New Chapter for An Unconventional Moment
An Unconventional Moment
Celisnebula49 Reviews | 49 Ratings, 0 Likes, 103 Favorites )
This was a chance... a chance to make fantasy into reality.
Start ReadingChapters (9)
About Celisnebula
Member Since 2005 | 26 Stories | Favorited by 130 | 2 Reviews Written | 261 Review Responses
Geek girl extrodinare!
I write fan fiction all over the place, a lot of it is archived over at Sycophant Hex, since (as lovely as the Petualnt Poetess is, there's no crossovers allowed) I've been a huge crossover kick lately.
I have no one true pair in Harry Potter. I write Hermione and Snape the majority of the time, but I'm open to anything.
I've loads more fandoms than Harry Potter - far too many to name, so let's just say I'm well rounded, eh? Due to how long it takes me to write, I'm trying not to post things anymore unless they are finished. This includes my current works in progress. Never fear, I've not abandoned a thing, just won't be posting until they're done.
You can always check out my livejournal for the whole geeky scoop on me.
Fixing Charm: Best Underappreciated Author - Winner
Polyjuicer: Best Diverse Author - Runner Up
Reviews for An Unconventional Moment
Please please continue! I'm desperate to know what happens!!
I like how you've made both of them a bit twisted, and the conflict that they're both fighting internally. : )
Thank you for sharing!
I have never read anything of yours before. This is intense and sad and beautiful.Please I beg of you for the love of all that is good, give this a happy ending. Love unreturned is so painful and the pain she lives with everyday is hard enough,she and he deserve happiness. Isn't that why this fandom is so popular? My Gosh you write so well!!
I've enjoyed this story immensley, and can't wait to see what the final chapter brings.Hope we don't have to wait too long for the final chappie! (meant as a compliment, not a criticism)
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Thank you.
I found this story on the SS/HG quiz. I had never read it before and was extremely intrigued. Now, I need that last chapter....and my two cents are that it is love but they both seem scared of it?
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Thanks for the review! Yeah, Molly surprised me when she chose this for the quiz. The next (I think last) chapter is about 1/2 written - but currently on hold cause I'm working on my SSHG exchange piece for the year.
A long time coming, but very much worth reading.Poor Hermione. That's why she didn't want to tell him, but unless he was purposefully being tender with her to force some kind of reaction out of her, to find out the answers to the questions she refused to reply to the night before, am guessing he cares about her too, probably more than he feels comfortable with or is willing to admit...
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Thank you for the kind review! <br><br>I think both are... being protective of themselves, which is why we have the situation were neither is willing to reveal more than they have to. <br><br>I do hope the next chapter, at least, gives the resolution many people seem to want from them.
Sounds like his reaction was pretty much as she expected.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Pretty much - they know each other so well in many ways, yet not at all in others.<br><br>Thank you for the review.
Tell him, silly girl!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
She can't. And he can't hear it - not now, probably not ever.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
No... more like a medical condition. But alas, they were laxed with that as well.
She didn't need a wand... he had all that was needed.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
:) I think he had all any of us would need!
OH dear. How is she going to explain this?
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
She's not. At least not really.
Sneaky Slytherin. She deserved that!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
They both have been sneaky.
Sex on the balcony in full view of anyone who looked up. Decadent!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
:) Everyone needs a little exhibitionism in their life.
Very sneaky! :0
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Sneaky of me? Or sneaky of Hermione?
How nice it is to see you are alive and hopefully well! As always reading your work is a pleasure and if I get a vote I'd lean towards a happy ending for our couple since canon Snape had a less than happy ending.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Thank you for such a lovely review. <br><br>Unfortunately, I don't think this will turn out to be as happy as people want - it will be as happy as I can make it, but they're bothing being stubborn and pathetic. Hopefully I can still do them justice.
Unless he decides that he generally doesn't do love but in this case, he wants to do love, there's not much chance for them. Hermione wasn't likely to be "loved" by her polyjuiced Severus, so this admission from Severus does not constitute a loss from where she started. But it is crushing to hear it said aloud. That dream is gone. Time to move on to someone who will love her.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
When I think about what he had to go through with Lily... he desperately wants love, but he will never admit it. Look at how his heart was torn out before. Better to turn it away, spurn it before he can reveal himself and be hurt. <br><br>Thank you for a lovely review!
Response from mikimoto (Reviewer)
It's true: Nothing ventured, nothing lost. But it is also true: Nothing ventured, nothing gained! I wonder what it would take for him to give up his self-protection in order to gain love and an end to his loneliness? I think we sometimes talk ourselves into believing that the pain of a love ventured and lost is greater than the loneliness of no love, but it is not. He certainly has data that she fancies him to such an extent that she conjured a fake relationship and put up with his mistreatment just to try to grab at the smoke of having him. Why not try?
please update. I want to know what happens.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
I have... too bloody forver too (sorry about that) and am in the middle of the final chapter. Hopefully it won't be another year of waiting.
Yay, another yummy nibblet of smut after ages. Don't forget to update soon! XD
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Don't really know if there'll be an update any time soon - but here's to hoping :o)
Have they been using contraceptives?Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
OOOhh wonderful question! Mmmm to answer, Hermione put contraceptives in the polyjuice potion, however.... the real Snape isn't taking PJ. Though, not sure if she really is going to be preggers or not.
I just love this story, I have read it many times on several sites. Please, if you will, let us know what will happen next?
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
While I thank you very much for the review, I have to say I haven't anything new on this, as of yet. I'm slowly (unfortunately a snail running a race seems to move faster than my writing muse these days) writing the next chapter to this. I wish I could give a ETA on it, but the rate I'm going, Aramgeddon might hit us first.
please update soon ,don let us hanging like this!!!!!!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
I'm slowly working on a new update for this.... just got a bit side tracked.
Holy mackerel, but this is HOT! I can't wait to read more -- perhaps a chapter where she's in charge of Severus with a little Snape bondage!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Hmmm, not sure if that's where the next chapter is heading, but one never knows.
I'd forgotten how delicious your writing is.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
LOL only part of the time.... other times it can get downright painful.
Oh my god........... this is delicious........
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
I'm glad you liked this latest chapter :o)
Response from FishLover (Reviewer)
Hmmm, I don't think like quite describes it... but I do think you have been reading my mind... you have written Snape just as I would like to see him... love the control, the BDSM twist, and Hermione's reaction to it... Still think the polyjuice potion ploy was brilliant!
Oye.... WOW.... now THAT is an unexpected twist.... how clever!Hmmmmm.... wonder what could be next?
Response from Celisnebula (Author of An Unconventional Moment)
Thanks :o) I'm glad you liked the twist.