly enough, I rarely read epistolary stories either. I'm glad that you've been enjoying this one. Thanks.
I love this story.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
I thank you, Deanna, for everything. :D
I'm reading stories in preparation for voting for the third round of the awards, and this was a delight to read. Well, a delight in the sense that I love the epistle form and that Hermione's voice was just perfectly done. She sounded older, mature, curious -- wonderful. I especially adored the second ending; it seemed truer to the melancholy nature of the story. The whole thing, though, was just such a pleasurable read. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story.
I can not believe that I like the sad ending better. I am a sucker for a happy ending,but this really pulled at my heartstrings!
A very beautiful and poignant story! While I love the first ending, the second ending would certainly be more poetic, bittersweet and fitting. Thank you for sharing this story.
I love the story, I like the way you portrait Hermione and find her very canon. Normally I prefer a happy ending but your number 2 ending is so beatifully written that i prefer that one. I found the letter from Snape sad and beatifull
well, this ending was very beautiful. i did love to read the letter from severus's perspective, and maybe it does go better with the story, is more likely, etc. and it did make me cry. but i prefer the happy ending for the simple reason that i think severus had enough heartbreak in his life and i always want a happy ending for him. can't help it. thanks for giving us both, so we all get to be happy - or sad - as we prefer.
well, that version of the ending caused me to laugh out loud at the beginning, and then put a rather dreamy smile on my face, so i'd have to say it's a winner. on to the next!
oh! the idea that he had slipped all those books into those places for her to find. this chapter ends in such a sad place, i'm glad i can dash off and read the two endings immediately, without having to wait.
very interesting start. i'm looking forward to reading more. i hope we get answers to some of hermione's questions before the end!
hey! i'm from laporte! it was a shock to read south bend. it's possible that you randomly picked this town and if that's the case, laporte is a town very near. but i doubt that because....who cares about indiana? blah.
anyway...i really enjoyed this story. it was a bit sad that possibly there was never any returned contact until severus' death but it's fitting in a way. i think i preferred the first ending but that's because i'm in the romantic mode.
you had a very fitting voice for both hermione and severus. great job. i really enjoyed this.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Letters to No One)
:) Well, South Bend was because of the nearness to Notre Dame. Let me hear it... "Ahhhhhhh!" ;)
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. :) Thank you so much.