New Chapter for All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside
All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside
Mazzy52 Reviews | 52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Post war, seventh year. Draco has much to think on since the war and plenty of time to do just that while he performs his duties to Hogwarts. A little time alone with Hermione Granger gives him even more to sort out and he has to decide just what kind of man he plans to be. My take on the DM/HG relationship.
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About Mazzy
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 673 Reviews Written | 190 Review Responses
I'm relatively new to fan fiction, only discovering it after reading DH - around August '07. The first fic I read was a DM/HG fic on Pureblood, and second was an SS/HG on Ashwinder. I've been hooked ever since. :)
I still really like both of those pairings, though I tend to read more SS/HG than DM/HG - who can resist the sexy Potions master? :)
I am also attempting to write my own fic - DM/HG - so if you're into that ship, feel free to tell me what you think. And I'm always interested in reading a good fic so if you have any "must read" recs, feel free to drop me a line. I'm always looking for new stories to get hooked on. lol
Reviews for All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside
Dammit, I ran out of chapters to read. This was excellent. I'd say hg/dm is my second favorite ship. But for some reason I'm very picky about how they're presented and don't find many fics I enjoy. I enjoyed every minute of this fic and demand you continue writing it. Yup, I said it... I DEMAND! lol I can see the last update was awhile ago. I'd love to see another chapter if you can pop one out.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. I am the same with regards to DM/HG - I like it, but I don't find a lot of fics I really like (cuz of the way the characters are written). That makes this review all the more special to me, that you actually liked my take on the two characters. :) And I hear your demand and will get on it - I swear. *holds up three fingers... or is it two??* I never meant to abandon this and I still tell myself it's not abandoned because, even though it's been so long since an update, it's strangely always in the forefront of my mind, rumbling around up there with random lines or scenes that the characters seem to pester me about. lol And, as these things always seem to go, the fic is a completed work in my head so it's not as if I'm adrift, but maybe just a procrastinator. lolHow 'bout I trade ya? A chapter of 'Vain Wisdom' for a chapter of 'All Reason'? ;)
All very important pieces of advice. I liked the part where he said that there would be groveling, there always is with women. That made me giggle.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
I felt particularly in-tune with Snape when I wrote that chapter, and especially his shpew at the end. (In my head) he made that snarky comment so I wrote it. LOL Glad you got a chuckle out of it.Thanks for reviewing!!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
I felt particularly in-tune with Snape when I wrote that chapter, and especially his shpew at the end. (In my head) he made that snarky comment so I wrote it. LOL Glad you got a chuckle out of it.Thanks for reviewing!!
Well, more progress, then serious backsliding. I can't believe she did that!
I wonder what he took from the second year. He seems to waver a lot.
I'm glad Draco decided to stay. They seem to be making progress in their "relationship"
Oh, dear. I'm amazed that Hermione could focus enough to remember grabbing a piece of paper after snogging like that! Oh, my!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
hee hee. Yes she did get distracted for a bit there :) Thanks for following the story and for reviewing!! I hope it will continue to be a source of entertainment for you. :)
Nice progression. Hope Pansy takes a flying leap, though. Never did like her.
A very promising start! I love that Snape is alive, I must say, and I'm loving the banter yet underlying potential for acceptance between Hermione and Draco.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thanks! It's fun to write the banter too :)
This is a lovely story. I hope it is updated soon. :D
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thank you. Chapter five is going to the beta tonight. I had a bit of a block (actually a change in the original outline, and it threw me) so that's why the long delay in between updates. But I am not abandoning this, and I am typing away again so things should get rolling right along :)
Thanks for the read and review!!
Wow! Snape has some great advice there for Draco, now let's see what he does with it. I love seeing Snape and Draco in stories together. I find the two of them very similiar except for the fact that Draco has yet to learn to think before he speaks. (how very typical of a gemini ~6/5/80~lol) I love that you have chosen to have Snape be something of a mentor to him with out being overbearing. He is letting Draco learn his own lessons even if he is orchestrating them to some extent. I wonder what that paper holds? My guess is it is something highly insulting or damning to Draco and he is embarassed by it. I hope we don't have to wait too long to see.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You won't have to wait long at all to find out Draco's secret. And yes, he is very embarrassed by it. I think Draco's fairly embarrassed about a lot of things in his life these days - or maybe he just now realized he should be embarrassed about such things. Thanks so much for all the reviews!! I so appreciate hearing what you think!!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You won't have to wait long at all to find out Draco's secret. And yes, he is very embarrassed by it. I think Draco's fairly embarrassed about a lot of things in his life these days - or maybe he just now realized he should be embarrassed about such things. Thanks so much for all the reviews!! I so appreciate hearing what you think!!
whoa! Draco is...exactly in character! Gret job! I love the angst and the UST between the two. You've written that remarkably well. The boys using their brooms to get up to the girls dorm ~ brilliant! Though...*wanders off to have Snape reset the wards*
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You just wanted a reason to get Snape alone in his office. LOL Thanks for the wonderful compliments!! I am trying my best to keep Draco in character - let me know if I stray.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You just wanted a reason to get Snape alone in his office. LOL Thanks for the wonderful compliments!! I am trying my best to keep Draco in character - let me know if I stray.
My random thoughts about the chapter ~~ ~~I loved the Weasley teasing. He's such an easy target! Your Draco is very endearing, you can see he's at odds with himself. I think Hermione has Snape wrong, he does care, too much. Draco's questioning of Hermione about her and Ron was out of line, (you don't ask a sworn enemy that kind of question! even if you are starting to fancy them lol) and I do wonder if Hermione's answer wasn't a bit ambiguous. Oh, and Draco's being upset about what he preceived to be an insult -- perfect! He is such a boy. lol*off to read the next chapter*
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
When it comes to Ron, the jibes just flow freely. lolAnd I think Snape cares too - well, maybe he just doesn't want the extra paperwork involved if one of the students bites it on his watch. :)Hermione's answer did seem to be a little bit vague. I don't think she'd out and out lie about it, but I bet Draco's assumption of her sex life with Ron, and the reality of her experience doin' the deed might be a little different.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
When it comes to Ron, the jibes just flow freely. lolAnd I think Snape cares too - well, maybe he just doesn't want the extra paperwork involved if one of the students bites it on his watch. :)Hermione's answer did seem to be a little bit vague. I don't think she'd out and out lie about it, but I bet Draco's assumption of her sex life with Ron, and the reality of her experience doin' the deed might be a little different.
ahhhhhh!!! *clicks to the next chapter*
Oh, please keep writing this story. I am so hooked! I can't wait to see what happens next time they interact with each other.
What the heck is Snape doing there? LOL Scary, sort of. I loved how you described Draco's response when she grabbed that paper—eerie calm. Sounds pretty serious. I wonder what his secret is? Poor Draco, now I can see the context of that great insult he gave to Hermione, and he's the one I sympathize with!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
LOL - Snape. It's funny you mentioned that. The next chapter starts with Draco rationalizing Snape's appearance, finishing with "anything else would be just plain creepy". hee hee - I think you might be channeling a little Draco energy this evening :)And I sympathize with Draco too. I think of him as this guy who's always guarded and always has this weight on his back (with his dad the con, and himself the attempted murdered) so he never lets anyone in. Then he finds this girl he likes, drops his guard just for a second, and wham! she tricks him. Poor Draco :(
I loved the scene between Draco and Pansy. Draco's got it pretty bad for Hermione!
Brooms to sneak up to the girls' dormitories! Clever!
I remember you telling me about a kiss that Hermione saw, but WOW! That was more than a kiss, and I didn't realize that Draco would be aware of her watching and that he'd be purposely trying to make her feel bad. Greyback-watch is certainly going to be interesting tonight!
Oh, you're making me into more of an Hermione/Draco shipper than I am with HG/SS! (Did I dare just *say* that out loud on this site? LOL) I love it. I'd say more, but I really just want to go read the next chapter =)
Here I am again staying up so late that it's actually quite early because I got drawn in by your story. I love it so far. The dynamics between them are so interesting.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You're not alone there. I find myself staying up late many times when I should be in bed because I just have to see what happens next. Thanks for such a lovely compliment!! But I do hope you're able to sleep in a little in the morning :)
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
You're not alone there. I find myself staying up late many times when I should be in bed because I just have to see what happens next. Thanks for such a lovely compliment!! But I do hope you're able to sleep in a little in the morning :)
Snape was very interesting in this chapter. He certainly matured once taking on the role of headmaster. Hmm. I loved the chess reference during their little chat. I can really imagine these two playing their little tactical games with each other. Well done! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Two Slytherins... probably every move would be tactical! lol As for Snape 'maturing' I don't know if that's the case since he still treats Gryffindors (and the trio especially) unfairly, but I do think a post war Snape would be able to speak a little more freely -i.e. denouncing the phrase 'Mudblood' (he never seemed to really believe all that tripe in canon).Thanks for the read and review!! More up soon.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Two Slytherins... probably every move would be tactical! lol As for Snape 'maturing' I don't know if that's the case since he still treats Gryffindors (and the trio especially) unfairly, but I do think a post war Snape would be able to speak a little more freely -i.e. denouncing the phrase 'Mudblood' (he never seemed to really believe all that tripe in canon).Thanks for the read and review!! More up soon.
Well, Snape sure knows how to deliver a punch in the gut. I'm dying now to know what Draco does with his advice.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Indeed. :) I think Snape could humble anyone with that sharp tongue of his. LOLThanks for the review!!
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Indeed. :) I think Snape could humble anyone with that sharp tongue of his. LOLThanks for the review!!
Good for Severus. But I do believe Draco is overreacting to so many things. And if I were Hermione, I would have a very hard time forgiving him. He called her a whore again.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
He did indeed refer to her as a whore but I think that was his anger getting the best of him. Remember, she took what was his by tricking him. That can't set easily with a man like Draco - a man who has always kept his guard up. Then, just when he decides to let loose just a little, he gets tricked by this girl that he kinda likes, maybe even more than 'kinda'. I promise I will not let Hermione just forgive and forget. She is a strong woman and strong women don't just take crap from men whether they like snogging said man or not :)
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
He did indeed refer to her as a whore but I think that was his anger getting the best of him. Remember, she took what was his by tricking him. That can't set easily with a man like Draco - a man who has always kept his guard up. Then, just when he decides to let loose just a little, he gets tricked by this girl that he kinda likes, maybe even more than 'kinda'. I promise I will not let Hermione just forgive and forget. She is a strong woman and strong women don't just take crap from men whether they like snogging said man or not :)
Lovely story! i like how Hermione tricked Draco - very slytherin of her! and i'm waiting to see if Pansy has some sort of revenge planned because she IS actually question - since they are in 7th year, why is Hermione not Head Girl? is it b/c they're non-conventional 7th years or maybe b/c Snape is headmaster? just curious! anyways, i hope you continue this story! it's very good! update soon please! thanks.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thank you so much! Pansy's role in this sorted tale is coming. As for Hermione not being Head Girl, my take on it is exactly as you stated - Snape's not going to turn into a 'fair and just' human being all of a sudden and make a Gryffindor Head Girl, and because, despite the reason, she did essentially "drop out" of school and then return later and I figured that (again, despite her war efforts) it could be looked at as not being a proper role model for the younger students - school drop out; putting your life in danger for "adult" causes; and so on and so forth. Thanks for reviewing! I really like hearing your thoughts on the story!! More up soon.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thank you so much! Pansy's role in this sorted tale is coming. As for Hermione not being Head Girl, my take on it is exactly as you stated - Snape's not going to turn into a 'fair and just' human being all of a sudden and make a Gryffindor Head Girl, and because, despite the reason, she did essentially "drop out" of school and then return later and I figured that (again, despite her war efforts) it could be looked at as not being a proper role model for the younger students - school drop out; putting your life in danger for "adult" causes; and so on and so forth. Thanks for reviewing! I really like hearing your thoughts on the story!! More up soon.
Hear hear Severus well done my man. Some fatherly advise, just what he needs. Hope he takes it.
oh no now you've had it. I wonder what is so important with that paper.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thanks for the reveiws!! Glad you've decided to follow this story. That paper is important to Draco, or rather, it's important to him that others don't see it. But I promise to show you what it is very soon :)
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Thanks for the reveiws!! Glad you've decided to follow this story. That paper is important to Draco, or rather, it's important to him that others don't see it. But I promise to show you what it is very soon :)
Oh please Draco you know darn well that you wish it was Hermione on you lap. Stop the lying to yourself. And Ron and Harry need to get over themselves because people do change.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Yes Harry... Harry, Harry, Harry... maybe he's antsy now that he's gone from being the savior of the wizarding world to a regular student. No excitement in his life these days. He may have a bit of a 'savior complex' now. It may just hit him like a bludger when he has to accept that even Draco Malfoy was pulled into something he never asked for.
Response from Mazzy (Author of All Reason and Misunderstanding Aside)
Yes Harry... Harry, Harry, Harry... maybe he's antsy now that he's gone from being the savior of the wizarding world to a regular student. No excitement in his life these days. He may have a bit of a 'savior complex' now. It may just hit him like a bludger when he has to accept that even Draco Malfoy was pulled into something he never asked for.