New Chapter for Those Tangled Webs We Weave
Those Tangled Webs We Weave
Dreamy_Dragon17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Lucius knows that something is wrong when Voldemort summons Severus to the Shrieking Shack.
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About Dreamy_Dragon
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 463 Reviews Written | 911 Review Responses
I am a latecomer to the Potterverse (way after HBP). I was searching the web for everything and anything about Snape one day when I accidentally stumbled over my first Severus/Hermione story. I read it, was intrigued, searched for more, and the rest is history.
My fandom world very much revolves around Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.
My favourite 'ships are Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, and my OT3: Severus/Hermione/Lucius.
Reviews for Those Tangled Webs We Weave
Wonderful story, dear. Especially like the line, 'Tell me, Severus, have you ever been kissed?' Thanks for sharing it, dear. And if you are out there, Dreamy, please contact me!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you, dear, for your lovely review. Severus needs to be kissed thoroughly and often It's very good to be able to chat to you again.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you, dear, for your lovely review. Severus needs to be kissed thoroughly and often It's very good to be able to chat to you again.
Read this one again today; it's a lovely story. I like that touch about Narcissa having her own partner; seems fair, and it means they're not cheating on each other.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you so much!
I feel incredibly flattered that you like my story enough to read it a second time
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you so much!
I feel incredibly flattered that you like my story enough to read it a second time
I liked it. Short, sweet and to the point. I just wish canon followed fanfiction. I also enjoted the history presented in the story. It gave the story more depth and feeling.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you!
I'm so happy you enjoyed this :)))
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you!
I'm so happy you enjoyed this :)))
That was lovely. I like this softer, yet still very aristocratic, Lucius.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you so much!
I like to think that Lucius has a softer side with those he cares about :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you so much!
I like to think that Lucius has a softer side with those he cares about :)
Great story. I really enjoyed it!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you :D I am glad you enjoyed the story.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you :D I am glad you enjoyed the story.
I loved it, and would like to hear more about Rachel.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed this.
Actually, I really like this Severus!Lives story. I enjoy Lucius/Severus stories. :) Excellent job
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you very much :)))
I love stories of life-long love affairs. This one was very sweet and gentle with men we don't often see that way. Thanks for sharing, JoAnne
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
I have just re-read your story and like it even more. You make me like Lucius, and that is no mean feat. Thank you!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you for your lovely review <3And I'm rather happy that I made you like Lucius ;)
Here from the TPP Facebook rec and I'm so glad I did - this was so tender and written with such compassion and sensitivity. It's not a pairing I usually go for, but you made them seem so right for each other.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you!I'm so happy you enjoyed this, especially if this isn't your usual pairing. ~pets shiny stars~
This is a wonderful story. I love the way the story is told.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you! I'm very happy you enjoyed this :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you :)))
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you :)))
I loved it.. Did I mention that I really really loved this story. Not many can do the lucius/severus pairing and do it justice. This story showed a human side of Lucius that he was capable of feeling real emotions and not just a heartless bastard
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Lucius has a softer side as well and he cares deeply for those close to him.
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Lucius has a softer side as well and he cares deeply for those close to him.
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
Gods, that was beautiful. I wasn't sure if I should cry or be happy or worry or what.
It is so refreshing to see such faithfulness, in a manner of speaking, and it's especially lovely to see how you've written these two here. What a gorgeous relationship they had.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! *blushes at your kind words and pets shinies*
I like to think that Severus has at least one person in his life who loves him and who would do anything to save him. And I can see Lucius loving him like he deserves :D
This is lovely. I've never been a great Lucius fan (I'm still not), but this all rang true. I loved the moment where he realized that he was a Malfoy and not to be stopped or defeated by by any "self-proclaimed Dark Lord." Of course, things would have been a lot better if he'd figured that out earlier, but it was exhilerating, nonetheless. (I'd always thought it was a bit unlikely that he remained wandless for so long--but that's Rowling's fault, not yours.)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
Thank you for your lovely review!I'm so happy you liked this and found Lucius believable. And I totally agree things might have been very different if Lucius had figured out some things sooner.
Wonderful! It is indeed rare to read a story so insightful about men and their feelings, thank you!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Those Tangled Webs We Weave)
~blushes~Thank you for this lovely review. I'm very happy you like this!
I kinda love this. I'm going to go rec it because it definitely deserves more love!
Author's Response: Thank you! Both for the lovely review and for thinking my story good enough to rec it. I'm so happy you like this!